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Hey. On Spring Break last week and didnt get much of anything done but I had sometime this afternoon and have rethought some things...


This is the horror that was the main shopping center. Its been deleted.


Old Man. lol


I deleted the launcher and put in a rarly seen B&M Stand up. What do ya think?

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Whoa there, slugger, calm down. It hasn't even been put in-game yet, so it's going to be a while.


Looking great, Brandon. Keep up the good work, and take as much time as you need.

Edited by A.J.
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Whoa there, slugger, calm down. It hasn't even been put in-game yet, so it's going to be a while.


Looking great, Brandon. Keep up the good work, and take as much time as you need.


This made me laugh.


A ride, from a past park.




Edit: Oh, I also had a question, how does one fix the glitchy large half loops after restoring clearances?

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I thought about that when I was building it, but I decided that B&M could make it happen! If I had the large corkscrew pieces from RCT3, for example, it would be a lot nicer. But if you can picture it more drawn out, maybe slightly wider than something like Incredible Hulk (hint: inspiration!), I think it helps to picture these trains doing fine.

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