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Europa Park Discussion Thread

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So far only saying heavily injured at German news sites. No information on the cuase of the accident is disclosed due to ongiong investigations.


On the other hand the show seems to go on as so far the Miss WorldCup 2014 contest will still be held this evening at the Colosseo. But maybe this will be cancelled or postponed on short notice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday, the new Arthur land was open for public, some kind of soft opening (nothing official). Finally, this place is opening up, can't wait to try it myself in July :





Thanks to www.faz.net for the pictures! Full German article: http://www.faz.net/aktuell/technik-motor/umwelt-technik/neues-fahrgeschaeft-im-europapark-im-schwebeflug-durch-die-maerchenwelt-12967197.html


The place looks beautiful !

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Arthur is really cool!! The themeing is great and inside the hall they switch between daytime and nighttime every so often. The powered coaster is a really fun ride. We had the chance to ride it twice and if there had been more time I would have loved to ride it more. I think it's a very nice addition to the park

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Arthur is really cool!! The themeing is great and inside the hall they switch between daytime and nighttime every so often. The powered coaster is a really fun ride. We had the chance to ride it twice and if there had been more time I would have loved to ride it more. I think it's a very nice addition to the park


Is it actually open for everyone now, or is this a soft opening only? We will be there in about 10 days, so hoping it is open.

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^From what I can gather, there's been a couple of private events where attendees have been allowed to ride, but there's still no official word on when it will open. I'll be there in just over a week and I'm not holding my breath.

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Arthur is really cool!! The themeing is great and inside the hall they switch between daytime and nighttime every so often. The powered coaster is a really fun ride. We had the chance to ride it twice and if there had been more time I would have loved to ride it more. I think it's a very nice addition to the park


Is it actually open for everyone now, or is this a soft opening only? We will be there in about 10 days, so hoping it is open.


The photos are from a soft opening. It isn't officially open yet, but some sites are claiming it will be officially open for public somewhere around 20 - 28 June. So hopefully it's open when you are there .

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^From what I can gather, there's been a couple of private events where attendees have been allowed to ride, but there's still no official word on when it will open. I'll be there in just over a week and I'm not holding my breath.


We were lucky enough to attend one of these and against all expectations we got to ride the coaster and the kiddy flat rides in the Arthur hall. The Macks told us that they are working as hard as they can to get everything finished but they wouldn't make any promises as to when the Arthur area would officially open.

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While the POV is nice and gives you a general idea it doesn't do the ride justice at all. Especially the coaster parts are just so much fun and you really get that "wheeee!" feeling. Or at least our group did. You should all go to Europa Park and experience it yourselves


It really hurts that I'm driving right past the park next week on my way to Italy, with no time to go in for a quick visit

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On the POV it looks like a fun ride. Normally I'm not that into family coasters with a kids theme, but I think I'm going to lik this one. I think next year a stop at the park to get this en Wodan will be worht it.

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