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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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I'm somehow feeling TPR meet-up with ERT...


If so, I'll be there.


I'm already going to be there on Saturday for the opening... I don't care about the lines... I want me some Terminator.


I'm shivering just thinking that in few days I'll have a new coaster to ride.




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Wait So I have a question for Robb, Will you be at Media Day and then the KROQ event or just the KROQ event? Anyway I'll be there on Saturday and Sunday. Looking forward to the updates tomorrow and have fun guys.

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Never been to the first day of a ride opening, except Toy Story Mania which was 5 hours to long of a wait haha, (didn't ride cause i'd rode the week before at a AP preview) was curious whats the estimate wait time for Terminator this Saturday, i'm hoping not to bad cause its a regular roller coaster it seems and not a to complex loading like tatsu and X2... any predictions on the wait time?

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^I am guessing 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 Hours. I know Opening Day wasn't the best day to go but I'm praying that Terminator is on the Qbot even though I think it's unlikely. On another note any news on Robb's announcment that he mentioned a few pages back?

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It also depends on when you go. If you got to the park 1 hour before opening and camped out by the front gates of the park, and did the running of the bulls to the coaster, I would think you'd be on the coaster within 30 minutes of park opening. So you'll have waited about an hour and a half.


My "guess" would be that if you waited until mid-day to show up, you may be looking at a 2-4 hour wait.



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Before they let the crowd in the park, will they make an announcment that there will be no running allowed?


I would think the fastest way to Terminator would be to take the Orient Express up to the top of the hill, walk down that steep grade around the corner, and you'll be there...I would think walking around where Viper is, passing Roaring Rapids may be a longer walk.


I haven't decided if I'll be there Saturday, if I do end up going, I'll come in the afternoon, not to ride Terminator, just to take pictures of the crowd and the coaster from the exit and flash pass pathway.


It's going to be a crazy day, and crowded day, considering it is the weekend.

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I would think the fastest way to Terminator would be to take the Orient Express up to the top of the hill, walk down that steep grade around the corner, and you'll be there...I would think walking around where Viper is, passing Roaring Rapids may be a longer walk.

I would normally agree and probably suggest this.


The only caveat is that if they hold Orient's dispatch until it's full, you may be sitting in the tram for 3 to 5 minutes until it's dispatched.


If you're going to walk it, I would suggest going up through Rev's Flash Pass entrance and taking that short cut so at least you've got a head start in front of the people who went by Viper.



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^ That's what I was going to do and just get one ride on Terminator before the ride gets overcrowded with people (Probably the first 10 minutes that the park opens)


EDIT: Sorry if this belongs in the SFMM forum but I plan on getting a Qbot should I go to Terminator or get the Qbot first?

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are they going to just have the ride open or any ceremonies before hand? I plan on riding a couple rides while ev1 goes to terminator and then just waiting it out after a couple hours... probably not going to save me any time but hey i'm going for that ride and willing to wait..

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^ I'm not sure, actually. I know the "opening ceremony" is tomorrow but I've never been there for the opening day to see if they do or say anything about it.


I would imagine that at the little park opening ceremony thing they do, they'll probably mention the ride during that.



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Before they let the crowd in the park, will they make an announcment that there will be no running allowed?


I would think the fastest way to Terminator would be to take the Orient Express up to the top of the hill, walk down that steep grade around the corner, and you'll be there...I would think walking around where Viper is, passing Roaring Rapids may be a longer walk.


I haven't decided if I'll be there Saturday, if I do end up going, I'll come in the afternoon, not to ride Terminator, just to take pictures of the crowd and the coaster from the exit and flash pass pathway.


It's going to be a crazy day, and crowded day, considering it is the weekend.


It would be ideal to take the O. Express but on at least one of my runs to X2 this year, I've noticed that O. Express hadn't opened up yet.


By the way, I noticed a billboard for this ride on my way to work but it's in Spanish. I assume English versions are showing up everywhere as well?

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If you get lucky enough to get as far as the second shaded queue line, as below, you'll have a sure bet you will ride, and be very excited, well even if you are as far as the first queue line shaded area, you'll be waiting a lot less than the people standing pass the bridge.




The second shaded queue line area. I am sure they may have like misters, and even tv monitors playing music and video, such as they have during the queue line in X2.

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It would be ideal to take the O. Express but on at least one of my runs to X2 this year, I've noticed that O. Express hadn't opened up yet.


I rode the Orient Express on Monday when I went, so it's working now. How about a group of 10-12 people make a chain by holding hands walking to the Terminator up on the pathway, so nobody will pass you up. End to End.


Would that work, you'll have to walk fast, and be careful not to bump into anything. Just a suggestion.

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I'm anxious to hear and read reports of opening weekend particularly Saturday since i work in the evening. But i'm lucky enough to go tomorrow night so i really don't have to worry about the opening day crowds. Hey i say if you're willing to wait in a long line for the ride go for it. I know i've traveled miles and miles to ride a new ride to wait in an hour plus line for the ride. Kudos to you. Have fun on Saturday. Tomorrow can't come soon enough.

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I'm in Norcal until June 1st...so no Termy for me!


But, I thought I'd help you all out and let you know my fastest way to get to the back of the park by Deja Vu (And now Terminator!) I can pretty much guarantee it's faster than Orient Express. Go towards the entrance of Revolution, but go in the Fastpass entrance/ride exit instead. Follow the path and take the exit out the other way...viola, you're underneath Revolution's chain, having missed Viper and X2 and the loop around. That's it.

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