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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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I so wish I could have gone. Can't wait for the 28th now. Sounds like its going to be an interesting event. Season Pass an 20 dollars. Interesting. Anything to ride a good coaster with minimal wait.


Glad to hear that everyone had a great time at the event tonight!

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I have all three pre-shows in HD and if you can wait a day I'll post them so you don't have to worry about streaming them from your iPhone.


Also the park shot pov this morning so hopefully I'll have that in the next day or two to add into the video TPR shot today. (we shot a ton of footage!)

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LA Times posted their review (with some photos courtesey of TPR!) He gave it kind of a lukewarm review I thought, and personally I think I liked the ride a bit better, but it's always nice to have other opinions out there!




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What the heck! How could the LA Times like Colossus better? This looks awesome. Even after seeing the updates for the past few weeks, the finished theming looks way better than I thought. Can't wait till I can drive up to Magic Mountain.

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uh yeah, no, his favorite woodie at SFMM is Colossus? His opinion has been stricken from my memory lol.


Terminator is hands down the best woodie in Southern California right now, sure I would have loved something a little bigger and a little longer, but what GCI delivers is solid. Add in Six Flags best attempt at theming so far (I believe it is at least) and you have a solid attraction that a lot of people can ride.

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The KROQ event was a lot of fun- We got 19 rides in on Terminator, and 1 spin on Deja Vu.


I absolutely love Terminator- nonstop speed, great direction changes, and pops of air here and there.


Once it got dark, the ride REALLY got amazing- you go up the lift in lights, then you drop into nothing- then you swing up and head down and FIRE!!!


The preshow rooms work, and we spoke to Jay Thomas for a few minutes, and he told us of a few things that they're still working on for preshow 2.


We rode with enthusiasts, and with general public riders, and everybody seemed to really enjoy the ride- I kept hearing "It's not about big drops, it's just goes fast the whole way, and turns alot". I even heard a girl tell her friends that Terminator reminded her of Space Mountain, because it was smooth and fast.


Kudos to GCI & SFMM for a WONDERFUL coaster- I'd easily rank it as the best wooden coaster in California (I know, that's not saying a whole lot).


Get on out and ride it

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Finally, I can say something!


Obviously, I'm a bit bias in discussing the ride itself, but I think Jeff has outdone himself; this ranks among the best of the GCIs. But what I had no idea what to expect was the theming that Six Flags put in.


I was very pleasantly surprised by the queue, pre-show, and everything else the park did. The queue is propped well, with vehicles and other props taken directly from the film (as in, they're the actual vehicles used). The pre-show tells a story that sets up the ride well, whether or not it convinces you of the tie between a wooden coaster and Terminator. It makes you enter the station with a sense of chaos and urgency. The operations staff only reinforce this by hurrying you to your row, and the on-board audio playing in the station keeps the mood. The other train flying above your head only helps this.


Today was a great day and I (we) appreciate all of the comments that people approached us with, and enjoyed talking to those that stopped us.


Thanks for all of the great coverage of the ride so far, and I look forward to reading what others think as more continue to ride.


(Shameless plug: If you get any good photos, we'd LOVE to showcase them on our website! Click here for more information and to submit photos.)

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LA Times posted their review (with some photos courtesey of TPR!) He gave it kind of a lukewarm review I thought, and personally I think I liked the ride a bit better, but it's always nice to have other opinions out there!





Well, the writer does think that Colossus is the best wooden coaster at the park and would dare not compare Terminator to Colossus! Hmmmmm!

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I went into last night with high expectations of Terminator. I had already thought it would be my absolute favorite wooden coaster that I've ridden and I thought that it would be an awesome experience.


It exceeded my expectations.


I don't know how Jay, Neal, and Tim keep pulling off amazing things, but Terminator is absolutely flawless in my opinion (although the pre-show does drag a little bit). The airtime was absolutely amazing... the turns were quick and well-paced... the soundtrack was awesome. Everything came together for my new number two ride at SFMM and favorite woodie.


The thing is, as much as you read, you have to ride it to truly appreciate the beauty.




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My ears are still ringing... those speakers are so loud!


I liked the pre-show when I first saw it, but it got annoying later because I just wanted to get to the coaster! I'm actually more impressed by the pre-show buildings than the show itself. The show does a good job of presenting the purpose of the coaster and it's significance to our "survival." The ride itself is total non stop excitement from the second it leaves the station (like a wooden Batman minus the crazy intensity.) Of coarse the roaring wood with the pounding audio makes the ride even more exciting! My favorite seat so far is the front, but I still have yet to ride the back. One thing my girlfriend and I noticed is that the ride is a bit more intense on the left seat of cars. It felt like there were more right turns than lefts (Who's counting?) forcing the left side passenger against the side of car more. I wasn't sure if I liked the idea of having metal sheeting inside the tunnels at first, but after riding it I think it offers a change in atmosphere during the ride. Saturday when the ride opens to the public the tunnels will be filled with fog and flickering red lights... Fire, Fog, Lighting, Audio, this ride is really exciting!


Go Ride It!

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did I miss something here? Did eveyone that went yesterday win tickets from KROQ? or was TPR invited to the event? I could have easily blown off work to be there today....8 or 9 rides sure beats waiting an hour on Saturday for one ride.

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