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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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They'll just settle for much less than $100,000. But I never judge the merit of these cases without knowing what really happened. Was it over-zealous employees, stupid guests, combination of the two?

Edited by cfc
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Yeah I don't generally agree with these litigious things, you go to a Halloween event, you know things are scary and as insensitive as it might have been for other guests to push this woman over they probably were too scared to notice her and won't have intended to do it. Certainly not something the park could reasonably try and prevent with just not doing the event. Hopefully sanity prevails.

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She might have been communicating park management during those couple of years. They might have left her unhappy. Hell, she might have just realized how expensive a child can be and decided a settlement would help right now. There are a lot of reasons to wait before filing a lawsuit.

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I don't think that's an inappropriate amount of time to wait at all. It's the knee jerk "I'm going to sue your ass!" people that I question. Lawsuits are long, involved, expensive, and taxing emotionally/physically for all parties. In order to go up against an organization as large as BGW, you're going to want to make sure:


1) You actually need to.


2) You can afford to and/or your case is strong enough that multiple legal experts agree and/or you can get one to work pro bono.


3) The damages you have warrant the effort, since your name is going to be tied to public statements like this one.


Unless something really obvious happened like getting a foot cut off, you're probably going to want to wait and see how things affect your life.

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I might head to CT this year. I haven't been since their first year and it was amazing. I'm sure a lot has improved since then so I'd really like to check it out this year. Polar Pathway looks neat in particular, which wasn't there the first year I went. Although I wish they'd at least open up one other coaster besides Verbolten like Loch Ness Monster or Alpengeist. After all Alpengeist is snow themed and was open one year for CT.

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^Yes, they did, when it was warm enough. They also had problems with splash freezing as the weather became more "wintry."


Christmas Town is more about the atmosphere, shopping, and the food than the rides.

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Thinking about coming for the last night of the season? Better spring for Quick Queue, as they're already using the overflow parking lot and preferred parking is for Platinum Passholders only.

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I do find it strange also that Verbolten can operate in lower temperatures than the B&Ms. Do you happen to know the minimum temp for it? If it's the same, then they probably only keep it open to avoid the hassel of having more than one coaster open, and Verbolten is accessible to the most riders, and is certainly the most family friendly. I actually went to CT the year Alpengeist was running, and it was pretty fun riding Alpengeist in December!

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This is especially true of the grease on the wheel carriage, which is why I'm shocked to learn Verbolten can operate lower than B&Ms (if it can). They actually tested Drachen Fire with heaters on the lift and block brakes, because it was a particularly cold winter/early spring, and if the trains stopped there, they were worried about it not getting back moving again (and I would strongly speculate is why a lot of coasters open a bit later in the season, with testing starting when the weather is a bit warmer, but that is just speculation).


One of my more interesting memories from way back when I was a ride op was shutting down Big Bad Wolf because it was too cold. It warmed back up a bit later in the evening (Virginia for you) and we got a go ahead to re-open the ride, but when we started cycling trains, a train out on the safety brakes wouldn't move. We basically ended up staying closed for the rest of the night with one train stuck out on the safety brakes and one train stuck out on lift 2, and there was nothing anyone could do about it until the weather warmed up enough to get the train moving again.

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Okay... I've seen these replies about rides not running under low temperatures.

So, I was planning on visiting BGW between Dec 20~Dec 31 with some of my friends. We were talking about how we were gonna have fun on all those signature rides such as Apollo's Chariot and Griffon, but after reading the comments, I have a feeling that we might have to change the direction of the trip.


So.. if we were visiting for rides, would you guys suggest not to go in that particular season? Is there no possibility at all that all the rides will operate?


Thanks guys!

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Okay... I've seen these replies about rides not running under low temperatures.

So, I was planning on visiting BGW between Dec 20~Dec 31 with some of my friends. We were talking about how we were gonna have fun on all those signature rides such as Apollo's Chariot and Griffon, but after reading the comments, I have a feeling that we might have to change the direction of the trip.


So.. if we were visiting for rides, would you guys suggest not to go in that particular season? Is there no possibility at all that all the rides will operate?


Thanks guys!


As Chuck and others have explained, Christmas Town is more focused on the Holiday. It is about the park atmosphere, shows, food, and shopping. Rides are secondary in this event. The park "tries" to have at least one major coaster open and some flats running, depending on the weather. Operating hours are from 2 pm to either 9 or 10 at night. Most of the event happens after the sun has gone down (only 2-3 hours of daylight).


During this time of the year in Virginia, we can have daytime temps as high as in the 60's-70's and lows in the 40's. On the flip side, we can get temps in the 30's-40's during the day and teen's-20's at night. Our weather is really fickle and can change quickly.


So I guess it comes down to your expectations; if you expect Christmas Town to be normal ride operations for the park, like in the spring, summer, and fall, then this would not be a good time to visit. If you want to visit to enjoy the beauty and seasonal offerings from the park, with whatever rides are open as a bonus, then you should go.

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Hard to believe that Christmas Town opens in less than two weeks (November 21). Seems like Howl-o-Scream just ended; however, I am looking forward to a nice prime rib sandwich at the Festhaus.

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