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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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^ They look similar to the restraints found on RMC trains, which isn't that surprising since Alan Schilke designed both trains.

Actually this is very different. RMC train's lap bar is U shaped but LR's train is more like a T+U shape.

I'm pretty sure that the trains WERE designed by the same team though. They're obviously going to be slightly different because Outlaw Run and Goliath run on a flat steel top while Lightning Run runs (heh) on a tubular rail. Different train hardware.

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^ They look similar to the restraints found on RMC trains, which isn't that surprising since Alan Schilke designed both trains.

Actually this is very different. RMC train's lap bar is U shaped but LR's train is more like a T+U shape.

I'm pretty sure that the trains WERE designed by the same team though. They're obviously going to be slightly different because Outlaw Run and Goliath run on a flat steel top while Lightning Run runs (heh) on a tubular rail. Different train hardware.

Yes, I know they are designed by the same team. Just want to know why LR trains have U bars of that weird shape instead of simply a traditional T bar.

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I just got my season pass processed today! The park looks amazing and the staff is super friendly (a huge improvement from the Six Flags era). The park employees were there in full force training and Lightning Run was testing with both trains .

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Less than 12 hours until it opens. Season pass - check Parking pass - check Now I just have to get up early enough to get there when it opens. Working a late 2nd shift is working against me.

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Wow! Lightning Run is phenomenal! Waited 45min however that was because we waited for the front. Dispatch times are not bad thanks to the ops alerting people to not pull down the lapbars. Saw no walks of shame. About to ride the back; if the front was that good, the back has to be ridiculous! The positive gs really caught me off guard.

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I only got one ride in the back row on the right and it was phenomenal. You are definitely glad that the restraints are as tight as they are because there is some great ejector air. The u shape restraints are not good restraints for the man region though with that kind of air. But other than that it was a great ride and cant wait to spend all summer trying out every seat.

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Today we made just a quick stop since I figured it'd be ridiculous chaos. It was all about LR. Got to ride the back, only waited a little over 30 min at 5-6pm, no where near what we expected given the preview last weekend. The ride itself really rides different between the front and back seat. In the front seat the positive Gs are VERY noticeable, and the back seat.......the DROP, and the airtime is insane. Smaller parks will eat this up (at least I hope). Tomorrow we will actually visit the rest of the park and spend more time and grab pics.. Let's hope KK has a bright and long future; LR is the perfect start.

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Kentucky Kingdom had a pretty good opening day, and a very good turnout (especially in the afternoon). Arrived 10 minutes before gates opened to find a huuuge line just for those with tickets/passes to get into the park... and they breezed through everyone like it was nothing!


-Back row Lightning Run was very fun! Spent nearly half the time against the restraints, including on the drop when it gradually sucks you upwards! Also, there's no exaggeration on how incredibly smooth it was!

-Being my first time on a standard drop tower outside of Intamin and S&S, FearFall basically reinforced my undying love of drop towers. Everyone in the vicinity always got a kick out of watching riders freak out during and after the drop!

-Thunder Run was running pretty well, at least much smoother than when I last rode it in 2009.

-Deep Water Dive was pretty interesting as well. Very fast, quite smooth, and builds up a lot of anxiety before dropping (and before entering the capsule!). I'm just concerned about how they were dispatching riders every 1.5 minutes, which caused my wait to be two hours from only two flights of stairs from the top.


Everything was running smooth as butter in the morning, though got a little more complicated and crowded by afternoon when there were some minor incidents involving patrons (huge amounts of line jumping), but overall the park seemed to have handled itself very well on its first public operating day of the season! I didn't take a lot of pictures as I wanted to get in as much as I could, but I have some I could post later that I think could be of interest.

Edited by Midgetman82
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Well, it sounds like chance has now forever changed the face of flat rides, with the zipper, and now, over 45 years later, they've forever changed the face of coasters. Hopefully like the zipper, LR style rides will catch on & parks everywhere will buy one.


I don't mean to pick your post apart, but I don't think they have "changed the face of coasters." What they have done is perfected the basics without using any gimmicks. They put together a product that delivered more thrills than something that costs as much as gatekeeper. The ride is really genius in its simplicity.

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Well, it sounds like chance has now forever changed the face of flat rides, with the zipper, and now, over 45 years later, they've forever changed the face of coasters. Hopefully like the zipper, LR style rides will catch on & parks everywhere will buy one.


I don't mean to pick your post apart, but I don't think they have "changed the face of coasters." What they have done is perfected the basics without using any gimmicks. They put together a product that delivered more thrills than something that costs as much as gatekeeper. The ride is really genius in its simplicity.

Ya, I agree... Probably should've worded things better... However, I do believe the point I made about the zipper holds true. It's cheaper, yet provides awesome thrills.

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What you guys think safe or not safe?


100% safe. The forces on those two columns have been rechecked and are well within the safety limitations. Some coasters have some swaying to them but it does not mean in any way it is unsafe. Safety is taken very seriously and the ride would not have opened if there was any question of its safety.



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