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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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oh wow didnt look at to many pics but the pre show shit for the media day looked like it would of been fun to go to, how do I become media?! but maaan line looks good and ride looks pretty fun, cant wait! anyone know if this is ghost rider intense?

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For those of you who haven't seen the Good Day L.A. Today report with Tony McEwing, interviewing Michael Papajohn, here is my YouTube recording of it.



The quality and sound isn't the best since I recorded it using my digital camera, but it's an okay recording.


And Robb, great Media Day report, great photos, and I love that Media Day badge that you guys at TPR have, that is awesome. This looks like a great coaster, and I hope they keep the props, that big truck out front for awhile, so everybody can enjoy them for photo ops, and detail attention to the ride.


Any idea how long the Soldiers will be out front promoting the Terminator coaster, and joining the resistance to the park guests? The pre-shows look awesome, and will they always allow photography to be taken inside these pre-shows, or was today a one-time deal?



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^ Just find things to keep you occupied. I am going to the No Doubt/Paramore concert Friday night so that should help keep me mind of Terminator. But sleeping may be a different story. Anyone know if they are opening the gates for parking early or if its still going to just be around 9?

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We are at the KROQ event now. The park is empty! If you wanted 50 rides on Terminator you could have them! But if you missed this event and want 50 rides on Tetminator mark your calendar for Sunday June 28th and have twenty bucks and your season pass ready! . More details very soon!


Ps. The ride at night is freaking AWESOME!

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Wow, the ride looks GREAT! The theming, tunnels, and FIRE all look like they really make the ride pop. I hope they keep the army dudes in the area for a while, as greeters or something.


Thanks for the update, I want to come and take the tunnel! (s)

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Back from the KROQ event. We had an amazing time. I believe we ended up getting 7 rides in, but EASILY could have had more. We left at 8:30, so in 2 hours we got in 7 rides and 1 on Batman since the boy has to ride that.


We were all worried we'd get 1 or 2 rides, but we were able to walk on all night.


On our last ride of the night (back row) some of the GCI guys were waiting behind us for the next train. Got to thank them for building the ride and they got 2 thumbs up from Josh. Really cool guys for the 2 minutes I got to talk to them.


The ride is amazing, the pre-show, while kind of campy is great. Although, just a bit too loud for my taste. I do think they lowered the volume at some point, or I just got used to it.


SFMM has a sure-fire hit on their hands. We rode in the front, middle and back and the ride is great in all seats.


Get out and ride it.


Oh, and ditto on the night rides. Just awesome all the way around.

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How is the airtime on this ride? I watched the video shot on-ride (facing backwards) and it looked like there were some good pops of air, particularly on the exit from the deadman turn.



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^^ awesome! im sooo excited.

school is going to be so slow tomorrow. just thinking of how its almost Saturday. oh and the ride to cali. that is going to feel like AGES!



oh. and ill live stream the three pre-shows to qik from my iPhone.

ill make sure to post a link to the forum before i go life. i was thinking of doing one on the ride. but then i realized how much my phone cost and how easy it would be for it to fly out of my hand at 55mph.

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