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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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So the potential of falling out of a open air (mostly) water slide with a height that is 3-4 stories tall is less of a concern than falling out a kiddie coaster going 12 mph and a maximum height of 15 feet?


That makes sense to you?


Yeah, it does. It's a really weak comparison. If you jump out of the train on a coaster, you plummet to the ground. If you jump out of the boat/tube on this water slide, you're still in the water slide. Again, its a water slide. There's no logic for a restraint.

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FYI - Everyone...

you know the ride ISNT going to be all open like in the video..


SFNE also has a proslide "bootleg blaster" (but a non-lim kind)

And it has NETS around the full slide.... Im guess they just didnt put it in the video.. Just like how they were not in SFNEs video..


So you cant like "jump off" it


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So the potential of falling out of a open air (mostly) water slide with a height that is 3-4 stories tall is less of a concern than falling out a kiddie coaster going 12 mph and a maximum height of 15 feet?


That makes sense to you?


Yeah, it does. It's a really weak comparison. If you jump out of the train on a coaster, you plummet to the ground. If you jump out of the boat/tube on this water slide, you're still in the water slide. Again, its a water slide. There's no logic for a restraint.


I'm sorry but I fail to see what sense you're making here at all.


If you jump out of this slide/innertube you're still in water? Last I checked on the video there was solid ground underneath and a two foot tall (if that) wall seperating your innertube from a pretty sizable plummet to the ground. That is absolute logic for a resraint. I wouldnt want to fall from that height. Would you?


But I think Waterviper hit the nail on the head with the lack of many incidences yet on water rides such as this being the reason for lack or implementation of restraint.

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FYI - Everyone...

you know the ride ISNT going to be all open like in the video..


SFNE also has a proslide "bootleg blaster" (but a non-lim kind)

And it has NETS around the full slide.... Im guess they just didnt put it in the video.. Just like how they were not in SFNEs video..


So you cant like "jump off" it



There is absolutely no logic for using those nets

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i'm really surprised about it's finally got the elements of up & down

feeling effects. i was kinda stereotype about the layouts of water

slides and i just knew that they seldom have a huge drop. looks like

the new ages for slide coasters are really going to begin from 2007!


yay it's really time to ride on the roller-coaster-tube thing!

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Primarily, I am so excited to see Kentucky Kingdom getting a little love! Maybe if this water slide and water park expansion brings in more crowds, we'll see a new coaster there pretty soon.


Second, regarding restraints on water slides...imagine having all four of those people wearing some kind of strap to keep them in the raft. Then the raft tips over. You can't just assume that everyone restrained in a raft will be calm enough to figure out how to undo their restraint and get out of harm's way when they're face down in the trough. If the raft tips over and everyone is able to just fall out of it and immediately upright themselves, it could prevent injuries, people swallowing too much water, maybe even drowning if there was enough water at that point.



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Primarily, I am so excited to see Kentucky Kingdom getting a little love! Maybe if this water slide and water park expansion brings in more crowds, we'll see a new coaster there pretty soon.


Second, regarding restraints on water slides...imagine having all four of those people wearing some kind of strap to keep them in the raft. Then the raft tips over. You can't just assume that everyone restrained in a raft will be calm enough to figure out how to undo their restraint and get out of harm's way when they're face down in the trough. If the raft tips over and everyone is able to just fall out of it and immediately upright themselves, it could prevent injuries, people swallowing too much water, maybe even drowning if there was enough water at that point.


Yeah, I'd also see restraints as a huge safety hazard. I've been in situations where I was strapped to a kneeboard that was flipped over with me fully submerged in the water. You have to undo the velcro strap to get yourself out and above water. It's a little bit scary, and a bit much to ask of the average theme park attendee.

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and my desire to go to the waterpark @ SFKK goes WAY up. I really like the colors, they're really vibrate and will be very noticable, so it'll probably be visually appealing in a way.


Cant wait for it to open!


umm...so i defiantely think TPR has had its first glitch...to my knowledge

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