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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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^^ There are still some really good flat rides at SFNE. Well... Three in my opinion.


New England Sky Screamer




I do really miss their once awesome collection of great flat rides though... Rest in pieces Time Warp, Nightwing, Twister, and the evil, evil S&S flat ride. (We dare not speak it's name...)


Also I feel Dark Knight is quite under rated.. More intense to me than much of the B&M coasters I have been on. I love it's lil zero g roll... One ride I feel is often ignored that I can never pass up a spin on is Pandemonium.I love those Gerstlauer spinners and SFNE's trench dips were a nice touch.

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^^ There are still some really good flat rides at SFNE. Well... Three in my opinion.


New England Sky Screamer




I do really miss their once awesome collection of great flat rides though... Rest in pieces Time Warp, Nightwing, Twister, and the evil, evil S&S flat ride. (We dare not speak it's name...)


Also I feel Dark Knight is quite under rated.. More intense to me than much of the B&M coasters I have been on. I love it's lil zero g roll... One ride I feel is often ignored that I can never pass up a spin on is Pandemonium.I love those Gerstlauer spinners and SFNE's trench dips were a nice touch.


Evil S&S flat ride? Do you mean Hellevator? Because that became part of Scream.

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Please don't post about Tomohawk... we need SFNE to forget it's there so they don't get rid of it. If they catch wind of the fact that there's still a family flat ride in the park with mass appeal they'll remove it immediately. Just keep quiet and hope they don't notice.

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Please don't post about Tomohawk... we need SFNE to forget it's there so they don't get rid of it. If they catch wind of the fact that there's still a family flat ride in the park with mass appeal they'll remove it immediately. Just keep quiet and hope they don't notice.



They probably had the most awesome lineup of flat rides out of all the Six Flags parks. Why would they ruin that?

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I was referring to Catapult. While it was a little tight on my shoulders it was a very bizarre ride. Does Thorpe still have theirs ?


I really miss the Huss Flyaway Nightwing, I don't think Huss makes them anymore and it was frequently closed.

Great sensation of flight on this one...


With a major new coaster under construction I anticipate a flat ride or justice league dark ride for '16, although Id rather see SRoS return to glory... I can still keep my fingers crossed for the S&S free spin, as I imagine if BTR is successful these will pop up nationwide.

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They do have an empty building for a Justice League dark ride in the DC area that used to house their Trabaunt ride. Given the fact that it's in the DC area and the building already fits the theme it seems like a great place to put it. It almost makes too much sense not to do it.


For that reason I predict that in 2016 Houdini will be replaced with a Justice League dark ride, that building in the DC area will stay empty and they'll remove Kontiki just for fun.

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Bizarro and Wicked Cyclone are really the only ones. I guess Goliath, Batman and Pandemonium could come too...


No love for Thunderbolt? I think it's one of the best rides in the park personally.


Eh, It can come too. Yankee Cannonball would obviously crush it though.


My favorite was Chaos - very sad it isn't still around


Please don't post about Tomohawk... we need SFNE to forget it's there so they don't get rid of it. If they catch wind of the fact that there's still a family flat ride in the park with mass appeal they'll remove it immediately. Just keep quiet and hope they don't notice.



Six flags was one of the best parks in the chain with their full line up. Such a shame.

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