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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Hello all,


I'm planning on making my first ever visit to SFNE this coming Saturday. I noticed that Batman: The Dark Knight is not included on the Flash Pass so I was wondering how bad the lines get for that ride. I'm planning on getting the Gold Flash Pass since this will be my only visit this season (three hours is quite a long drive). If y'all have any other tips to make my day at the park more efficient, they would be appreciated.

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Hello all,


I'm planning on making my first ever visit to SFNE this coming Saturday. I noticed that Batman: The Dark Knight is not included on the Flash Pass so I was wondering how bad the lines get for that ride. I'm planning on getting the Gold Flash Pass since this will be my only visit this season (three hours is quite a long drive). If y'all have any other tips to make my day at the park more efficient, they would be appreciated.

Batman is on the flash pass. I have no idea where you got that info from. I know that it is on every level of Flash pass.

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I submitted a question through the Six Flags New England web-site asking them to verify that Batman is on The Flash Pass, and their response is below.


Thank you for writing in to us!


Batman: The Dark Knight is, in fact, available with the Flash Pass! I have informed upper management about the website and we hope to have it fixed soon. Thank you for letting us know!

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I would think they would let you into the lot and you'd wait on the road to the toll booths which are all the way in the back. I'm just guessing though.


By the way, if you don't have a Season Pass or don't have parking included with your pass don't park in their lot. All of the houses across the street from the park charge you to park in their lawn for like 5 bucks. It's closer, cheaper and you get out a lot faster.

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Hey.. More questions regarding my trip at the end of July:


- Would there be a major difference in park attendance between Mon. July 27 and Tue. the 28? We're doing a Red Sox game while in town and kinda want to do the Pedro Martinez H.O.F. night on the 28th... Could do the Monday game if that would help the SFNE side of things a ton though...

- Buddy I'm going with is a GP'er... What is the cheapest option for tickets? Also, is Flash Pass absolutely needed? Buddy probably won't drop the $85 for a Platinum FP... Gold FP might be doable at $55. He wants to go to the park, but if costs might add up he might start thinking about it...

Edited by RaceBoarder
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Are you kidding? I know you asked us to "spare the morality speech" but I'm sorry, that's flat out stealing. If the gold flash pass is doable at 55$ then don't buy it and spend that money getting into the park legally instead. Otherwise don't go.

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Hey guys.


I'm heading to the park from Jersey on June 20th, leaving in the morning, and staying at a hotel overnight. Then, i'm heading back to the park the next day after checking out, and after my time at the park on the 21st, I would head back home.



Do you guys have any tips for me? Thanks

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Hey guys.


I'm heading to the park from Jersey on June 20th, leaving in the morning, and staying at a hotel overnight. Then, i'm heading back to the park the next day after checking out, and after my time at the park on the 21st, I would head back home.



Do you guys have any tips for me? Thanks


Spend the second day at Lake Compounce and ride Boulder Dash. It's better than any ride at SFNE. SFNE is not worth two days. You'll thank me for this.

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^But would you agree that BD isn't worth missing just to spend another day fighting the crowds and lame operations at SFNE? Especially with it being on a weekend. You would be doing yourself a massive disservice to put yourself through that, with free soda, lighter crowds, picturesque scenery, and 1/2 hour waits on one of the greatest wooden coasters ever made sitting like 40 minutes away.

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Spend the second day at Lake Compounce and ride Boulder Dash. It's better than any ride at SFNE. SFNE is not worth two days. You'll thank me for this.


This... and ride the chairlift at Lake Compounce. It's one of the more unique rides at any regional park and offers amazing views and a nice long break from walking. SFNE has great coasters but after spending a day there it'll be refreshing to visit a park where the employees actually seem happy that you're there and are slightly interested in their jobs.

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Zoomerang is a "credit" coaster. Nothing more.


But yea, I'd definitely say a LC stop is essential. However, it all depends on how many hours you can squeeze in on Saturday. If you only get about half of the day based on commute times, stopping back again in the morning would be wise. However, I'd recommend leaving mid-afternoon and head to LC. Admission after 5pm is about half-price. Park would close at 9pm, giving you four hours and a few night rides on BD.

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