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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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Even though it was a non-tpr update *gasp* it looked awesome! I like the idea of the sector signs (the tunnels have names now!) and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's update. I really wanna see testing footage now that my opinion of the ride has gone from gci and sf being lazy back when the details were released, to "Get me on the freaking ride already!"

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In the station photos it looks as though there will be windows. But that he windows may possibly be covered by a wall. I can't wait to see the theming of this ride once its finished. Its like two rides in one. I bet we'll all be noticing small things months after it opens. Gah I really can't wait to ride this thing. Anticipation is killing me.

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Something I just thought of...Was there any announcement about how long the rights to Terminator Salvation would last? Did they buy it 'forever'? I just wonder if it's going to get 'dated' or they have a date they have to pull the theming down by and it just becomes 'Salvation'!


Remember at SFNE that happened with Mr. Six's Pandemonium! Hmm, now that Mr. Six is back, maybe they'll put the cut outs and Mr. Six theming back up!!!!

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  Calicoasters said:
Maybe it will have to be Terminator 5. Christian Bale just signed up for the next movie not too long ago.


So then the re-theme could be Terminator ... 5 (or whatever the next one is called).


Probably just as easy as re-doing some of the pre-show stuff, on-board music and maybe changing out some theming and then you've got a whole new ride to promote in 2 years.

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I can't help but think that the rides theme is going to die eventually. The movie will be old news and the ride will follow. I hope they can keep a contract to keep the ride in the Terminator franchise. Maybe they will end up on a Terminator theme that isn't directly associated with just one movie.


I think the classic Terminator movies will hold their "popularity" longer, but who knows... Christian Bale could change that like he did with Batman.

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Christian Bale signed on for the second two movies of the new trilogy last year during filming of this one, so Terminator will be around for a while longer. I doubt that this will be like a Mr. Six's Pandemonium type of thing as everything I've seen of that ride seemed like the Mr. Six part of it was always going to be temporary. This looks to be a little more permanent. And if not, I doubt it would be difficult to change the theming slightly to erase the "Terminator" part and leave a fun post-apocalyptic theme to work with.

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^ There was some junk out there when Psyclone, Shock Wave, and Sarejevo Bobsleds were there, so I can't imagine they'd remove it for Terminator.


I would guess that testing of the ride continued tonight and will for a few days?



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  ZipityDoDog said:
Just had a friend send me this info she heard about on a local LA radio station.




We are the Resistance . . . On Thursday, May 21st we fight back!

SEE it, then RIDE it! Live 105.5 has your tickets to see the new Warner Bros. film "Terminator Salvation", one of the summer’s most anticipated films, on opening day!


Then right after the screening of the new film starring Christian Bale and Sam Worthington . . . face the machines in person on Terminator Salvation: The Ride only at Six Flags Magic Mountain before the ride opens to the public!!!


You'll join Live 105.5 members of the resistance on an exclusive bus trip to experience the new movie on the day it opens! Then you'll be transported to Six Flags Magic Mountain for your final mission! If you dare, climb aboard Terminator Salvation: The Ride, two days before it opens to the public! You’ll be taken on a journey that transports you into a post-apocalyptic future to attempt to save human kind...rise up and face a wooden coaster like no other featuring an eruption of sights, sounds and thrills.


The End Begins! Join us . . . You are the Resistance and we fight back Thursday, May 21st.


The movie is screening will take place in Valencia at 11am and after being bused to ride Terminator Salvation: The Ride


Just wondering how that works... Do you have to be a member of the radio station "club" to be invited to that event? And where in "Valencia" is the screening taking place???

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Testing Video coming later tonight!!!!


Everyone say "THANK YOU ROBB" for camping out at the park this evening when we have so much going on just to make sure you guys get a nice video of the ride testing!

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