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Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 149 - Cars Frontierland expansion, new nighttime parade, and new Villains Land announced at D23!

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I loved being in the Firehouse when parades were going... This attraction is taking over the Firehouse location.


THANK YOU!!!!! I don't like the idea either! I don't think it fits, and just doesn't belong in the Magic Kingdom. At least I can pretend it doesn't exist, because of all the construction, I have a slight idea of how the game might be laid out. The areas of "Play" seem to be off in corners or nooks, not near the major crowd areas. I really hope the firehouse isn't destroyed or made the "Central point" of the game. That would be horrible show.

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It certainly is a poor reaction to the competition from Harry Potter over at IOA. It's taking the word magic way too literally.

I think it comes across as a slightly desparate. The work they are doing with interactive lines like Haunted Mansion is a far better use of resources.

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One of the highly anticipated attractions coming to New Fantasyland at Magic Kingdom Park is Under the Sea ~ Journey of The Little Mermaid.


The attraction, a seaside grotto beneath the castle of Prince Eric, is where guests enter the world of Ariel and her friends for an adventure filled with songs from the classic film. But you don’t have to wait until it opens to take a look inside. Walt Disney Imagineering just shared this video with us, in which Imagineer Eric Miller explains how the team is creating a realistic underwater environment for Ariel that’s inspired by the film.


This amazing and detailed process involves sketches, models, computer technology, construction and artistry. See for yourself!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Happy 40th Anniversary Walt Disney World!


October 1st 1971- October 1st 2011!


Here are some great WDW pictures to celebrate this momentous occasion!





A special map for WDW 40th Anniversary


A montage of Classic Disney World "artifacts"


Walt Disney on the site of Walt Disney World. Walt died before his greatest dream opened


Walt Disneys "Florida Project" announcement.


Walt Disney's Original dream for Walt Disney World- EPCOT-Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow


EPCOT Under construction


Walt Disney chose central Florida for the location of his greatest endeavor ever

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Not entirely sure this belongs here, but depending on who you are this is either pretty funny or pretty depressing/disheartening. I found it kinda funny cause I'm messed up like that...


And mother of the year goes to...


A new mom is in hot water after selling her newborn son for $15,000 so she could take her other two sons on a trip to Disney World, according to court documents.


Bridget Wismer, 33, was arrested at her home in New Castle, Del. after she and the alleged baby buyer, John Gavaghan, 54, of Philadelphia, were caught on a surveillance camera taking care of the last bit of paperwork, according to New Castle County detectives.


The baby boy was born on Aug. 31 and according to court papers, Wismer didn't want the child.


In early September, detectives were tipped off by Wismer's grandmother, according to police. They investigated, but couldn't substantiate the baby-selling accusation. In late September, police got another tip that led them to the place where Wismer and Gavaghan met to finalize the deal.


On Sept. 30, two days after Gavaghan had allegedly taken the 1-month-old boy home, police arrested Gavaghan at his Philadelphia apartment and placed the baby in foster care. Wismer was arrested that same day at her home.

Edited by gisco
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it's hilarious because she got what was coming to her.


I would never spend $15,000 at WDW...I can get away with $200 for a whole week...seriously ($1000 if I wasn't a CM).

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Big Thunder Refurb?


I just noticed it's scheduled to be down for almost 6 months starting in January. Did a search and couldn't find anything here. Anyone know what the plans are? I wouldn't think normal maintenance would be that long.

Edited by timfreeman
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Big Thunder Refurb?


I just noticed it's scheduled to be down for almost 6 months starting in January. Did a search and couldn't find anything here. Anyone know what the plans are? I wouldn't think normal maintenance would be that long.



They had been doing some re-tracking on Big Thunder Recently. It might just be for them to finish that up. I've heard a rumor that they might add interactive elements to the queue at that time. I think it will be great for Big Thunder to get a little TLC, a lot of the effects aren't working correctly.

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According to the Disney rehab schedule, BTMRR is going down on Monday, January 8th and is scheduled to be down through March, IIRC. But Lance from ScreamScape mentioned that he heard it wouldn't be back open until near the end of May. But it's definitely headed into rehab on the 8th - and I've definitely pushed my trip up a week so I don't miss it!

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That would be cool if they are going to do some interactive elements in the queue. They did it for Pooh and they did it for Haunted Mansion so it seems to be the thing to do lately. Always nice to have new things to do or see when you are waiting in line.

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^I imagine it's more the second option. I can't ever see Disney moving away from the Fastpass system, but I can certainly see them giving guests extra entertainment while they're waiting in the hour-long line - especially for the kids, who are getting bored and antsy waiting for the ride. For example, from the underground control booth, they watch lines to see if they're getting long and can send a character or two their way to keep people happy while they wait. This is just a more permanent version of that, I think!

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I'm curious if anyone has still shots or video of trains on BTMRR being moved from the main line onto the spur that leads across the tracks of the Walt Disney World Railroad to the ride' s maintenance shed ? On a recent trip to WDW, I noticed the switch and chain lift employed to bring BTMRR trains back up and over the tracks.




BTMRR's 'other' lift. The far turn leads to the maintenance shed


The switch and crest of chain lift taken from the left side of the Walt Disney World Railroad

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That is cool, I never knew that is what they did with the BTMRR trains. I'm going to have to look for that the next time I'm there.


Neither did I, and I've been visiting WDW my entire life. I'm hoping a BTMRR cast member will chime in here . I'd love to see the transfer operation on video.

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Welcome to ProjectExotic.com


An all-new track driving experience, featuring some of the world's fastest and most exotic supercars, is coming to Orlando in January, 2012.


This heart-pounding exotic car driving experience is being designed by Petty Holdings LLC, best known for the Richard Petty Driving Experience, the undisputed leader in automotive ride and drive entertainment in the U.S.


Here at ProjectExotic.com, you'll find the latest news from the exotic car driving experience industry and updates as we close in on the opening date of this sure-to-be-exhilarating exotics track experience in Orlando.


ProjectExotic.com will also provide a forum for input from exotic car enthusiasts like you. We'll want to hear first-hand from people who know – or are ready to discover - the adrenaline rush you can only get with your hands on the wheel and your foot on the floor of a world-class supercar.


Here is your chance to be a part of ProjectExotic.com, click below to give us your feedback on everything from the name of this new exotic car driving experience to which exotic cars you would like to take on the track.


It looks like Walt Disney World's Richard Petty Driving Experience might be getting a new offering in 2012...

Edited by jedimaster1227
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