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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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On an off-topic, we were planning our only visit to KI this year on Tuesday and Wednesday but it rains all week Then we considered Holiday World but that has rain all week also. How often does KI close rides when it rains?


I've taken plenty of rain rides at KI. That was a while ago, though. They've probably changed their policy a bit. Diamondback and probably Banshee will be the first rides to go down. You can always just ride FoF over and over


Beast in the rain is awesome btw. Get on a night ride with a nice drizzle coming down. That is the ideal Beast ride.

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Here are some pictures from my first visit to Kings Island last week.


Walking up to the park entrance.


Obligatory photo of the logo and Eiffel Tower.


First ride of the day was Banshee.


This ride is seriously awesome. Forceful and relentless.


Zero-G Roll.


My only picture of anything Bat-related. Short ride, but still plenty of fun.


Vortex wasn't too bad as far Arrows go.


The two loops were my favorite part of the ride.


Decided to take a spin on Windseeker since I've heard so much about these and wanted to do it for myself.


Even for someone that likes thrill rides, I found Windseeker a bit freaky. :|


Two Diamondback trains in one picture. Great ride with decent forces and floater air galore.




Alright, let's get this over with.


If if wasn't for the horrible Vekoma restraints, Invertigo could potentially be a decent ride.


Racer wasn't a bad ride, it just wasn't very interesting. At least they were racing that day.


Now for some pictures from atop the Eiffel Tower. Here's Diamondback.


Banshee and Adventure Express. This is my only picture of Adventure Express. Decent Arrow mine train, has the most anticlimactic ending ever.


Vortex, The Beast, and Windseeker.


Racer, Firehawk, and Flight of Fear.


Backlot Stunt Coaster was a pleasant surprise. A bit more intense than I thought it would be.


Cheesy queue line video for Flight of Fear.


Obviously couldn't get any pictures of the ride itself, but it was fun. Launch was weak, but the rest was fun despite the jerky transitions and the strong MCBR.


The sign for Firehawk.


One-train operations :(


Actually a decent ride and not that rough. Not on the level of the B&M flyers, but still fun.


Another pic of Diamondback's lift hill.


Time to ride The Beast. Not an amazing ride, but still a very good one, and the two final tunnels are by far my favorite tunnels on any coaster.


It's too bad that it has so many trims, otherwise it could be truly insane.


Unfortunately didn't get a legendary night ride on it, though it was running much better in the evening than during the day.


That's it for my trip report. Thanks for reading!

Edited by VF15
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^ Beat me to it!


Like said above, Monster is coming back together. I spoke with a maintenance fella today and we talked a little about the ride. About 6 weeks ago, I posed a trip report (in this thread) about a couple of light bulbs breaking by catching the ground on the lowest-most sweeps and that was a red-flag to them that something was wrong with the center bearing and the ride was shut down, (I even said it was strange to see it as it never should happen) with center oscillator and bearings removed for about a month.


Fast forward to today: The new center part is none other than the same part of the Monster from Worlds of Fun, who took out theirs this past winter. I shocked the maintenance guy when i mentioned Worlds of Fun removed theirs, and he said yes, that's the same part. So now it's a matter of a few days to probably a week before this gets going again. They had all 6 "arms" hanging by 4pm today and I had spoken to him around noon.


The infamous broken light bulb from May 3rd, 2015


Center oscillator and post installed


Center oscillator and post installed


Hanging the last Arm


Tubs awaiting their installation


view from the tower


Working hard.

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Here are some pictures from my first ever visit to Kings Island last week.
Nice photos!! Thanks for sharing! These pictures got me super excited for my first visit to KI next month!! Can't wait to ride Banshee!!
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Very interesting the amount of care that Kings Island is putting into their Eyerly Monster ride considering how many parks have steadily removed them over the past two decades. From insight gathered through working very close with maintenance people who maintain a "Spider" they aren't terribly hard to maintain, but they are surely not the most user-friendly or capacity machines when it comes to operations. They can be very touchy when it comes to balancing to ensure proper operation and ease of aligning when stopping the ride in the proper position.


As for the light bulbs and their popping during operation, I can say through operating experience that a heavily loaded arm and a small raise in the pavement/platform surface under the ride will scrape and pop off the lowest light bulb on the respective arm if the arm lowers at just the right moment. Not a safety issue, but something that can happen on an older ride that has more "play" in how it moves/shifts and carries the weight of riders.

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^I agree! there are 10 rides still left at ki since the park opened. Some are older than the park. They most likely mean a lot to ki. I mean, a motor or something went out on SR&R last year, and they re-introduced it this year! Although I do think they could use one more thrill flat. Like skyhawk or an enterprise or something like that.

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^I agree! there are 10 rides still left at ki since the park opened. Some are older than the park. They most likely mean a lot to ki. I mean, a motor or something went out on SR&R last year, and they re-introduced it this year! Although I do think they could use one more thrill flat. Like skyhawk or an enterprise or something like that.


I'd rather see an Enterprise, the rides are classics, it would give the park their first Inverting Flat, which they need. I just rode an Enterprise for the first time a few weeks ago and they are fun! Plus a Scream N' Swing I think is too similar to Delirium for my liking...

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^I agree! there are 10 rides still left at ki since the park opened. Some are older than the park. They most likely mean a lot to ki. I mean, a motor or something went out on SR&R last year, and they re-introduced it this year! Although I do think they could use one more thrill flat. Like skyhawk or an enterprise or something like that.


I'd rather see an Enterprise, the rides are classics, it would give the park their first Inverting Flat, which they need. I just rode an Enterprise for the first time a few weeks ago and they are fun! Plus a Scream N' Swing I think is too similar to Delirium for my liking...


They used to have an Enterprise (A HUSS Skylab, actually) Flight Commander, and of course, Tomb Raider. So they have had inverting flats in the past. Zamperla is apparently working on a ride called "Endevour" which is like an Enterprise. I wouldn't mind that, a two-sweep Hawk (Aero 360) and maybe a large Tea Cup ride to round off Coney Mall.

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Do you guys really think Cedar Fair is in a big hurry to buy another large Screaming Swing? Just this year the ride was closed for a week with a crane working on it (the general assumption is that it was something structural), last year it was closed for a long time after injuring riders and to be honest they're lucky it didn't kill or seriously injure someone standing on the midway as the cable crashed through a fence that people frequently lean against, the year before it was closed basically all year... the ride is great but it's a nightmare.

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:lol: Do you guys really think Cedar Fair is in a big hurry to buy another large Screaming Swing? Just this year the ride was closed for a week with a crane working on it (the general assumption is that it was something structural), last year it was closed for a long time after injuring riders and to be honest they're lucky it didn't kill or seriously injure someone standing on the midway as the cable crashed through a fence that people frequently lean against, the year before it was closed basically all year... the ride is great but it's a nightmare.

Oh I'm sure that it's almost out of the question, but its also a matter of what isn't out of the question for flat rides. Huss and S&S have had lots of problems with their Giant Frisbees and Screamin Swings at Cedar Point and Kings Island. So what remaining manufacturers are there that make large park-scaled models? Zamperla comes to mind with their air race.

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:lol: Do you guys really think Cedar Fair is in a big hurry to buy another large Screaming Swing? Just this year the ride was closed for a week with a crane working on it (the general assumption is that it was something structural), last year it was closed for a long time after injuring riders and to be honest they're lucky it didn't kill or seriously injure someone standing on the midway as the cable crashed through a fence that people frequently lean against, the year before it was closed basically all year... the ride is great but it's a nightmare.


If you watch/listen to the cables as they pull the swing, you'd be surprised if the ride DIDN'T have problems. It's totally burnt through the steel. That's just poor design imo. Don't get me wrong, I love Skyhawk, but it legitimately scares me to ride it.

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They used to have an Enterprise (A HUSS Skylab, actually) Flight Commander, and of course, Tomb Raider. So they have had inverting flats in the past.


Sorry, I meant their first inverting flat currently operating at the park.


Oh I'm sure that it's almost out of the question, but its also a matter of what isn't out of the question for flat rides. Huss and S&S have had lots of problems with their Giant Frisbees and Screamin Swings at Cedar Point and Kings Island.


I've never seen Maxair or Delirium have as many problems as Skyhawk. And even if the similarities won't keep them from getting a Scream n' Swing its definite that they won't get one because of Skyhawk's problems.

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I know this might be off topic but I just thought of this while i was on Banshee today. Would it be nice if they repainted Slingshot? Colors like Carowinds/Cedar Point / Canadas Wonderland?






Also Update on 2016 Attraction: I Really do know what it is. A full time employee informed me of it. You guys may or may not be disappointed


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Rob Decker, Matt Ouimet, Greg Scheid, and Don Helbig hang out with 18 year olds and give them all the details about future expansion in case you didn't know.


I'd expect Kings Island to receive something fairly significant next season after taking an 'off year' with the smaller flats - I'd guess 5-7 million towards 2016. Their water park is still in good shape since the 2012 renovation, but it really needs some new updated attractions, so I'm guessing that'll be done before the next coaster goes in. Not sure if next year is the year for that, but Cedar Fair surely has been investing in water parks the past 2 seasons (Dorney, Carowinds, KD, Wonderland, ValleyFair, WOF) and if the trend continues it could be Kings Island's turn soon.

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Rob Decker, Matt Ouimet, Greg Scheid, and Don Helbig hang out with 18 year olds and give them all the details about future expansion in case you didn't know.


I'd expect Kings Island to receive something fairly significant next season after taking an 'off year' with the smaller flats - I'd guess 5-7 million towards 2016. Their water park is still in good shape since the 2012 renovation, but it really needs some new updated attractions, so I'm guessing that'll be done before the next coaster goes in. Not sure if next year is the year for that, but Cedar Fair surely has been investing in water parks the past 2 seasons (Dorney, Carowinds, KD, Wonderland, ValleyFair, WOF) and if the trend continues it could be Kings Island's turn soon.


This seems like the most likely case to me.

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