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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Eh, I feel like Premier would mention that they're working on "a project" for the park off-handedly at the show. I wouldn't expect some grand announcement along the lines of Antarctica last year.

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It does seem a bit odd that BGW has "sat" on any new ride announcement for so long; in the past, they've revealed something during Passholder Appreciation Weekend (this was how they handled Mach Tower and Verbolten).

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^ Definitely odd. I wish they'd just go ahead and announce it already. I just hope they don't choose the Tempesto name. It sounds like a pasta dish.


Hey, why not sell "Tempesto" at the Italian restaurant and tie it to the new ride?

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With B&M's track record for being reliable, you'd think they'd be able to build something to handle cold weather.

How does this have anything to do with reliability? You're probably not going to find a full circuit coaster anywhere that can handle anything in the 40° area... I know off hand that parks HAVE tried to make it work. Millennium Force used to have heaters that warmed up the wheels while it was sitting in the station. They were still ineffective because by the time the train made it to the top of the lift, the wheels were cold again. Nothing short of installing heaters IN the train itself, there's not anything you can do about weather to make roller coasters run better. I can't even imagine how much that would cost...

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With B&M's track record for being reliable, you'd think they'd be able to build something to handle cold weather.

How does this have anything to do with reliability? You're probably not going to find a full circuit coaster anywhere that can handle anything in the 40° area...


I know I've said this a lot lately but Great Adventure runs their coasters in seemingly any temperature including temperatures way below 40 degrees. There must be a cut-off somewhere but I've never seen them hit it so some coasters can run in colder temperatures.


You're still right though, coasters being able to run in cold temperatures has nothing to do with the manufacturer's track record for reliability.

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^Try riding the Big Bad Wolf while it's snowing some day (well, if you still could ride it, that is). Talk about "brain freeze" . . . definitely an error in judgment on my part.


Getting back to the new coaster, I was driving by the park today and noticed two cranes: one in a parking lot and the other underneath Apollo's Chariot.

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^ i visited in September and I think those cranes were in the process of being installed. I its an odd placement for such a premier coaster if the rumors are true but i suppose its decent enough and it gives the park another credit. Really think the park could use a solid intamin prefab woody or rmc coaster. It would balance out the collection and bring something new and interesting to the area, also give i305 some competition.

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I'll be at Christmas Town the 6th and possibly 7th of December so hopefully I can get an update on the new coaster.


Speaking of Christmas Town, it'll be my first time back since their first year (2009), anything that I must check out while I'm there?

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I'll be at Christmas Town the 6th and possibly 7th of December so hopefully I can get an update on the new coaster.


Speaking of Christmas Town, it'll be my first time back since their first year (2009), anything that I must check out while I'm there?


The whole park, with the odd exception of the Sesame Street Forest of Fun, is part of Christmas Town now. There is a new show, "Scrooge No More," in the Globe Theatre, and be sure to check out the "retro" decorations in Festa Italia (reminds me of Christmas time in the small town where I grew up). Food is very good--especially the steak or prime-rib sandwich at the Festhaus. The buffet at Santa's Fireside Feast in Ireland was good last year, too.


The only operating coaster will be Verbolten, but pretty much all the flats will be running. And, of course, there are penguins in France (but I wouldn't wait more than 10 minutes or so for that).

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^May depend on how cold it is.


The park operates as a lower capacity for Christmas Town, so it won't be as crowded as, say, a Saturday night during HOS; however, the park has hit capacity during CT weekends in the past.

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Lol, no use hiding the new ride now. People can see it from Apollo's Chariot. I am mad at myself for visiting the park this summer before they built this. Also, I think the word filter should change Tempesto to PastaCoaster like how Fulll Throttle ((I spelled it wrong on purpose to make my point) turns to YOLOcoaster.

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