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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Hopefully the ride'a a hut, & other parka midget consider gettin mega lites


Couldn't have said it better myself.


What???? I prefer cabins to hut's, and midget is a politically incorrect term. LOL, just kidding. I understand where this is going and yeah, I would like to see some more of these pop up. The layout possibilities are endless.

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It cracks me up when someone says a park is out of room. The problem is you are thinking in two dimensions like Kahn, try thinking in three like Spook! Take a look at Blackpool if you want to see how to fit a lot of rides into a limited amount of space


Or Lotte World, it always amazes me they managed to fit a fairly decent sized rapids ride on the third floor indoors.

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I apologize as I'm not sure how to share pictures on here yet, but we have a close up of the Chance car seat on our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/IrvineOndreyEngineering and plan on sharing more from the show this week. Someone feel free to msg me on how to share photos and I'll be glad to!


Meant to get around to this earlier but hi! It's always refreshing to have someone in the industry participate in the forums. About sharing pictures; when you post a reply, look for the options menu box right under the open draft/save_draft/preview/submit buttons. Made a little picture too. Hope that helps.


Back to LR, I got to see the pictures on your page and that lead car has really grown on me. At first I thought it was too long but the physical result really looks stunning; those colors really are phenomenal! This is going to be a solid addition to KK. On one of the pictures of the lead car you mentioned "some serious g-forces", I was wondering if you were able to elaborate?


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Unfortunately I am not the person to elaborate on the forces but I will see if I can get you guys more stats. Thanks for the info on posting pictures. We are planning on documenting the construction as much as they permit us, which I'll be glad to share.

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All right - I'm sold. A trip to Kentucky Kingdom is in my travel plans for next year. But Holiday World and Kings Island shouldn't worry about me because I will be visiting their parks as well with Holiday World first, then Kentucky Kingdom, and finally Kings Island.


I got to visit their website and I am impressed with the lineup. Good Grief, look at all those water rides - do they know I could get water logged? As for the flats, I forgot that the old Six Flags park didn't have bumper cars, so I'm glad that this new Kentucky Kingdom will.



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All right - I'm sold. A trip to Kentucky Kingdom is in my travel plans for next year. But Holiday World and Kings Island shouldn't worry about me because I will be visiting their parks as well with Holiday World first, then Kentucky Kingdom, and finally Kings Island.


I got to visit their website and I am impressed with the lineup. Good Grief, look at all those water rides - do they know I could get water logged? As for the flats, I forgot that the old Six Flags park didn't have bumper cars, so I'm glad that this new Kentucky Kingdom will.





They did have Bumper Cars. If you look at this link in 1990, It is shown near King Louie's Playland



And this map from 2003 has #64 being the same building and being bumper cars




So they are building a new Bumper Cars building. The Imagination Playhouse theater is being added in it's former spot.

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Yeah, I'm very, very sure the park's always had bumper cars. I don't know why they're advertising it as new, unless they're revamping it in some way.


I apologize as I'm not sure how to share pictures on here yet, but we have a close up of the Chance car seat on our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/IrvineOndreyEngineering and plan on sharing more from the show this week. Someone feel free to msg me on how to share photos and I'll be glad to!

Thanks for sharing! Seeing the pic with the lap bars having those super conforming leg braces makes me even more sure this ride will deliver airtime. If not then imo, they're kind of an overkill (unless it has something to do with helping smaller kids be able to ride).

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Yeah, I'm very, very sure the park's always had bumper cars. I don't know why they're advertising it as new, unless they're revamping it in some way.


I apologize as I'm not sure how to share pictures on here yet, but we have a close up of the Chance car seat on our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/IrvineOndreyEngineering and plan on sharing more from the show this week. Someone feel free to msg me on how to share photos and I'll be glad to!

Thanks for sharing! Seeing the pic with the lap bars having those super conforming leg braces makes me even more sure this ride will deliver airtime. If not then imo, they're kind of an overkill (unless it has something to do with helping smaller kids be able to ride).



It's in a new location so It's advertised as new?

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Yeah, I'm very, very sure the park's always had bumper cars. I don't know why they're advertising it as new, unless they're revamping it in some way.


I apologize as I'm not sure how to share pictures on here yet, but we have a close up of the Chance car seat on our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/IrvineOndreyEngineering and plan on sharing more from the show this week. Someone feel free to msg me on how to share photos and I'll be glad to!

Thanks for sharing! Seeing the pic with the lap bars having those super conforming leg braces makes me even more sure this ride will deliver airtime. If not then imo, they're kind of an overkill (unless it has something to do with helping smaller kids be able to ride).



It's in a new location so It's advertised as new?

Oh, didn't see that. Thanks.

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Unfortunately I am not the person to elaborate on the forces but I will see if I can get you guys more stats. Thanks for the info on posting pictures. We are planning on documenting the construction as much as they permit us, which I'll be glad to share.


Any idea on how fast or how tall or even how long the ride will last?


Edit- 100 feet.

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When Ky. Kingdom opened for it's very first year, the Bumper Cars were in the building that they're moving them back too. I can't wait to ride Lightning Run, the train is ultra cool. The ride layout looks fun and I think it's perfect for a new opening, yeah it's not Chang or 150 ft. tall but it looks like a blast.


I Purchased my Season Pass last night, come on Summer!

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What I can tell you now is there's definitely negative Gs and the height is 100 ft. Hopefully I can say more soon.


Can you compare the negative Gs to other small-but-powerful coasters (Mega-Lite, Maverick, etc.)


I imagine he's said just about as much as he can as of right now. We'll all find out in May when the ride opens; besides, those computer calculations don't always translate in real life (son of beast). I'm just glad the ride actually has more than 1,000 ft of track lol.


I can't wait till tomorrow, it's payday and there is a Season Pass with my name on it!

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it's not Chang or 150 ft. tall but it looks like a blast.

Thank God it's not Chang!! Six Flags removing Chang is the best thing they could've ever done for KK, IMO. I despise stand ups, and while it was better than most, it was still pretty "meh". Lightning Run looks great!


Now if only they would remove T2! I am one of the few that actually enjoys most SLCs, and even I thought T2 was terrible.

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^Although I haven't ridden Chang/Green Lantern, I've never been a fan of the B&M stand-up coasters, either. Definitely more interrested in the new Lightning Run.

Edited by cfc
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It's hard to compare airtime on a ride not even built yet . As for the information, yes unfortunately I have said all I can right now, but I do have a request in to see if I can say more soon. I know you guys are really excited about this ride, and I'll share information as soon as I am able to.


As for posting photos, duh. How did I miss that. Serves me right for trying to quick post from my cell phone.

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