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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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if any one is going saturday for terminator and wishes to gather as a group PM me and we'll set a gather point in the morning befor the park opens and for those who cant make the opening i'll give my contact info to join when you arive. i most likly will be there by myself.


sorry for multi posting,

i will be wearing mt WCB 09 t-shirt, i will be up till 2am feel free to text my cell (profile) the more the merier, join the resistance!

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Media Day Update!




Here are a few shots -


These guys mean serious business!


Jay talked about some stuff...


Stuff blew up...


And yes the ride has fire!


And now....





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ABC 7 just did a Live Report with Garth Kemp talking inside the station, and showed footage of him riding it, and alot of aerial views. This aired at 4:53 p.m. or so. Garth Kemp may do a second report in the 5 p.m. news cast, so watch the news on ABC 7.


I am actually uploading video of the Fox News Good day LA Today report to YouTube, that aired at 12:30 p.m., using my digital camera. I am sure somebody has already posted a better video of it, and I haven't checked previous posts yet to see if anybody has.


Once it's done, I'll post a link to it. I don't have DSL, so this upload is taking a long time.


This ride looks really good, promising, and just awesome. I can't wait to ride this thing myself.

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This coaster looks uber AWESOME! OH MY GOD! I'm going to go to Magic Mountain in a couple of weeks and I am totally looking forward to this coaster. I watched on Eyewitness News Channel 7 the media day opening and it looked amazing. Then I logged on to TPR and saw the Terminator: Salvation media day report. When I read the whole report, I am super excited to go and ride the coaster!

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Looks like SFMM put on a great show--looking forward to checking this sucker out.


Let's see fire, Tyler getting hurt, fire, Terminators, fire . . .what's not to like?

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From the pictures it looks like the park did end up doing a decent job on the theme. Overall it looks like a really fun ride, not necessarily the most intense, but it looks like a really good time. I can't wait to get out to the park (eventually) and ride it.

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