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Thorpe Park Bans People from Putting Arms in the Air

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In a bid to crack down on sweaty summer smells a theme park is banning visitors from riding its rollercoasters with their hands in the air following complaints about body odour.

As of tomorrow, which is expected to be the hottest day of the month, Thorpe Park will put up signs telling visitors to keep their arms down on the rides and 'Say no to BO'.

With temperatures expected to reach 29C, (84F) bosses at the park in Chertsey, Surrey, expect an excess of perspiration as punters queue to go on rides guaranteed to make you sweat.

As well as signs, wardens on the rides will also remind people to consider their fellow passengers.

Anyone ignoring the warnings will be escorted off. Those who continue to do so will be asked to leave the park.

Mike Vallis, a director at Thorpe Park, said: 'We've found that when the temperature tops 25C the level of unpleasant smells can become unacceptable and we do receive complaints.

'Our rides are really scary and people tend to sweat more than normal due to the fear and anticipation they experience while queueing up so it can get really pongy.

'Therefore, we felt a ban in temperatures of 25C plus would be the best way to ensure our guests have the most enjoyable experience and aren't exposed to any unsavoury armpits.'


I can understand to a certain extent, it certainly isn't nice sitting next to someone who requires a shower, but at the same time, a bit harsh to escort them off, just escort them to tidal wave! That'll sort out the problem! Either that or have some complimentary cans of Lynx Anti Perspirant hanging about the station platforms! lol

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Trust me, from smelling some of the British backpackers we get up here ( Cairns Far Northern Australia ) where the temp very rarely drops below 29 during daylight hours.


I can understand why Thrope did this, but they would be better of teaching some of there country man/woman how to maintain personal hygiene.

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Trust me, from smelling some of the British backpackers we get up here ( Cairns Far Northern Australia ) where the temp very rarely drops below 29 during daylight hours.


I can understand why Thrope did this, but they would be better of teaching some of there country man/woman how to maintain personal hygiene.


The temperature doesn't very often reach 29 degrees in the UK. Tomorrow is forecast to hit 29 making the hottest day of the year so far.


Is it a general idea by Australians that the British don't know how to maintain personal hygiene? I find that rather insulting and I'd be even more insulted to be escorted off of a ride if someone complained about BO on a clearly (by UK standards) a hot day.


As said earlier, your on the ride for 2-3 minutes. DEAL WITH IT!

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Trust me, from smelling some of the British backpackers we get up here ( Cairns Far Northern Australia ) where the temp very rarely drops below 29 during daylight hours.


I can understand why Thrope did this, but they would be better of teaching some of there country man/woman how to maintain personal hygiene.


The temperature doesn't very often reach 29 degrees in the UK. Tomorrow is forecast to hit 29 making the hottest day of the year so far.


Is it a general idea by Australians that the British don't know how to maintain personal hygiene? I find that rather insulting and I'd be even more insulted to be escorted off of a ride if someone complained about BO on a clearly (by UK standards) a hot day.


As said earlier, your on the ride for 2-3 minutes. DEAL WITH IT!



Lets not turn this topic into a flame war between Australia and the UK, I put the post up for information reasons and to have a laugh, not to start a war!

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Don't almost all parks (in North America at least) tell you to keep your hands in the car at all times? This isn't any different (besides the BO part, which I agree is a publicity stunt).


I never took that to mean you have to keep your hands down and gripping the retraint though...maybe I am wrong?


This is a silly rule because you can smell bad B.O. when you are standing in line and their arms are down anyway!

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Mike Vallis, a director at Thorpe Park, said: 'We've found that when the temperature tops 25C the level of unpleasant smells can become unacceptable and we do receive complaints.


LOL 25°C thats our december average temperature and we almost freezing to death LOL

I guess all those Britains that complaint wont be visiting Mexico any time soon.

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Went to the park today and they seemed to be taking it quite seriously! Lots of signs up saying "No to B.O.", announcements about keeping your arms down and deodorant in the stations! Didn't recall anyone really putting their hands up, and most people seemed to take it quite well.


It's a bit of a laugh, but considering that half of Thorpe's audience are going through the acne-ridden odourific pubescent stage, it's not a bad idea. I take care of my personal hygiene, so I don't see why anyone else shouldn't.

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Has anyone noticed if the Deo they have in the stations are all the same brand? Or are there small brand markings in the corner of the signs? They might just be stealth (not the ride) sponsorship. Like some Malls are doing now with hand sanitisers.


What if someone doesnt have BO, but is just wearing Sex Panther instead? can you get escorted off for that too?

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