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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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I'm a bit puzzled by all the resistance to possibly improving Eagle with a RMC treatment .. Eagle is big, old, slow, and presumably fairly expensive to maintain. Sure it's fun, and for a wooden coaster its age and size it actually runs pretty well - but why no love for RMC who could take American Eagle from "fun" to "thoroughly awesome"? (Besides, is this an actual rumor, or still just "maybe they could do it, I guess"??)


Personally I'd love to see the ride overhauled .. keep the "out" section mostly the same, but then some patented crazy-ass RMC insanity for the "back" section.


Of course I don't think it'll actually happen, certainly not next year; but it sure would be great


Edit to add: I do feel that if Eagle ever does get major work / re-profiling, it would be a shame if it became a 54" ride (it's 48" now, correct?).



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Personally my issue is the possibility of them only doing a refurb to one side. This just doesn't make sense it would either kill the popularity of the other side since its "So old and busted" or it could bring more people back to it since there's something new. I personally don't want it to be turned into a hybrids given the whole turn mega woodies into hybrids or TAER IT DOWN. There's very few big woodies that run good not to mention AE is a racer of epic proportions. It's my favorite ride in the park all in so yeah there's some bias for you but I don't care, we don't need IRON EAGLE in my opinion.


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I would think some topper track on both helices (all 3!) on Eagle - and then let 'er fly - the ride would be outstanding (consistently).


Anyone who's had the past few years October rides on a brakeless red track know what the Eagle can do. That return run is Voyage meets Phoenix.


Access to the ride would help with popularity as well

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As much as I would LOVE an RMC, I think I have to agree that giving one side the Iron Horse treatment would be a waste. As already mentioned, not only would that end AE being a racing coaster, but the ridership on the "old" side would eventually dwindle to nothing anyway.


Eagle ran pretty poorly when I went last month, but when she's in good shape amd they can turn the trim before the helix down it's one of the best coasters in the park. The topper track idea is a great one, but if they gave both sides and Iron Horse makeover that'd be even better!!

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  deathbydinn said:
  Jojo19799 said:
Has the park announced anything for Fright Fest, like new mazes or anything of that nature?


There are signs up promoting the new "Bermuda Triangle" in Hurricane Harbor which will feature two new haunted houses.


Thanks Jon. I was there Weds but must have missed the signs. I did notice some decorations were up, along with signs promoting the first day of FF. I'm not a big maze person, but I enjoy reading about the different scare zones and mazes. I'm assuming clowns will be roaming around Orleans - as usual.

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  Jojo19799 said:
  deathbydinn said:
  Jojo19799 said:
Has the park announced anything for Fright Fest, like new mazes or anything of that nature?


There are signs up promoting the new "Bermuda Triangle" in Hurricane Harbor which will feature two new haunted houses.


Thanks Jon. I was there Weds but must have missed the signs. I did notice some decorations were up, along with signs promoting the first day of FF. I'm not a big maze person, but I enjoy reading about the different scare zones and mazes. I'm assuming clowns will be roaming around Orleans - as usual.


New maze wise, there will be 2 mazes in hurricane harbor themed to the Bermuda triangle but i think thats all the new stuff. Also, the clowns roam marde gras (; haha.

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I don't think they're doing anything with eagle. If you think about it new Texas giant took a whole year to have its transformation, and rattler closed in August.


Plus the blue side of eagle is going backwards after Labor Day. I don't think they'll have the ride running if they're deconstructing one side. I think it's safe to say eagle is going to be fine.

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^That's great then. I personally don't want American Eagle to be changed just because I like the Eagle as it is. So now it's down to a new coaster or darkride hopefully.

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Just out of curiosity, I know that some people actually attend these town hall hearings; do they present it strictly as 125+ feet, or do they disclose the actual height of the planned attraction?


One other thing, a roller coaster isn't designed overnight- wouldn't it be prudent to take care of zoning and height a season or two ahead of time? I know these hearings are essentially a formality with this particular park and the township it's in, but we've seen SFNE get spared from a wild mouse coaster because of divine intervention and zoning issues**, and SFMW was forced to heavily modify their impulse coaster once the township got wise to the fact that it was nearly 40 feet over the 150 foot ceiling.



**Only to add one a year later. Too bad.

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^ The last time they had a zoning meeting was for the Chang that got away, and they brought blueprints with them revealing it was indeed Chang. Not sure if that will happen again, but it's something to expect.


As taking care of zoning ahead of time, as others have mentioned, the village of Gurnee are big proponents of new attractions at SFGAm, most likely due to the fact that it is the primary reason the town ever became as thriving and sprawling as it is, and I don't think I've ever heard of them turning down any zoning project ever. Someone with more knowledge and years might be able to prove me wrong, but as far as I've known, SFGAm always gets what they want.

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^Yeah, I was just going to say, immediately after that meeting the local media was already saying it was a 150 ft. tall coaster, so it was detailed. Hope that is the case again.


The Gurnee zoning board has never denied the height variance, so I don't think the park feels any need to do this two years in advance. Anything to get people to the park and help the tax base looks good to the board.

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I'm going to throw this out there.... What about the return of a Vekoma Giant Inverted Boomerang or other Vekoma coaster? It was taken out to disapproval -- I was there six times when it was standing and never got to ride it once. Its mechanical problems were great, and nobody really knew why they removed it and replaced it with BB. Think about the theme of the latest teaser video. --There are two "impacts" such as the two towers/drops, In every scene there are blue/green colors that match Deja Vu, "David" looks at the blue/green corkboard wall after the punch clock scene... Deja Vu had awards (the display case) and one of the Deja-Vu rides was named Goliath after it was moved and re-themed. The throwback maps (there are at least 5 in the teaser video) all had Deja Vu on them... and the only "new" map had the spot that is survey flagged marked area is in the park covered up, and yes, this spot would fit several Vekoma coaster styles. Also This would require a height variance and be around 160 Ft tall, and would have almost ZERO fear of being turned down since a similar ride was there in the past.

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