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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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I was at the park last night, which was pretty busy (probably due to the "bring a friend for free" night), and they've made some improvements in Howl-o-Scream since last weekend. For example, the "Cursed" guy at the entrance now has a cage he can burst out of to chase people around, the scare actors in Deadline and Root of All Evil were doing a better job, and they've added some "electric fence" lighting and sound effects to Wendigo Woods. The bridge by DarKastle is, indeed, headless, although the creepy mood lighting is still pretty effective.

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Tempesto will be a clone of Superman and Sky Scream. The only difference is that they're using the 3-car Throttle-style trains instead of the 2-car ones. It will not have 3 inversions as noted in the site plans, just the slow roll and the non-inverting loop.

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Anyone read Screanscape?

(9/19/14) While the park hasn’t made the news public, BGWInsider reports that it did announce the details about the new 2015 coaster to park employees on Thursday. The final name is Tempesto and it will be the coaster we already heard about, standing 157 feet tall, 60 mph and with 3 inversions. Look for the official public announcement to come any day now.



Is this BS?


It's BS. Busch typically doesn't tell 99% of their employees anything they don't tell the GP. The people actually in the know are the same ones who have been in the know all along. In fact, I have a friend who works there currently and was told they'll announce it on twitter and facebook and are encouraging team members to look there for "exciting updates" to what they are calling the "Fest Italia Development Project."


Never-mind the fact that we've all seen pictures of the track online at this point, they're keeping it close to the chest. Also, I really hope that's not the real name. It probably is, but it's a terrible name :/

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  KPfan said:
With this work near Apollos Chariot, is there anything still going on in the former Drachen Fire site? When I was there in July they had some heavy machinery working in that area.


Not sure what they were doing there, but I don't think it's related to the new ride.


But who can say for sure?

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^ the leak was smoke and mirrors! It's a giga that stretches all the way from festa to DF and back!


No but seriously though, I'd love to see something back on the DF site. I really think the roughness did more to close DF than the location! It'd be a great spot for a Maverick like coaster!


Look at me, the 2015 coaster isn't even up yet and I'm talking about the next one!

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Bgfans said that there was a tweet u can look up the article I just read it off their fb page (bgfans) so


BGWfans isn't BGW, and they get a tremendous amount wrong. Their "history of Drachen Fire" is laughably incorrect in just about every way (including being a large spreader of the "designed by B&M rumor" that is completely untrue). They are the root of a very large number of incorrect rumors, take wild rumors that aren't theirs and spread them like wildfire as fact, and in one bizarre case, took what should have been a good rumor for them and "debunked it" even though it's true (they claim that the grounds worker that died in 93' after being struck by BBW was just a rumor, even though you can actually find digital copies of the news reports online).


It is very possible Tempesto is the name and that they have accurate leaked information. It's also possible that it's one of the cover names Busch registers for their coasters to throw people off (Griffon was registered as "Le Phenix" until very shortly before it was officially announced). It's also possible it was going to be the name, and Busch will change it. I won't be shocked at all to learn it really is named Tempesto, but I also won't consider it "confirmed" until it's on their site.

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^Busch did the same thing with Cheetah Hunt in Tampa by calling it "Cheetaka" (or was that "Cheetakah"?). We'll see. I don't think "Tempesto" is a bad name, but the other one that's been floating around, "Diavolo," is better.

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  cfc said:
I would count on Saturday night being very busy, thanks to Howl-o-Scream (I usually avoid the park on October Saturdays). But there's always Quick Queue, which does include haunted houses. They have some different dining options during HOS, as well, such at Igor's Fright Feast (a buffet with a show) in Ireland and the Blood Banquet (a buffet in Germany with vampire characters lurking about).


Probably gonna try to go to the part on Oct 4. Looking for more info on Quick Queue, it's a little pricey, but as a coaster dork the more rides I can get without waiting the better . How does the system work at BGW? How long do lines usually get during HOS?



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I still can't wrap my head around this whole "Temptesto/Diavolo" thing. I just feel like it is very unlike Busch Gardens to add something like this. It almost feels like they are adding a coaster for the sake of adding a coaster. But what do I know anyway, maybe it'll turn out great.

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^ Agreed, I'm trying not to judge them as harshly as I did when I heard the news until after I've been on the ride myself. If the lines move faster than the slow crawl I fear, and it's fun, I don't mind the addition. I really would love to see a return to the "terrain hugging" rides that are truly unique, but the park doesn't have enough space to really do that without taking something else out. The spots people always cite to add a coaster will almost certainly never be used because they already serve another purpose, or are too close to nearby housing developments.


Also I really like the Wild Maus. It got a lot of hate in its final years because the manufacture of the ride raised the height requirement after an accident elsewhere in the world. Suddenly kids would be tall enough to ride wolf and LNM, but no the Wild Maus, and parents lost their minds over it. It's a shame all around, but at least they gave it a fresh start somewhere that people didn't realize the height requirement used to be lower.

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