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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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^House of 1,000 corpses fan? Like your screen name!


Years ago, I do remember waiting in long lines for Thunder Run. It was so nice and smooth in 1992! The last time I rode it (on a very unfortunate day in 2007), the entire side padding on my friends' side of the car was completely gone. Bolts and screws were loose all over or missing, and my lap bar popped up during the ride. I'm glad it's in much better shape now!

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^House of 1,000 corpses fan? Like your screen name!


Years ago, I do remember waiting in long lines for Thunder Run. It was so nice and smooth in 1992! The last time I rode it (on a very unfortunate day in 2007), the entire side padding on my friends' side of the car was completely gone. Bolts and screws were loose all over or missing, and my lap bar popped up during the ride. I'm glad it's in much better shape now!


Lol I didn't expect anyone to catch the obscure reference.

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I'll be honest, I didn't realize we had so many other things in the park that were built by Larsen. In that case, it makes absolute sense that Ed would go for a Loop as well because the guy really likes showing loyalty towards providers. Vekhoma was a favorite of his during his first stint leading the park...

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Lol I didn't expect anyone to catch the obscure reference.


Hey that's one of my favorite movies. I got my Rob Zombie movies switched around; Rabbit in Red is from Halloween. Which I love as well. Most of it anyway.


So this Super Loop Kentucky Kingdom is getting, is it the same model all the Six Flags have been buying up? Is it the larger Larson Loop? I thought there was a huge one they offered, with more seating. I know they had a winged model as well.

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Judging from the video they posted, it looks like one of the larger ones they've been selling like crazy. The website only lists two, the larger one with thicker track, and the smaller transportable one with thinner track and cable wires.

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Lol I didn't expect anyone to catch the obscure reference.


Hey that's one of my favorite movies. I got my Rob Zombie movies switched around; Rabbit in Red is from Halloween. Which I love as well. Most of it anyway.


So this Super Loop Kentucky Kingdom is getting, is it the same model all the Six Flags have been buying up? Is it the larger Larson Loop? I thought there was a huge one they offered, with more seating. I know they had a winged model as well.


You did, but that's OK. I wasn't going to call you out on it. Lol

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Larson loops are such a simple ride. Yet I always get off them with a smile. Good win for KK. I already thought there flat collection killed HW, and this just ads to it!



I don't necessarily feel it "killed" HW. Just that both parks have a different variety to offer. I know its easy to compare the parks due to their proximity to one and other, but in all actuality they are both playing in two completely different fields.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rumor has it that the new children rides the park has been advertising will be the 2 rides that were removed last season from King Louie's Playland, basically we will see both the speedway ride and the hot air balloons ride return to King Louie's. Also, swung by the park today and can confirm that Eye of the Storm will be located where the former dragsters attraction once was. I didn't get any pictures but all of the parts are already on site and look ready to be put together anytime now.

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Eye of the Storm is officially going where the dragsters were, much to nobody's surprise, according to a recent picture posted on their facebook page.




I wonder if they will remove that building left over from the dragsters or if it will remain as storage? I understand it is a large building and can house quite a bit, but its in such an awful spot. Kind of an eye sore.

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The other side has a shaded patio area with chairs and tables, but I think it was used as a smoking area last season. It would be perfect if they turned it into a new restaurant somehow.


I rode by the park on the highway and could see the pieces on the ground from there. I'm sure the loop would be clearly visible as well once it's up.

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The other side has a shaded patio area with chairs and tables, but I think it was used as a smoking area last season. It would be perfect if they turned it into a new restaurant somehow.


I rode by the park on the highway and could see the pieces on the ground from there. I'm sure the loop would be clearly visible as well once it's up.


Restaurant or a gift shop...either could be good ideas. Load the ride from where the old stands use to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm excited about " Eye of the Storm ", not overally, but excited. I used to love these rides at the Fair, when they first appeared, yes I'm that old. It's a good addition to the thrill park.

Edited by ratdogg68
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they're not calling it a Coaster!

Why does anyone care about this?


Because most of us feel like a park classifying a Larson Loop as a roller coaster is a bit ridiculous. It's as bad as parks who classify Disko rides as coasters. They are not coasters. They "thrill" rides, and as we all know. . . There's a big difference between a thrill ride and a roller coaster.


Also, it's very misleading (to the GP at least) and it's a really cheap way for the park to falsely raise their coaster count.

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