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Robb Alvey's 30 Pounds in 30 Days - 2008!


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Robb Alvey's 30 pounds in 30 days - Day 3


Today was at least a little better than yesterday's weigh in. Then again I had another very busy day at work yesterday so I didn't really eat much.


I did about 45 minutes of walking and about 30 minutes on Wii Fit. I haven't turned on DDR in a few days now just because it takes up so much more room than the balance board.


Anyway, I'm going to make this one quick since I'm still working on the DVDs that go out today!


Starting weigh in - 260

Today's weigh in - 256

Total weight loss - 4 pounds in 3 Days


Oh, yeah, speaking of Jeff! There he is on the left! (Is it just me or does he kind of look like Eric Idle in that picture???)


Today's status page!


I'm almost as old as Jeff! (Just add a new more numbers on the end...)


My third.


Epic failure!


This is going to end badly.


Apparently all these years I've been doing it wrong!


Yay! -3.5 pounds from yesterday!


BMI comes down a bit more! (That's me doing my Chinese impression, BTW)




Oooh! Now you're getting kinky on me Wii Fit!

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  churchpunk said:
Hey Robb, I was just looking through some news articles and found one that might help. Here's a quote:


Important rule of thumb: Avoid holiday-themed items from coffee shops at all costs. From peppermint to egg nog to pumpkin, these are often the most sugar- and fat-packed drinks you'll find at places like Starbucks. Make your own flavored drinks instead, using skim milk, sugar-free

syrups, and, of course, skipping the whip.


The article shows the 20 most unhealthy drinks in America. It's kinda depressing, but check it out anyway!




I am well aware of the fat and calorie content of Starbuck's drinks and I choose my beverages with that in mind. The only Holiday drink I get is the Pumpkin Spice Latte and I get that with non-fat milk, no whip cream. It doesn't appear to be that bad:

Size: Venti

Calories 330

Fat Calories 5

Total Fat (g) 0


compared to the normal one:

Size: Venti

Calories 470

Fat Calories 140

Total Fat (g) 15


And I honestly can't taste the diffence between the two of them.


The other drink I get at Starbucks is a "Skinny Cinnomon Dolce Latte" -

Size: Venti

Calories 160

Fat Calories 5

Total Fat (g) 0


Compared to a regular "non-skinny" version:

Size: Venti

Calories 410

Fat Calories 140

Total Fat (g) 15


Starbucks isn't going to be something that I cut out, but personally I think my choices are just fine for my diet.



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first off, great job on the weight loss so far.


Remember that even after you lose your 30 pounds you will need to continue exercising, or else the weight you lose will pile right back on. Crash dieting for thirty days is not a good solution. Making permanent life style changes is. You are on the right track and deserve to be congratulated.


Oh, and I too would suggest you stay away from the drink at starbucks. Even the non fat version is still loaded with sugary and fattening syrups.


You would need to run almost 2 and a half miles to work off that one drink. The worst part is that you don't even get anything out of it. No protein, and it really doesn't take the edge out of your hunger.

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  california screamin said:
first off, great job on the weight loss so far.


Remember that even after you lose your 30 pounds you will need to continue exercising, or else the weight you lose will pile right back on. Crash dieting for thirty days is not a good solution. Making permanent life style changes is. You are on the right track and deserve to be congratulated.


Oh, and I too would suggest you stay away from the drink at starbucks. Even the non fat version is still loaded with sugary and fattening syrups.


You would need to run almost 2 and a half miles to work off that one drink. The worst part is that you don't even get anything out of it. No protein, and it really doesn't take the edge out of your hunger.

Thanks for the tips but like the first post says I've done this before and know my body better than anyone! Don't think that I started doing this blind...I do know all those things and have researched this many many times over the years, even had a personal trainer at one point.


I'm one of those people who have tried every type of diet and excercise that someone has "suggested" for me, and it never worked, so I do it with what works best for *me* and that may not be "by the book" or what other people would suggest.


For example, When I first lost nearly 100lbs in 2001 everyone told me "STAY AWAY FROM CARBS!!!" yet I lost most of my weight eating nothing but rice, bread, and noodles!


I know you mean well and all your tips are very sensible, many of which I follow, but I'm doing just fine continuing to drink my Starbucks!


Again, like I said in the first post, I need support and I thank all of you for that, I don't need to be told how to do it or that I should be doing it differently.



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  Six Flags Enthuseast said:
Better and may help you loose weight. GO ROBB!!





You LOSE weight, like you LOSE games or LOSE your keys.

LOOSE is like having a LOOSE tooth or a LOOSE fitting pair of jeans.


Thank you!

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  RobbAlvey said:
I do it with what works best for *me* and that may not be "by the book" or what other people would suggest.


If everyone "dieted" this way, I think there'd be a lot less obesity in the world. I did the same thing when I went from 289 to 175. Doesn't really matter exactly how you do it, just that you're committed to losing & you're going to make SMART CHOICES about food FOREVER!


Robb's Starbucks strategy is actually quite perfect. While not nutritious, it's also not extremely bad like most other Starbucks. Robb can satisfy that mental urge for Starbucks while not setting himself back really at all. That's a win-win all around.


Good on ya Robb! Keep us posted on your progress!

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I went out, partially inspired by this thread, and got myself a Wii Fit today. I'd consider throwing up some inspirational pictures of myself doing it, however first I want to wait until I'm a little better at using the board... And by a little better I mean a lot better.

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  Wes said:
  Six Flags Enthuseast said:
Better and may help you loose weight. GO ROBB!!





You LOSE weight, like you LOSE games or LOSE your keys.

LOOSE is like having a LOOSE tooth or a LOOSE fitting pair of jeans.


Thank you!


Maybe the fat weight is shakeable.


Seriously, I want to try out the Wii fit; I'm curious to see what the program would say my age is. When a program says a 19 year old is way older than he is, I'm wondering where it would put me at!



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Day 4 -


Hey everyone!


Sorry for the lack of update today, I've been in DVD shipping hell!


This weekend hasn't been great for me workout wise. Just been doing about 20 - 30 minutes on WiiFit and that's all. I'll get back into stronger workouts this week now that the DVDs have shipped!


Anyway, here's today's report...

Starting weigh in - 260

Today's weigh in - 256

Total weight loss - 4 pounds in 4 Days


Today's weigh in...pretty much the same as yesterday!


Yay! I'm almost perfectly balanced for some reason today. I must have farted.


Apparently, obesity runs in the family!!!


We have a new member of the WiiFit family! KidTums!!!

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Don't worry it will continue to drop and like you know you build up some muscle which might partly be the reason why sometimes the weight wouldn't drop, despite training and eating less, as well as the daily weigth can fluctuate about 2lb depending on water and food balance.


Oh and I think there's something fishy about the Wii Fit as a BMI index of 19 is under the estimated normal weigth (BMI 20-24.99) and not Obese.


I totally agree with treating yourself a bit, even though your trying to lose weigth, as I don't think it's worth 'suffering' (except in some extreme cases) as long as you're making some progress.


You can do it Robb. Keep up the great work!

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Go Robb! From the looks of things, you are well on your way to your goal!


and I wouldn't worry too much about your BMI. It's not a bad thing to keep your eye on, but it's not entirely accurate in that it doesn't account for muscle percentage and body types.


Keep it up, you're making me want to get back on my exercise plan!


ganbatte kudasai!!


(oh crap my nerd-itus is kicking in! )

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We made the Wii KidTums about a year ago, if not longer! Yes, she needs to be updated.


Also, one of the reasons it says she's obese is because WiiFit doesn't go that young so we had to make her 3 years old!


As for Jahan...he's just being emo like normal!

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Well done Robb!


Count me in, from tomorrow morning anyway! I'm supposed to be on a diet after eating everything I could lay my eyes on in Orlando and am being a miserable cow, sulking and a troughing a mammoth bag of Cadbury's Buttons as I type but I'll get back on it and will try and lose half my body weight by next Halloween.


E xxx

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