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Your favorite and least favorite Bumper Cars

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Just like the question asked. Post your favorite Bumper Cars and least favorite. Post where they are located and pictures if you have them. I don't really have a favorite but my least favorite are the ones here in El Paso. They skip and the lap bar things hurts like crap. They are old and ugly too.

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The best I have been on Dodgem's at Geauga Lake. Was there in May, and I got so many head-ons. There are no springs in these so when you hit, you hit HARD. I had one of my acrylic nails broken off and had about 6 bruises from that ride. It was the best in my life. Gotta love a chick and 4 guys having at it, while the people in the queue where going WHOA!


Least favorite, prolly Kennywood. They have the springs, and go pretty slow. Better for the kids not to get hurt.



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The Skooters at Knoebel's are the best! You can really slam into people with those cars. I can usually spin out one or two other people by doing a "World's Wildest Police Videos" manuver.


The worst: the bumper cars at Kennywood. You bump into someone and it feels like you hit marshmellows!

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Ubanga Banga Bumper Cars at BGT are the awesomest.


1. No safety island.

2. FAST!

3. Best.Name.Ever


I think those are three good reasons.


When was the last time you were there? The past few times I've been there, they've been PAINFULLY slow and barely worth riding. I was there a few months ago and they didn't seem to be any better.

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Yeah Cliff's has some good bumper cars, PGA, I have no idea how long the ride is all I can say is that Cliff's in general will give you a decently long ride on anything, and I remeber it being long enough, i wasn't like"what already over?", like i do with the ones at the SCBB

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The BEST bumper cars are the ones with the center tires to weave in and around all while going in the same direction.




Less chaos. you can actually get alot of speed and t-bone people diving through the tires. Plus with the right amount of people, only going in one direction provides a "race like" feel to it. So on top of feeling like you are racing, you get to plow into people.



Perfect example are the ones at Indiana Beach with 3 tires which you can cut through as long as you keep going in same direction. Theres so much strategy.




So much more fun than the chaotic messes of normal free for all cars.

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In general I prefer Lusse bumper cars. The older the better. So it's probably no surprise Knoebels are my favorite. It doesn't get any better than the smacking somebody hard with those big old metal cars.


My second favorite bumper cars are in Seaside, Oregon. The cars are the same as the older cars at Knoebels. But Seaside has my favorite bumper car arena. The floor and cars are sparkling and they have neon signs. It's pay per ride so you can reride as long as you want as long as you keep paying the attendant.


My #3 bumper cars are not Lusses. They are the skooters at Rye Playland. They are the fastsest bumper cars I've ever been on and they hit very hard. The arena is huge. I like that it has one direction to keep the cars moving but it is also wide enough with plenty of cars to always have somebody to line up and hit.


Honorable mention goes to Hoffman's Playland in Albany for their old Lusse cars. Even Dutch Wonderland with its more modern Lusse cars is pretty good. The only problem at these parks is that you're pretty much stuck riding with little kids.


I can't name an absolute worst bumper car ride as I usually only bother riding bumper cars that look to be average or better. There seems to be plenty of contenders out there.

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As lang as you can hit the other cars I am happy...


In Belgium you can go full blast (and it sometimes happens the bumper car gets lifted up onto the edge)

When I went on some bumper cars for the first time in Germany I was almost killed. Not by the hits but by the people of the attraction. It wasn't alowed to bump.... you had to avoid it... what is that all about.... I was bumping around when people where getting angry.... strange...


How is the rule in the US? (and some other countries out there) Let me know.

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As lang as you can hit the other cars I am happy...


In Belgium you can go full blast (and it sometimes happens the bumper car gets lifted up onto the edge)

When I went on some bumper cars for the first time in Germany I was almost killed. Not by the hits but by the people of the attraction. It wasn't alowed to bump.... you had to avoid it... what is that all about.... I was bumping around when people where getting angry.... strange...


How is the rule in the US? (and some other countries out there) Let me know.


There's a few different types of bumper cars, all of them expect you to hit each other, but some limit the direction you're going to one way, and others are pretty slow

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Best - Dutch Wonderland. They have great cars (not sure what kind but they are somewhat old fashioned) and steer good.

Worst - Gillian's Wonderland Pier (Ocean City, NJ). The cars are slow and they have a sign up on the island in the middle saying no head on collisions.

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  • 7 years later...

I have several favorite Bumper Car attractions to name: Rough Riders at Holiday World, Dodge 'Em at Kings Dominion, and Bumper Cars at Camden Park (They are the only ones I know that has uses tires in the middle and those are spaced apart far enough to drive your car through).


As for least favorite Bumper Car attractions, they are the one located at Knotts Berry Farm (The cars run too slow) and the one at Worlds of Fun (The layout looks ugly and they don't run many cars at a time).


"I'm not perfect; I just love to ride!!!"

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My favorite is definitely the amazingly violent Skooters at Knoebels.



It's like a 40-car pileup during each cycle!


I guess my least favorite would be the bumper cars at Disney California Adventure. Even by kiddie-ride standards, they just look lame. (But I haven't actually ridden them.)

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If your answer is anything other than the Skooters at Knoebel's, you're wrong.


Unless you haven't been there. Then you're excused.


Honorable mentions go to Sock It To Me at Funtown Splashtown. It's a no holds barred free for all on those bumper cars. Head on collisions? Sure! Why not!

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