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Most Photogenic Coasters

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I tried doing a search for a topic like this, but the closest I found was the post your favorite coaster color scheme thread.


I find that there is something arresting about the curves and shapes roller coasters create. And regardless of the ride there are some coasters out there which are so visually stunning that it is hard to deny that they look great.


Here are three that I love.


Goudurix at Parc Asterix is the first that comes to mind. While it's probably the worst ride at the park no one can call it an eye sore.

Photo by Hhappy


And the Giant Dipper at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk is what I think may be the most Photographed coaster in the world.


The Voyage at Holiday World has always been eye catching to me. This photo in particular was my desktop background for a good part of a year.

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^^^ Mmmm, the ultimate example of B&M goodness(the hulk is really nice looking from far away also)


My personal favorites are the following. 2 are not coasters, but are the two most beautiful rides on earth(IMO) and need to be put here because they are the most photogenic.


The most beautiful ride in the world and almost(but not quite) a credit.

Photo by Chuck(cfc)


Second most beautiful ride in the world. Tower of Terror-Disneysea.


Just amazingly well themed. Only Disney(and universal) can pull off something like this.


California screamin(with water) is beautiful, with a very unique look added due to custom Intamin supports to make the coaster look like a wooden coaster. YAY INTAMIN GOODNESS


The coaster is also in my top 10


Loch Ness monster is beautiful and considered to be one of the best arrows(this seems to be second best after tenessee tornado)

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Since hundreds of coasters are photogenic, I'll just have to go with a couple favorites I've seen in person.

Medusa (SFDK). The colors + curves= <3 , and practically any photo of her is beautiful.

Tremors. There are some great angles that really convey its intensity.

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Superman: Krypton Coaster


Totally forgot about this one. Though I have never seen it in person I love the way the old quarry was worked into it's design.


It reminds me of Magnus Colossus at Terra Mitica in Spain, another beautiful coaster build into an old quarry. From what I've read, It's a real shame that the ride Magnus Colossus gives isn't good.

Picture from rcdb.com

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What is that last picture of, CJ?


The last picture is the infamous Journey to the Center of the Earth at Disneysea. It is infamous because it is considered by many people to be the most beautiful and highly themed ride in the world.(its awesome, and thats where the lava monster is from) Also, it uses test track techhnology(sudden acceleration and deceleration) and is supposedly much more reliable than test track. In fact, strangely enough when Cars is built the only resorts that wont use test track technology will be Paris and China.

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