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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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^^haha! True, that isn't much time. I don't care too much when media day is (3am is 3am!) but they sure have to stepped up the pace in the past few days. I'm assuming they were "more busy" with stuff we couldn't see a couple weeks ago (electrical, brakes, etc.) and now they're finishing off the most spectacular looking parts of the ride. The icing on the cake!

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Did anyone hear any details on the inversion under the lift? I'm assuming they're re-machining the supports for that part?


Why do they need to re-machine the supports?


Purely a guess -- they took those supports for the inversion down - so my guess is that something was wrong about them -- wondered if anyone had the real story.


Hey! My uneducated guess is simply that the supports were in the way of lift construction and they were removed as a precaution. They were removed the morning that the highest points were being installed, when all tall cranes were crammed into the base of the lift/drop/stall area. There is probably nothing wrong with them and they will be reattached as soon as the lift work is finished.


Seems very logical to me, Goooooooooose

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If the Little Coaster Dude and I want to use our passes and make a quick trip up to SFGA, what must we ride?


Depending on how little the Little Coaster Dude is, you may have to skip the B&M coasters which have a height requirement of 54". If he's over that limit, you might want to check out Raging Bull.


Whizzer is a must, RED side of American Eagle (front!), Viper, and Demon (very front or 2nd from back). Just my 2 cents

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^Depending on how little the little coaster dude is, you may have to skip the B&M coasters which have a height requirement of 54". If he's over that limit, you might want to check out Raging Bull.


Whizzer is a must, RED side of American Eagle (front!), Viper, and Demon (very front or 2nd from back). Just my 2 cents


He's now 57" tall. Thank you!


Trying to decide how bad a parent I want to be, and possibly keeping him out of school on Tuesday, even though it's his last week of school.

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Trying to decide how bad a parent I want to be, and possibly keeping him out of school on Tuesday, even though it's his last week of school.


I think that would make you a good parent! And probably a good day for the park; if there are school trips that day, they usually leave between 3-5. After that, you have the park to yourself. Even if it's only an hour or so, still good coaster time!

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Trying to decide how bad a parent I want to be, and possibly keeping him out of school on Tuesday, even though it's his last week of school.


Well I'd say ask him what he prefers. Sometimes in the last few days of school kids are weird and... *gasp* actually want to go. I know I would've wanted to jump at the opportunity.

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Trying to decide how bad a parent I want to be, and possibly keeping him out of school on Tuesday, even though it's his last week of school.


I'd let his grades decide. If he's doing well, then why not. Tell him it's a reward.

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^Depending on how little the little coaster dude is, you may have to skip the B&M coasters which have a height requirement of 54". If he's over that limit, you might want to check out Raging Bull.


Whizzer is a must, RED side of American Eagle (front!), Viper, and Demon (very front or 2nd from back). Just my 2 cents


He's now 57" tall. Thank you!


Trying to decide how bad a parent I want to be, and possibly keeping him out of school on Tuesday, even though it's his last week of school.

The fact that you're conflicted about taking him out of school for one day shows you're already a good parent

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Trying to decide how bad a parent I want to be, and possibly keeping him out of school on Tuesday, even though it's his last week of school.


I'd let his grades decide. If he's doing well, then why not. Tell him it's a reward.


I agree with this. In 20 years, will he remember this trip, or the day that he spent in school? As long as he's doing well and there aren't any important classes/tests going on that day, I think it's fine.

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I take my kids out of school all the time for coaster riding. I am well known in my lifetime for saying, "No child of mine will ever have perfect attendance." Can I also add that my daughter just celebrated her fifth year of school with straight A's, and my son is entering high school having taken honors classes all his grade school career and has never had a grade below a B.


I guess what I'm saying is, I'm all for this kinda truancy.

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I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.

-- Mark Twain



The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

-- Albert Einstein



There are children playing in the streets who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago.

-- Robert Oppenheimer

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Great update by B&MGuy35 over at sfgamworld.com: http://sfgamworld.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=14450&sid=90e5f6c6ad4439a1338c0480b99a5bae&start=1804


That lift is really incredible to look at - both the angle of the lift, then the insane drop.


I hope LeShock or someone else does a followup interview with Hank and/or the construction foreman to see what obstacles they ran into, and what (if anything) they had to do on the fly to keep construction moving along.....just looking at all of that steel and wood, surely there had to be lots of little "oh crap" moments.

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I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.

-- Mark Twain



The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

-- Albert Einstein



There are children playing in the streets who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago.

-- Robert Oppenheimer


Wow, I feel sorry for the hard working educators that work their butts off for low pay and National Standardized tests that determine their level of effectiveness. I'm sure they all appreciate your level of support. Sounds like great parents and leaders on this site! lmao

Most of your children are not Einstein or Twains. Lets be honest.

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All of this education stuff is making me laugh. I'm a teacher and will be taking the day off to attend the Goliath media day. I'm also going to be in the park tomorrow as part of a band/orchestra performance...so if you are in the park tomorrow and hear an orchestra, I'll be the tallish guy in the pink orchestra shirt. Feel free to stop and listen or say Hi.

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I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.

-- Mark Twain



The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

-- Albert Einstein



There are children playing in the streets who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago.

-- Robert Oppenheimer


Wow, I feel sorry for the hard working educators that work their butts off for low pay and National Standardized tests that determine their level of effectiveness. I'm sure they all appreciate your level of support. Sounds like great parents and leaders on this site! lmao

Most of your children are not Einstein or Twains. Lets be honest.

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Let's try to stay on topic now, shall we? Save any flame wars concerning the effectiveness of our educational system for a more appropriate forum.


Thank you.


Now, how about that Goliath? It looks absolutely insane!

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I'm going to the park tomorrow. Anyone have an idea on the crowds? I don't expect much because the fact that it's still the school year and it's supposed to be colder tomorrow.

I can't wait to see Goliath in person


I went today and it was somewhat busy. There weren't many cars there, in fact the front lot didn't even fill up but there were dozens and dozens of buses there. It also didn't help that 95% of everyone there were crazy teenagers on a field trip from school. On top of that, Raging Bull, X-Flight, V2, and Superman were all having difficulties in the morning. At one point, all 4 attractions were broke down at the same time which meant all the students swarmed Batman, Demon, Whizzer, and even Eagle's queue was half way full when I got off a little around 11:10 I think.


There were a lot of kids that stayed and waited for the other rides to open and X-Flight, Superman, and Bull eventually started running. Not sure about V2 since I left the park pretty early after my head started hurting really bad. In other news, Goliath looks amazing in person! You can see it easily from all sections of the park. I went opening day but it was cool to how high it really is since it's topped off now.

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All of this education stuff is making me laugh. I'm a teacher and will be taking the day off to attend the Goliath media day. I'm also going to be in the park tomorrow as part of a band/orchestra performance...so if you are in the park tomorrow and hear an orchestra, I'll be the tallish guy in the pink orchestra shirt. Feel free to stop and listen or say Hi.


I bet your a good one. The pink shirt sounds about right.

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