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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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  coasterkyle said:
here we go with the comments of the restraints ..... feels like deja vu.



It is what it is, some people don't have a problem/discomfort with these restraints and others do. ...And then there are the ones who just like to complain.



BTW, the front of the train looks real cool.

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The restraints were talked about last week in the hard hat tour. Mark rose said in one video that the restraints would not be fabric, but would be a soft foam not seen in any train to date. This could be wrong and it could be regular hard Intamin foam, but It was pretty recently that a new, soft foam was mentioned.

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They put a cheetah head on the train and it still looks bad ass. I didn't think I would like it but I really do. I hope the decals on the front are pretty minimal like maybe just the eyes, but I'm confident they will look great.

When Seaworld built Manta I feel they did a perfect job. They took the available land and built a coaster that is perfect for their park. Busch Gardens Tampa seems to be doing the same thing with Cheetah Hunt, well almost. I will give them a break about the name, which by the way I don't see a single good reason not to change (sorry), because every other aspect of the ride is really good. I think when it's done the design team will be able to sit back and smile widely.

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That has got to be one of the pudiest trains I've ever seen. Just so detailed, and it hasn't even got the decals on it If they don't put any on, it'll still blow the competition out of the water. Now the real test, to see if they move like a Cheetah on the track


Btw, are these going to be short, 3 car trains like Maverick?

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  Fooz said:
The restraints were talked about last week in the hard hat tour. Mark rose said in one video that the restraints would not be fabric, but would be a soft foam not seen in any train to date. This could be wrong and it could be regular hard Intamin foam, but It was pretty recently that a new, soft foam was mentioned.



I believe you're correct and I quote from BGT's facebook, "Cheetah Hunt's harnesses are not what were on Maverick - they are, in fact, a new restraint that Cheetah Hunt will be the first to have!"

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^Maverick uses that color of wheel for the road wheels along w/ a yellow and redish color for the upstop and guide wheels.


Edit: The wheel configuration most likely will be changed from what it is now to so that the trains run a course time ideal for operation of the ride. If I recall on a discovery show on the construction of Tatsu, they had to try several different wheel combinations before they finished testing the ride, and opened it to the public.


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^You're right. Each Tatsu train was delivered with a different Nylon to Polyurethane wheel ratio. Nylon being harder than polyurethane provides a faster ride. Polyurethane's semi-soft characteristics provide slightly more resistance on the track rail thus having lower speed and G-forces.


As you can see in the image below there's the 2 different types of wheels on this 1 train. Nylon wheels are white in color and polyurethane wheel can be a variety of colors but in this case they are a brownish color.



Not sure if Intamin is doing this procedure with Cheetah Hunt's trains or not. Intamin seems to use Polyurethane on most of their newer coasters.

Edited by DJeXeL
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  jjune4991 said:
Haha, I was just about to post that, Alp. They say that it's a first for Cheetah Hunt, does that mean it's completely new, or it's new for this style of coaster.

The way I read it, it sounds like Cheetah Hunt is the first coaster ever to receive this new type of restraint. So it sounds like it's totally new and Cheetah Hunt is the lucky coaster to get it first.

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Very, very sleek. I like that the trains are four cars. I haven't seen a long train on an Intamin launched coaster since Storm Runner.


EDIT: Forgot about Superman Escape (MWAus). Shame on me!

Edited by A.J.
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wow these trains are impressive! Just adds to the excitement and buzz this ride is giving off. This one will definitely continue to prove that it doesn't need the height, the speed, and the inversions to be a kick a$$ ride!

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Busch Gardens is one of the best theme parks in America. No joke! I've been to some famous theme parks and Busch Gardens stood out because it didn't just have crazy and incredible rides but also other attractions like zoos, shows and a lot more. The shows were extravagant! I enjoyed spending my whole day in the theme park. The Busch Gardens adventure I had was definitely worth my money.

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