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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Construction on the bridge has finally started.. It looks like the roof can be seen in the background (it's much clearer if you blow the picture up). This weekend can't come soon enough.


* Taken from BGWFans *


EDIT: Threw a pic of the bridge into the post.

EDIT: I found better quality pics at Coaster Crew and decided to post higher quality versions.



EDIT: Surprise :) Higher quality pics taken from Coaster Crew.

Edited by netdvn
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^ The colors are Red, Orange, Green, and Blue


I thought there would be 5 trains running at once. Are two of the trains the same colour?


Four trains have been spotted so far. The fifth train either hasn't made it on site or is hiding somewhere on the track/inside the park already. Chances are the fifth train will probably be colored yellow. Black is a possibility too.

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Four trains have been spotted so far. The fifth train either hasn't made it on site or is hiding somewhere on the track/inside the park already. Chances are the fifth train will probably be colored yellow. Black is a possibility too.

Four Trains? I only saw red, orange and green on this thread, I looked trough the tread and haven't seen blue for the last 10 pages. So does anyone have seen a picture of the blue one and could (s)he post it here?

I hope the fifth is yellow because that would fit more whit the other four. I can't see how black would fit whit the four so far.

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The only pic of the blue train was when it was covered sitting next to the red train

I thought that was the orange one. I looked closely and saw some orange colors coming under the plastic sheeting. But yeah it is covered so it is hard to tell, It could be the blue one it could be the orange one. I'll take your word if you say blue.

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*Sorry about the double post*


Coaster Crew leaked another picture of the inner-workings of V-bolt. Since today's the hard hat tour (and it's unusually warm for late-Feb, early March), bring back some awesome pictures. It looks like the park's already gotten down to adding theme elements to the ride.



This is gonna be awesome.


EDIT: The park posted a nice update on the coaster. The drop track has been officially revealed by the park and you get some real nice pictures of the construction. This video is really getting me pumped for the opening.


A huge update is taking place on the park's website. This thing is really looking impressive.


More inner-workings of the coaster


The queue is also starting to take shape.


Overlooking the Rhine




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I just returned from the Verbolten Hard Hat Tour. It was awesome and a few unknown things came up. I will try to have a Photo TR up sometime later today or tomorrow.


Until then, Here are a few new facts.


-The 5th train arrived at the park today, though the park refuses to release it's color.

-The helix inside the event building was designed so that there will be .5 lateral G forces along with positive g forces.

-The ride is the most expensive ride to date for BGW, and one of the largest capital investments to date company wide. (Though Larry Giles declined to reveal exactly how much.)

-There will be a full 1.8 seconds of airtime as you crest the first hill after the launch as you enter the the building.


WVEC channel 13 news was there and interviewed me (Kyle) and I believe, based on the other news crews I saw there, they will have the most extensive coverage of Verbolten tonight. Anyone wanting a sneak peak can follow me on twitter if they wish @snowboardrace.

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I have a feeling this could be the dark horse coaster of 2012, much like Sky Rocket was in 2010 and Wooden Warrior was last year.


I agree, it looks incredible and should be a huge hit. I'm glad to see the park investing some money on themeing and overall quality, hopefully more "seasonal" parks will begin to do the same.


Watch out for Manta at Seaworld San Diego, as a darkhorse candidate as well.

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I think this ride is going to surprise a lot of people. It'll also be a great way for Zierer to prove themselves capable of making big, modern steel coasters. With the crews that BGW normally has, I can see this thing EATING people too. They can run 3 trains on Alpengeist without stacking so 5 on this with minimal to no stacking should be no problem. Another damn trip I'm going to have to make this year...what a problem to have.

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From what I saw and heard today, it's going to be a very "Disney-like" ride. I'm sorting through the pictures, and should have a report posted this evening.

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