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Montu's Wonderful World of Photos .....

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And to actually contribute something to this topic!


The Original



Cropped, probably sharpened and lightened?




Admittedly the top one was taken with a pathetically poor digital camera a few years ago. However I think it definately needed a small kick up the arse.

Bonus points for naming the TPR member in it.

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I'll Contribute...


Most of these are a bit older so I don't have a specific tutorial to give you. But I will make special requests if needed (Wallpapers and Such). Enjoy!


p.s. - I like the sun =P


Faux-Tilt-Shift from Mantis Lift Hill (During a Lift Walk)


Faux-Tilt-Shift from Mantis Lift Hill (During a Lift Walk)


Faux-Tilt-Shift from Mantis Lift Hill (During a Lift Walk)


Maverick with a bit of over saturation, adjusted hue to a orangish color and an elliptical gaussian blur with a Layer Blend.


Magnum XL-200 with a bit of over saturation and an elliptical gaussian blur with a Layer Blend.


Top Thrill Dragster with a bit of over saturation and an elliptical gaussian blur with a Layer Blend.

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My most processed shot ever;


Fujisan and Dodonpa (Psuedo-HDR)



The unprocessed shot;


JPEG off the camera


I editted the photo like this;


Removed an errant bird that was annoying me

Removed the crane


Then played with the levels in PS to get some colur in it (the original was just too grey), then a little HDR-ish (not real HDR) processing in DynamicPhotoHDR to get a bit of drama.


Personally, I think once you have made the mental switch from just taking JPG "snaps" to taking RAW "photographs" then you pretty much expect to be processing every photo you take to some extent. What you are doing in the software is exactly what you would have done back in the day with a film camera in a darkroom.


For the record tho', I tend to agree with Ed about that blur effect.

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About as over processed as it gets, but I still thought it turned out relatively cool. The image is a HDR mash with a handful of layer blends, filter, and brush work. At my creative design 9-5, I don't get to use lightning bolts very often with clients, so this thread is officially a lot of fun IMO.




Tower O' Terror - DLR

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