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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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From http://www.kentuckykingdom.com/comingsoon/storm-chaser/:


"Storm Chaser will be built with RMCs’ patented iBox track, which is featured on only five other coasters in the world. In the case of Storm Chaser, the iBox track will rest on wood, creating the “feel” of a wooden coaster, but will be supported by a steel superstructure."


I don't really understand why it would (pun intended), but that's the quote.

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From http://www.kentuckykingdom.com/comingsoon/storm-chaser/:


"Storm Chaser will be built with RMCs’ patented iBox track, which is featured on only five other coasters in the world. In the case of Storm Chaser, the iBox track will rest on wood, creating the “feel” of a wooden coaster, but will be supported by a steel superstructure."


I don't really understand why it would (pun intended), but that's the quote.


Okay, well if they are still doing this, I HIGHLY doubt it be will where the track is connected to the ledgers, as Midgetman82 posted. In fact, in his pictures I can see where the steel feet like I said. After looking at these current construction pictures, I have a feeling that the only place where wood will be used is the catwalks and possible hand rails.

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^That makes sense.

It's awesome how nearly every RMC brings discussion like this.

This. Pardon me for even bringing it up. It just leaves me more stumped than the past debates on Outlaw Run and other coasters being called what they are. I guess we'll just have to see up-close and further out on progress before calling it anything.

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Seems like good progress so far. I might be able to get back to Kentucky Kingdom next year if I can get myself to the Indy 500 again, and if so, fingers crossed it'll be opened in good time. There isn't a bad RMC out there, so I can't wait to try this one out.

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Not going to lie... I love the look of red RMC track.


This coaster is going up surprisingly fast! Can't wait to see it in action!


If they started this a few months sooner, you wonder if it would be running this weekend.


Not sure if this was meant to be a joke... But if it wasn't then.... No, not even close. There would still be so much testing, computer work, wiring, electrical work... ect... that had to be done that there is no way it would be ready this weekend. Or even by the end of this season.


Also... Why would a park want to open a coaster for just a few weeks before the end of their season? It'd be better just to wait till the start of a new season to open it.

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Carowinds, Knoebels, maybe even Kings Island and Wildwood would add a lot per mile to that route. But depends how "greatest hits" you want it to be, or a marathon of doom. Edit: oops Carowinds is your home park I guess.

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So I got to take a look at storm chaser on Thursday, and I'm surprised at how much of a presence it has in the skyline. You couldn't see TT s lifts well unless you were on crittenden, but you can see sc's lift just as well as TR's and MHF's. That red also makes it stand out.

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