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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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^^The general consensus was that OzIris was not very intense, and I do not have that much hope for this one either. I can easily see it being another Talon or Silver Bullet.


You are WRONG about Talon. Wrong wrong wrong wrong. Talon is 100% old-school B&M, every bit as forceful as Raptor.


Ok, you may continue.

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^ I've noticed a lot of people saying they get head banging on the Batman clones. I personally never have. Does it have anything to do with body type?


Well, I'm 5'4 and about 110 pounds and BTR clones, especially in the corkscrews, do produce some headbanging. But for some of my bigger friends, (5'10 and 220ish. Yes, I'm friends with some linebackers) it's completely headbanging free. It's odd. But that's what I've found on the SFOT clone.

The SFOT one is the only one I've gotten head-banging on.

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^I'd much rather have the Vekoma over the B&M in the flyer department. B&M's can get quite uncomfortable if you're sitting on the brake run for a few minutes since they can't load them any faster than the Flying Dutchmen.


I'd say Beast, Diamondback and Vortex are the top three at Kings Island but I think Banshee will replace Vortex on that list after next year.

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Yes, and I'd say the next coaster that would be removed (which is not techniquely necessary) will be Vortex. I understand it is popular with the GP (and I myself enjoy it as well) but now that Banshee will be coming along that will give KI more leeway in a decision to replace it. Now, I don't expect it to be going anytime soon, I just think it will be the next coaster removed.

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^I'd much rather have the Vekoma over the B&M in the flyer department. B&M's can get quite uncomfortable if you're sitting on the brake run for a few minutes since they can't load them any faster than the Flying Dutchmen.


The ops at Great Adventure were loading Superman a few weeks ago without stacking whatsoever. I'd like to see the ops on any of the Flying Dutchmen do the same.

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^^The general consensus was that OzIris was not very intense, and I do not have that much hope for this one either. I can easily see it being another Talon or Silver Bullet.


You are WRONG about Talon. Wrong wrong wrong wrong. Talon is 100% old-school B&M, every bit as forceful as Raptor.


Ok, you may continue.


Going to have to 2nd that notion. I rode talon for the first time 2 weeks ago and it's the most forceful invert I have ridden. I can't remember how Raptor felt because I was too young to pay attention to such things when I rode it 6 years ago. I also rode Afterburn at Carowinds the same week and it didn't seem to come close to Talon. Personally, I don't like the Batman clones that much, but for some reason Goliath at SFFT seems a lot better. I don't know if it's the placement or that it's a mirrored version to all the others i've ridden, SFOT, SFMM, SFGAdv, and SFOG, they all drop to the left where Goliath drops to the right.


Back onto the subject at hand, I have been hoping that B&M would design a new invert because personally inverted rides are my favorite. IMO, speed can sometimes make up for the lack of force and I hope this one doesn't lose its speed.

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Just judging by the pov, Talon has tighter transitions and those ground-level turns at the end which are the most forceful part of the ride. Banshee's turns at the end are wider and higher off the ground. I could be wrong, but I doubt this ride will be much like Talon. More like Alpengeist, bigger inversions, more speed, less force.

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Banshee should be able to get my dad to take us all down to Kings Island this year. My school goes to Worlds of Fun, and since Kentucky Kingdom isn't too far I hope to go there. I finally got a Club TPR membership so hopefully I can get to HolliWood nights too. 2014 should be a good year for me coaster-wise.

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Just judging by the pov, Talon has tighter transitions and those ground-level turns at the end which are the most forceful part of the ride. Banshee's turns at the end are wider and higher off the ground. I could be wrong, but I doubt this ride will be much like Talon. More like Alpengeist, bigger inversions, more speed, less force.


"Judging by the POV" Is a great way to start off a post.

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Just judging by the pov, Talon has tighter transitions and those ground-level turns at the end which are the most forceful part of the ride. Banshee's turns at the end are wider and higher off the ground. I could be wrong, but I doubt this ride will be much like Talon. More like Alpengeist, bigger inversions, more speed, less force.


"Judging by the POV" Is a great way to start off a post.


Um, I've been riding Talon every year since it opened, and I'm pretty sure everyone is judging Banshee based off the POV, unless you think there's somebody who's ridden it already. I checked the POV of Talon before posting just to make sure my actual experience of the ride felt about the same as it looked in the video, which it does. Do you disagree with anything I said or were you just pointing out that you shouldn't make judgments on a ride based purely on a video (which I tend to agree with)?

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Just judging by the pov, Talon has tighter transitions and those ground-level turns at the end which are the most forceful part of the ride. Banshee's turns at the end are wider and higher off the ground. I could be wrong, but I doubt this ride will be much like Talon. More like Alpengeist, bigger inversions, more speed, less force.


Where do people get the idea that Alpengeist is forceless? I grayed out by the cobra roll on every ride during my last visit. Alpengeist is the perfect example of how a plus size invert should be- a mixture and balance of graceful maneuvers as well as quick forceful elements.

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^^The general consensus was that OzIris was not very intense, and I do not have that much hope for this one either. I can easily see it being another Talon or Silver Bullet.


You are WRONG about Talon. Wrong wrong wrong wrong. Talon is 100% old-school B&M, every bit as forceful as Raptor.


Ok, you may continue.

Buuut Raptor wasn't forceful when I rode it. I'd rather ride Batman.

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Watching the POV again, it looks like it will probably reach top speed after the 3rd inversion. After that roll, it drops far down into a valley (which is really deep there terrain wise) so I would guess that's where it will hit it. The last 4 inversions should be taken with some pretty good speed.

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Buuut Raptor wasn't forceful when I rode it. I'd rather ride Batman.


This is just an insane comment...IMO. A coaster that throws you around as if you were stuffed into a washing machine or dryer for a few minutes doesn't make it a good ride. If Banshee was anything close to Batman I would be saddened.

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^Just rode 3 different Batman clones in less than one week, and not one ride was anywhere near like you just described. In fact, I haven't had a single ride on a Batman clone like you just described. I know the majority of the posters on this forum would be beyond thrilled if Banshee had the forces that are on Batman.


Oh, and the only thing "insane" about MorganFan's comment, was that he said Raptor wasn't forceful when he rode it.

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