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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Just a completely random (and uninformed) thought...but maybe it isn't a coaster at all--but a drop ride. After all, they did copy Spidey; maybe it's time to copy Tower of Terror. How cool would that be?


On the other hand, the prevailing "SheiKra" theories are perfectly fine by me, as well.

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As a past employee and a shareholder, expect a mention something on an 07 announcement date from the webcast. Information released to the regional BEC operations regarding upcoming dates for 07 project (aka-BGE 07 coaster date). I have projected the date to be around mid-August and the announcement date is suggested to be August 18th.



Credit: http://www.corporate-ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=bud&script=2100

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  Kumba9 said:
As a past employee and a shareholder, expect a mention something on an 07 announcement date from the webcast. Information released to the regional BEC operations regarding upcoming dates for 07 project (aka-BGE 07 coaster date). I have projected the date to be around mid-August and the announcement date is suggested to be August 18th.



Credit: http://www.corporate-ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=bud&script=2100


Just in time for season pass sales!! which I will finally get one (1st time since 2001) now that they will add something worthwhile. I am getting excited now that alot more details are coming out. Hopefully it will be good and they will actually do some theming to this one cause their last effort (theming) really blew!


as for Swimace's comment about Alpengeist, You really should have rode it back in 1997 when it was alot better than Montu, after 1998 it has been a brakefest.



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I had one from 1991-2001 and went many times every year.



1992-Drachen Fire

1993- Haunts of the old country (cool 4d show)

1994-land of the dragons (fun kids area that adults can do too)

1995- Escape from Pompei

1996- Wild Izzy/Maus (which was totally brakeless in 1996)

1997- Alpengeist

1998- Pirates (fun 4d show)

1999- Apollo


since 2000 it has been the same thing with NOTHING new added (with the exception of DK last year)

2001-Ireland (rethemed area with awful sim ride)

2002- REMOVED Drachen Fire

2004- REMOVED Wild Maus

2005- Curse of Dark Castle...........meh

2007- Coaster


If they do not feel the need to invest money into the park then why should I?


Since 2001 I have gone about 3 times and everytime I have had free tickets and in those 3 times I bought 1 meal at the park. Even though the food is good and reasonably priced by theme park standards. It is a VERY fun and nice park but it being one of my home parks is a bit disapointing as far as multiple visits in a year.



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  apollo210 said:
OMG! I like Corkscrew HILL! Its fun! But I gotta agree, Darkastle was the biggest disapointment of my life! I heard it was awsome, but it wasn't really that great. Don't kill me for saying that!!


Oh, we won't--but Ludwig has reserved a special place for you, I'm sure! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!

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I'm surprised with what I'm hearing about Darkastle, between this and the fact they are "sprucing the ride up" makes me wonder why it wasn't as successful as Spidey. I've yet to ride it, but Spiderman is one of the best rides I've been on.


Any idea on how they're going to upgrade the ride as announced by the park?

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  ECZenith said:
I'm surprised with what I'm hearing about Darkastle, between this and the fact they are "sprucing the ride up" makes me wonder why it wasn't as successful as Spidey. I've yet to ride it, but Spiderman is one of the best rides I've been on.


Any idea on how they're going to upgrade the ride as announced by the park?


I think the problem with the ride(DK) is I have been on Spiderman, so I was expecting a ride of similar quality.


DK is not awful by any means...there are some cool moments but the biggest fault in my eyes is that the story makes no sense at all and it ends very abruptly. It felt like the writers had more but did not realize how short the ride was then just ended it. BGE also has made it more confusing this year by eliminating the preshow (from what I hear), which is very stupid cause it is a brand new story to everybody who has not ridden it. As far as the upgrades go I hear they are very subtle and probably most season passholders do not even recognize them.



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  pkdcoaster said:
  ECZenith said:
I'm surprised with what I'm hearing about Darkastle, between this and the fact they are "sprucing the ride up" makes me wonder why it wasn't as successful as Spidey. I've yet to ride it, but Spiderman is one of the best rides I've been on.


Any idea on how they're going to upgrade the ride as announced by the park?


I think the problem with the ride(DK) is I have been on Spiderman, so I was expecting a ride of similar quality.


DK is not awful by any means...there are some cool moments but the biggest fault in my eyes is that the story makes no sense at all and it ends very abruptly. It felt like the writers had more but did not realize how short the ride was then just ended it. BGE also has made it more confusing this year by eliminating the preshow (from what I hear), which is very stupid cause it is a brand new story to everybody who has not ridden it. As far as the upgrades go I hear they are very subtle and probably most season passholders do not even recognize them.





Agreed. When I went it was a 2hour wait. I was really excited. We got on the ride and off really short. I wasn't expecting it to end that fast.

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BGE has officially announced that the LeMans Raceway attraction will "officially" close on July 5, in preparation for a new attraction slated for 2007.


Credit Link:




Farewell LMR! I worked maintenance on this ride for about 6 months (mostly offseason checks/rebuilds) and it is one of a dying-breed of classic rides for the entire family. Anyone ever have a waterballon fight w/managers on the ride? *guilty as charged here*..lol

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BGE has officially announced that the LeMans Raceway attraction will "officially" close on July 5, in preparation for a new attraction slated for 2007.


Credit Link:




Farewell LMR! I worked maintenance on this ride for about 6 months (mostly offseason checks/rebuilds) and it is one of a dying-breed of classic rides for the entire family. Anyone ever have a waterballon fight w/managers on the ride? *guilty as charged here*..lol


Anyone care to share some fun/interesting stories on the historic ride?


Attn Mods: I had posted the message on the BGW "next attraction forum". But, I also posted this message on a new thread, because the announcement was made official and essentially not-related to the proposed ride for BGE-07 (and someone else will eventually begin a new thread anyway). If it is deemed necessary to merge the two threads, by all means you are free to make a judgement call

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A-B has barely ended the reign on LeMans raceway and is now beginning its next course of action with teaser signs within the park. An eerie feeling of (hopefully) proving my theory on the color-scheme too-I reported on that site.


Credit (from friends at BGEscape site): http://www.bgescape.com/


Teaser Photo: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v162/drgnlvr89/100_0496.jpg[/b]

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TPR Member "cfc" has uncovered the first major clue as to what the theme of the ride will be. Thanks for that, by that way cfc.


SheiKra immediately broke into my top 10, I love the concept of dive machines, this clue pretty much puts the last nail in the casket to any other type of coaster with a dive machine at it's sister park.

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Yes. I already seen his post after the post I put on this thread. I just put it on this one to keep it all consolidated (similar to the Tatsu thread) and not have all of the posts all over the place. But, I already posted on that thread and I guess the mods will figure which is best (or combine them eventually). Thanks for the info.

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  Kumba9 said:
Yes. I already seen his post after the post I put on this thread. I just put it on this one to keep it all consolidated (similar to the Tatsu thread) and not have all of the posts all over the place. But, I already posted on that thread and I guess the mods will figure which is best (or combine them eventually). Thanks for the info.


It might be time to start an "official BGE's new ride" thread.

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I was at Busch Gardens Europe yesterday, July 7th, and when we just entered the park and were walking through England. My dad asked me a question about the new maps. An employee overheard my dad and he told us that we got the new maps due to the closing of Le Man's. Of course we had to ask him about this new ride and he told us that it will be fifty feet higher than Alpengeist, making it two hundred and forty five feet. He also stated that this attraction will be flat out awesome. He said that we should go look at the teaser board because it will provide a clue. I am guessing that the clue is the talon. Hopefully we will have a 245 foot dive machine.

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