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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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  noahman said:
How expensivie is the food and drink at SFKK? I was thinking of going this weekend.Should i get the flash pass?

Food and drink prices were par the course for a Six Flags park. Something like $6 for a piece of pizza.


With the Flash Pass, it is a ticket system there. Also, if lines are short, I've seen them reject the Flash Pass and tell the people to wait in line on Grezzed Lightin' and T2.

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  Homeboy23 said:
Doesn't the park convert into a pay-per-ride system during the fair?
Yes. It goes to the traditional "fair tickets" system. It takes about $4 worth of tickets to ride Chang during the fair.


Never, ever go to SFKK during the fair. It's highway robbery.

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still its a DARN GOOD coaster. if they remove Chang, then there would be a large drop in midway tickets bought for the state fair, keep in mind that KK was built as a midway for the fair, SF just expanded the park. If the park turns all water park, which they would have run by the fair board, then the park would be closed during the fair, eliminating over 60% of the rides for the State Fair. Which means a large drop of ride tickets beining sold which means less money incoming. i honestly don't see the fair board approving the removal of the biggest draw to the midway of the fair.


It's not up to the fair board at all. In fact, KK didn't even open at park of the Kentucky State Fair in 1995 cause they wanted to be independent, but the park realized how much money they lost as a result so they've never done that again. SFKK operates separately from the Fair Board, they just lease that land from them. In fact, I'm not sure if the fair board makes very much, from the SFKK rides.


Kentucky Kingdom opened in 1987 as an amusement park and it had nothing to do with the State Fair other than being a midway for two weeks that summer. It was only the front section of the current park and did horrible so it closed after only one season. In 1989, an investor came along named Ed Hart who partnered with a few other people (Howard Berni, Ron Berni of Americana) and re-opened the park in 1990 except they acquired land across the road to expand on. They opened Thunder Run over there and slowly started adding attractions to the other side of the road.


By the time Premier bought the park (and later came Six Flags Inc) they had already installed Chang, Twisted Twins, T2, Hellevator, Mile High Falls, etc... So, in actuality, Six Flags hasn't done a whole heck of a lot for that place!

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  Fat-G said:
twisted twins was added half a year after six flags bought the park, and considering it was the first dueling coaster in the world. yeah!. and i go to the park all the time during the state fair and the park still gets good attendance.


And it takes more than 6 months to plan a major coaster. The way I understand it, SFI played no part in the addition of Twisted (Sisters).

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twisted twins was added half a year after six flags bought the park, and considering it was the first dueling coaster in the world. yeah!. and i go to the park all the time during the state fair and the park still gets good attendance.


Twisted Twins (Sisters at the time) opened in 1998 which was the same year they changed the name to Six Flags. Six Flags didn't even buy the park, the company that owned KK bought Six Flags and re-branded the park. It was the old management that installed Twisted Twins.

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