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Worlds of Fun (WOF) Discussion Thread

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Last night I partook in a VERY crowded Halloween Haunt at Worlds of Fun. Having avoided Saturdays in the past during Haunt, I was awe struck that the park was parking people in the grass, fields, and anywhere they could find a space. The ultra overflow lot was full of Ford Exploders from the nearby plant so that lot was off limits. At 11:15pm cars were STILL piling into the park. Luckily, many were also leaving. From the lift hill on Patriot you could see cars backed up for at least a 1/4 mile leading into the parking entrance, although I suspect many of those cars were waiting on their teenage hellions.


First things first, I have VIDEO of the midget wrestling! I'll let the video speak for itself, but talking with those that were there on Friday night, it was the same show, in fact, they didn't change much during the three shows they performed Saturday night. No, I didn't watch all three shows, but I did walk past the canine theatre while the other two shows were going on and I was like hey, it's the same script!


Now, being as the park was near capacity, it was invaluable to have the VIP pass. You too can have the VIP pass that gives you front of line access to the top 5 Haunts for only $25. Considering the line for the Doll Factory, Corn Stalkers, and Asylum Island were ranging from 2 hours to 3.5 hours long, it was well worth the extra money. Basically you went up the exit to each of the haunts (except London Terror where you entered at the front of the line between the kiddie bumper cars and the canine theatre) and were promptly let into the attraction. The only one I waited more than three minutes to get into was Corn Stalkers and even that only took 10 minutes. So how where they you ask? Well, here is it, in order of worst to best.


Overloads Awakening: The opening of Haunt with a parade of the monsters. This was awesome, clearly they spend a lot of money on this event. At Coaster Mayhem they mentioned they were going to try to eventually outdo Knotts, well, they are well on their way. The costumes and makeup of each of the scaractors are Hollywood worthy and this was the best way to see them all.




CarnEvil: Lame, like really really lame. CarnEvil is located at the back of the park near Timberwolf. Timberwolf's exit dumps into CarnEvil which means little fog and most of the lights turned on. The creepiness I give it an "A" but not much spooky going on here. A few clowns walking around. A few years ago I remember a guy heckling at the entrance, no more. I also remember that at both entrances to the CarnEvil at Cedar Point a few years ago. I can, however, understand why they would tame it down over years past with little kids that might be riding Timberwolf, but still.


Fright Zone: Not bad, lots of fog, lighting, and creepy people riding mop buckets.




5. London Terror: The newest attraction and it needs some tweaking to be more scary, but it has a high level of creepy. You really do feel like you are walking in the slums of London. Time: About 5 minutes


4. Master McCarthy's Doll Factory: Lots of naked Barbie dolls screwed to the walls, some blood and guts, the scaractors looked like plastic dolls for which the makeup department gets kudo's, but really, not that spooky. Time: About 8 minutes


3. Cornstalkers: Nice walk-thru the corn fields, lots of hidden scares and parts where you can't see. I was expecting more, but it was decent. Time: About 10 minutes


2. BloodShed: Holly crap. Ever want to walk thru a haunted meat processing facility, this is it. Truly a messed up awesome time with pig parts, body parts, and meat market. Time: About 6 minutes


1. Asylum Island: This was the sh!t. Reminded me of an abandoned mental ward where the homeless had setup shop. Walk in the lobby, pass by the patients in their cages/rooms, make your way to the operating room, the shock therapy room, a nursery, the complete package. This is the one you must come and see and the one with the 3.5 hour wait, well worth it.


So my evil plan all worked out well. This is what I did. Arrived, hit up some flats, watched the parade of monsters. At 8:30 watched the midgets, show laster all of 15 minutes (oh and for $10 bucks you could get ring side seats and a shirt) After the midgets, tarted at Doll Factory, walked in, the Cornstalkers, waited 10 minutes, Asylum Island, walked in, BloodShed, waited 3 minutes, London Terror, waited 3 minutes, then hit Patriot three times (that crew rocked it! 75% full cue, rode in less than 25 minutes, NO Stacking!), Prowler 3 times including at 1AM! ( Crew was also rocking, NO stacking!)


All in all, it was a grand time, if you come on Saturday, buy the Fright Lane Pass!!!!



If you want to see my full collection of pictures from Haunt, refer to my Facebook


When you see this, you know you are at the one, the only...


Worlds of Fun!


Yes, Yes I do!


Don't mind if I do!


VIP Baby! Surprisngly, not many people were buying these, they'd rather wait and wait I suppose, crazy!


Just inside the park, people were squeezing in whereever they could! This was about 90 minutes before the parade!


So I rode this. Brandon (Park Marketing guru) was right, this thing is way better with the new shocks!




Hey, what happened to the Chippery?!?!


Ahh, it's moved to Africa.


Mamba was PACKED! Two train operation, the park won't do three op again, outside of Haunt weekends, it's just not needed so they are only putting two trains on the rails from here on out keeping one train in storage to rehab at will.


They spend a lot of time and put a lot of work into decorating for Haunt.


Oh Lord. You know its busy when the line for the boomer spills out of its queue.




Let the Haunt Begin!


How about some parade pictures so you can see the detail they put into the costumes. These people were admiring how big he was.


Asylum peeps



London Terror




Some of these dolls were HOT!



The man himself.


First off


Not being able to see when you get spooked: Winning!



Even the bumper cars were in the mood!




Cornstalkers line stretched all the way to the boommerang (Note: Entrance is halfway up the queue to the Nile)


Pictures are not allowed inside the Haunts. So all you get is this outside shot.


These people were waiting for Asylum.


The BEST Haunt at the park. Hands down.


Overview of London Terror with Eli steaming by in the background.


EPIC at 1AM!


Despite being packed, I had a great time, thanks Worlds of Fun (And please make front of line passes available ALL the time, hint hint ;) )

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Oh my god, how is Worlds of Fun getting away with promoting this "Midget Wrestling" thing as an attraction??? This is SO highly offensive! I am disgusted. If I was a little person and attended the park and saw that going on, I would go straight to guest relations and ask for my money back.

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^^I don't mean to sound insensitive, but that is exactly how Worlds of Fun referred to these wrestlers, both in the press advisory they sent us, as well as in the signage they've included at the event.


What: Hardcore midget wrestling. Something a little different for Haunt, but don’t sell these guys short, this show will not be for the timid.



It may not be the politically correct term, but that is the exacting wording that has been used officially for this offering, so I don't think you're going to get much to change there.

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This is how these guys make a living. They promote themselves as midgets, have their own tv show on SpikeTV, have appeared in Jack Ass 3D, etc.


It's a business model, and a very successful one at that. This is not something being forced upon them by a promoter. My guess is their rep approached CedarFair and they(CedarFair) obviously agreed that it was to be a good fit for the park and their Haunt event. While I don't much like wrestling, I do have to agree with the decision to make them part of the event, it just fit.



Here is their webpage: http://www.halfpintbrawlers.com/


Edit: According to their tour dates, they are also appearing at Kings Island.

Edited by chadster
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Does WoF not conga line their mazes? We've had queues just as long as that CornStalkers one, and we can get people through in around 45 minutes. 2 hours is a little much to keep your guests waiting.


They were letting people in a few at a time few = 10 maybe? At a time = every 20-30 seconds, if that. It was nothing for me to have clear space in front and behind me.

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Yeah I understand that the Half Pint Brawlers are little people who are willing to dehumanize themselves for money, and also that the park agreed to promote this using the word "midget". I find the whole idea really offensive. What I'm saying is I wish members of this forum wouldn't feed into it.


The irony of the midget wrestlers was standing in line next to a midget couple on Detonator without laughing.


If Cedar Point decided they were going to put on a Minstrel Show with Jim Crow and Mammy, that wouldn't mean that it was ok, and since the park and the actors are doing it, we should all proceed to make black jokes.


Anyway, apparently I'm the only one here who finds all of this offensive.

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^Everyone has their touchy topics. While I don't think anyone is trying to come off as insensitive, you probably aren't going to find many (if any) that are as vocally opposed to this as you are.


While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, I think you've made it known. Let's move forward in the conversation, either overlooking the wording or keeping personal opposition to ourselves. The topic is here to discuss the offering, not the morals behind the offering's verbiage.

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^^If this subject offends you then you probably haven't been reading TPR very long.....


The Half Pint wrestling show looks awesome, and little attractions like this can make a Halloween event really cool. I wish Universal went out of their way to bring in some weird/different acts like this every now and then. Their event is really starting to get a little stale and predictable from year to year.

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So can we assume that WOF is not getting the Windseeker many thought it was? I'm starting to think they may get nothing.


I've been trying to tell you guys that they are not getting anything new until 2013 for a while. This year brought a multi million dollar expansion to planet snoopy and a lovely refurbished carousel that looks quite nice at the front entrance. Thunderhawk is why they are not getting anything as itss been very costly to get back up and running after a slew of issues. In hindsight they should have dumped it in leu of a new attraction for 2012 so don't look for anything until 2013, maybe a windseeker . For 2012 they will focus on infrastructure and ADA retrofits.

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The park will get something new when it makes financial sense. I would think the park looks at costs and potential increases in attendance to make a discission rather than putting in a ride every year just because.

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So can we assume that WOF is not getting the Windseeker many thought it was? I'm starting to think they may get nothing.


Perhaps there were only two,rather than three windseekers purchased as originally rumored? I don't see where CF would put a third one other than at WOF or perhaps VF.

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Wow, that's three years in a row without getting something. Damn the park is doing horrible.


Not true. Again, they just spent millions (around 8) on a much needed revamped area for the kids and a complete head to toe refurbishment and installation of a classic carousel plus a new permanent picnic pavillion. Not every enhancement has to be a coaster or super major flat ride. The park's attendance was strong this year when factoring in for the extreme heat and the Snoopy area did exactly as they wanted, it brought more parents and kids in with rave reviews. With WoF seemingly being on the every other year approach when it comes to major capital improvements, it's pretty much a done deal something will get built in 2013. While there is more to the story, we will just leave it at this for now.

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So can we assume that WOF is not getting the Windseeker many thought it was? I'm starting to think they may get nothing.


Perhaps there were only two,rather than three windseekers purchased as originally rumored? I don't see where CF would put a third one other than at WOF or perhaps VF.


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So can we assume that WOF is not getting the Windseeker many thought it was? I'm starting to think they may get nothing.


Perhaps there were only two,rather than three windseekers purchased as originally rumored? I don't see where CF would put a third one other than at WOF or perhaps VF.


What KDCOASTERFAN is saying is he can't see any other Cedar Fair Parks getting a Windseeker. He is fully aware Worlds of Fun has plenty of room to install one.

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