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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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  RyanTPM said:
If that's pointing out height, then this has to be a coaster right? It could also be a flat ride, but what flat ride is that tall apart from drop towers and starflyers/windseekers?





(tho I think it's a coaster, if both Hustler (and parts of Rockville facade) AND Motorama are on the chopping block)

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I normally would be thinking a condor but as its stated above, the fact that both motorama(BIG space) and hustler are leaving, I think that does mean a coaster. Something small-ish, but fun. Anyone know when the last time was that Six Flags worked with GCI? Cause I know a coaster style that would work perfectly...



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  boardwalkbullet91507 said:
One thing to mention, Motorama goes under a pedestrian pathway and makes a u-turn by the poltergeist queue, so unless they utilize that space, the coaster, should it be one, might go under the bridge, turn around, then go back under. If they don't utilize that space, it's plenty enough for a flat in the future.


Ooh, What if it went over, turned around, then went under.

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^ that might actually be a valid possibility...it'd fit with the land space and they don't have a multi launch coaster. I'd just rather see a woodie. I think the only reason that wouldn't make sense is with the hints that they've been dropping. Full throttle is higher than 92.5 feet. They could probably go with premier, but it'd just have to be a new, original ride but still incorporate a few launches.

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One thing to consider if the balloon keeps on moving locations and changing in altitude is that maybe it's symbolizing the height at different points on the ride. For example, let's just assume it's a coaster after all, a hill on the ride at the first balloon location is 92.5 feet, and a hill, or inversion, or whatever at the second balloon location is x feet (whatever they measure). If it moves a third time, same thing. They're definately doing an excellent job hyping and teasing this new attraction. If screamscape sources are true and motorama and hustler are indeed closing, that's a pretty large plot of land to build on. This should be quite interesting as all the details unfold. Really hoping it's a wooden coaster; the park no longer has one.

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  IRat2015 said:
What about a small (in height) Intamin multi launched ride? Ala, Maverick but on a smaller scale? I think that would go great with a theme that would fit in with the nostalgia of Rockville...


Intamin Blitz? Maverick is only 105 ft tall and it packs a punch!

I personally would rather prefer a woodie since the don't have one.

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@SF_FiestaTexas: #SFFT2015 is FLYING at a height of 106'! I was surprised by something I saw on the balloon. @aceonlineorg @AboutThemeParks @TexasThrills


So my guesstimate was *slightly off. Getting higher and higher! I feel like the Rye Airplane Coaster is now out of the question, but a wood coaster still seems like a reasonable option.


I wonder why FLYING is in all caps. Flying coaster, perhaps? Would be neat, Texas doesn't have one.

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I'm not sure about the megalite idea (although I know anything is possible). That would be a similar experience to riding Steel Eel at sea world down the street... That screenshot of the flat bed carrying wood that I posted a few pages ago still has me thinking it's a wooden coaster. I do like the idea of a B&M flying or WING (maybe, is it so?!?) coaster flying under the pathway into Rockville!




Well, maybe not a wing coaster if 106' is the height... I looked up the existing ones and they are all well beyond 106' tall.

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