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funkeymom; gotta say the same thing to you. fantastic work there. I would just say put some type of support for that overhang to the right of the birch tree. Maybe a "no entry" sign backwards or something like that.


QueerRudie; that's a really interesting shuttle. (I notice it is in the Big Dipper scenario)

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It does, and on purpose. The forces are completely bearable throughout. Even in the back, where the roll is fastest, there's only a max lateral acceleration of 0.4G.


I'm experimenting with variations on typical loops and dives. There are also several points on the track where riders can "catch their breath" before the ride tears through again. One such example is the curve that goes through the "rho loop" (first inversion). It has 1.2G sustained for a second or so, with a very quick transition to 3.8G.

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It's kinda short . Other than the fact that you can see the roto-drop's top and its ride base (couldn't you remove or sink the edges of it with MOM?) that is a vibrant screen. Oh, and add flowers. It has to be one of my favorite screens from you.


Edit: Oh, and raise the "Parachute" sign a little, the "Sky Jump" sign blocks it.

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^^I like the look of the buildings, very nice use of in-game objects.


After about a month of not working on the park, this is what I came up with. It's not finished, and I'm having second thoughts on some parts, but I'm happy with how it turned out.

Grand Carousel Unfinished.bmpFetching info...

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If you're gunning for realism, you need to support that turnaround more thoroughly. Everywhere you have the single diagonal support, you need to add a vertical support as a brace.

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I'm currently working on a few No Limits creations, especially on an Intamin hyper coaster called Apophis and a yet unnamed compact B&M Invert.


Apophis, a "new style" Intamin hyper with lots of twisties and airtime hills


A compact, forceful B&M Invert (track not finished yet)

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