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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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^That's an excellent point. I hope there's an appropriate squealing-tires sound effect, along with the smell of burning rubber, before you plunge.


That would be really cool if it was used in conjunction with a brake run. While I would hope it's not a speed killer, the sensation of attempting to brake prior to launching off the edge could turn the MCBR into something actually enjoyable.

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^ But BGW isn't advertising this drop section as the most terrifying element of any coaster, ever. This coaster has been entirely advertised as an extreme family coaster. As long as you go on this ride with expectations for a fun experience, I think you'll love it!

Good point, I like that its being advertised as a family ride. Alton Towers went all out saying Thirteen is an extreme thrill ride and shouldnt be ridden more than once in a day

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^Exactly. Big Bad Wolf was a "family" ride with the lowest height requirement of all the park's coasters. What I like about Verbolten is that BGW is trying to offer a family ride that's unique--thanks to the drop element and special effects (I hope) inside the show building.


They're hoping that Verbolten will do the same thing for BGW that Cheetah Hunt (an excellent "family" ride) is doing for the park in Tampa.

Edited by cfc
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^Exactly. Big Bad Wolf was a "family" ride with the lowest height requirement of all the park's coasters. What I like about Verbolten is that BGW is trying to offer a family ride that's unique--thanks to the drop element and special effects (I hope) inside the show building.


They're hoping that Verbolten will do the same thing for BGW that Cheetah Hunt (an excellent "family" ride) is doing for the park in Tampa.


Just reiterating this as fact!

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That is a MCBR where the LSMs are also used as brakes should a train need to be stopped there.


Here is an image of Bluefire's MCBR.



Notice the LSMs. They need to be energized in order for a train to pass through. If there were to be a condition where the train needed to stop in the MCBR (IE: Fault, E-stop etc...) the LSMs will provide braking force. That's exactly why they are considered "fail-safe." They don't need power to stop a train. Maverick's lift hill and launch work the exact same way as well as Wicked's launch/tower section.


This video shows Maverick's LSMs being used as brakes.

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^No inversions in no way means that there's no heartlining. Heartlining a coaster means that all rotations occur about the axis of the average rider's heart. Every Intamin coaster I can think of is heartlined, as well as the vast majority of every other major manufacturers' coasters. The exceptions are the old Arrows, which rotated their track about the inside rail - hence the painful transitions in their turns.


Verbolten is heartlined, but that doesn't mean it'll look identical to an Intamin - the seats on the ESC's look to be higher than those of a typical Intamin train, and they might be farther apart or closer together, etc. However, I doubt that it's as perfectly done as an Intamin, or a manufacturer that has built dozens of high-quality, large-scale rides. Similar to how it took Vekoma until 2006-2007 to really catch up and start engineering a smoother ride.

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^What "rumor" are you referring to? There is a Verbolten Facebook page. By "rumor" do you mean that this page isn't an "official" BGW page? (If so, you're probably right.)

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