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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Yup, I might go. They added some rides to ERT that wasn't there last year, but took away the Banshee behind the scenes. I was hoping they would add another behind the scene's event to one of the other coaster's or take us to the 50th foot floor on the Eiffel Tower.


There might be some surprises in store that aren't listed out.


Oh hey Don! I think there's a good chance I'm going then! Love surprises! Ha

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Question for everyone: What is your favorite rides at Kings Island and what makes it your favorite?


My favourite rides at Kings Island are The Monster, Vortex, Adventure Express, Invertigo, and The Racer. The reason why these are my favourite rides at Kings Island is because I enjoy older rides and coasters as they give a nostalgic feel of the yesteryear. Also, they're quite fun to ride in my opinion!

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Nice to see they're building another funnel cake stand! Kind of interested in the placement though. But kind of intersting that they tweeted out this picture first though.... with a trail leading somewhere. I know that this was the former Tombstone Terrortory Entrance but could it be for soemthing else? Photo creds to the parks twitter.


Myserious Picture.... Looks like theres been something driving on it.

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Kings Island just tweeted that it's a new entrance to White Water Canyon


If i remember correctly, I believe the new entrance will feature a tunnel that goes under the train tracks. Only problem with that is the first thing you would come across when you come up from the tunnel would be the exit.

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Question for everyone: What is your favorite rides at Kings Island and what makes it your favorite?

My favorite ride that's still at KI is Flight of Fear. I'm crazy about that launch! I went with a group of people and ended up riding with my friend's teenage son. He thought it was lame because I wanted to ride it- we have the best onride photo ever. I'm grinning like I'm crazy, he's effin' terrified. I still tease him about that, a decade later.

My favorite ride ever at KI was Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. I managed to miss the whole Crypt mess and in my head it's still perfect with the effects and preshow, and that's the way I like it. It's the only Top Spin I've been on- one of these days I'm gonna hit a park with one and see if the reality measures up to memory.

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Seeing on Instagram and Facebook that KI is getting a Giga for 2017. The photo of Rob Decker with the blueprints where up with all the "rumors" on some of the accounts I follow.


I wouldn't put too much creditability to those accounts but I will admit that thay has been my idea for KI in 2017 or 2018

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Seeing on Instagram and Facebook that KI is getting a Giga for 2017. The photo of Rob Decker with the blueprints where up with all the "rumors" on some of the accounts I follow.




I could see this coming SOONER rather than LATER because i know this isnt always right, but we did get Banshee a year after Cedar point got Gatekeeper. And they are getting Valravn this year..I have some spots on where it could go if KI gets a giga:


1) Area in between Racer and FOF could house a station, and you could run the track out and about near the "Rose Bowl" section was for SOB. Either a)build over adventure express or b)scrap adventure express


2)The Dinosaurs Alive attractions at many parks are going to either be extended or removed since the contracts would be up at the end of the season. Unless Cedar Fair renews the contract. But really, I went through this the first year it opened and it was alright, but ive heard its been going downhill year after year. This area could be a nice place for a station and lift for a giga that could run out and behind Firehawk and FOF.



3)IF WE DONT SEE A GIGA COMING SOON i could see a new coaster (maybe dive since the plot of land seems a good place for it) going in where Vortex sits. Honestly Vortex is getting a little rough and it cant go AT LEAST two days without breaking down.


4)IF WE DONT SEE A NEW COASTER NEXT YEAR we could see maybe some new flats coming in the dinosaur area. The park has been asking guests on Twitter what attractions they miss. Plus they've been posting pictures on Instagram about rides being constructed that are no longer in operation at the park (this might just be for history of the park or something) but you have to remember, they did bring back the flying eagles after about 10 -11 years so it could be a possibility that we see maybe one, two, or three new attractions of rides that use to be at the park.


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I could see this coming SOONER rather than LATER because i know this isnt always right, but we did get Banshee a year after Cedar point got Gatekeeper. And they are getting Valravn this year..I have some spots on where it could go if KI gets a giga


They also got Diamondback, two years after Maverick; and Firehawk, the same year as Maverick. The most recent time they got a coaster one year after Cedar Point was Flying Ace Aerial Chase, one year after MF, which was also before CF was involved with Kings Island. The entrance renovation is coming 3 years after Cedar Point's entrance renovation, so their next coaster must be coming in 2019. Kings Island opened 102 years after Cedar Point, so that could mean their next coaster is coming in 2118.


I'm not that caught up with Kings Island rumors, but experience with other parks, which is an actual trend, shows that these rumors aren't very credible

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If/when KI does get a Giga, I'm hoping it would be an Intamin along the lines of I305. Wishful thinking, I know. But I think that what they need more is an RMC Hyper woodie.



I would love to agree with you, but I still haven't figured out how they could convince the GP and their regular park visitors (that are not enthusiasts) that it is not another SOB. Because that is how they would view it. And I'm sure the media would pounce on the opportunity to bring negative press to brain wash their viewers for ratings.

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