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The Official "TPR Europe Trip 2008" Thread!

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The ride simply has square wheels and in every dip it goes "kadong-kadong" with pain all the way through your spine to give you one hell of a headache throughout the ride and make you whish you didn't ride after you exited.


ok this is what I seriously dont understand.

Dont get me wrong,on rides like El Condor where you do get bashed severely, I agree the pain does ruin the ride, and the "im glad ive got the credit so i dont have to ride it again" line comes out. I completley get that.


But at the same time, being thrown about and bashed, and thrown out the seat is surely a small part of what roller-coasters are all about?

Whats wrong with a bit of temprament and fierocity on a rollercoaster?

Lots of people who rode Troy on the Mini-Europe, and then again on the 2008 tour have said that Troy was more aggresive this year. For me thats great, i like the aggresiveness, the fiery, uncontrolable temprament because thats what Rollercoasters are for. Even rides like Superman in Madrid last year, which was probably one of the smoothest coasters ive been on, had that sense of being thrown about, and its (what i believe) part of what makes a coaster successful.


And if you're moaning about being bashed around on Colossos, go ride "It's a Small World", because I think that's the style of ride you're more suited too.


TRs are awesome Robb keep it up.

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And if you're moaning about being bashed around on Colossos, go ride "It's a Small World", because I think that's the style of ride you're more suited too.

LOL! I was thinking the exact same thing but I couldn't figure out a good way to word it. You nailed it perfectly.



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As much as I do like Heide-Park, I simply don't get the complete and utterly blind adoration going on here for Colossos.


When I see you all suffer in pain when riding Bandit, I just don't get it everyone smiling on Colossos.


I rode it on many occasions by now and apart from when it just opened, I very much dislike the ride and during my last visit, I didn't even bother to queue.


The ride simply has square wheels and in every dip it goes "kadong-kadong" with pain all the way through your spine to give you one hell of a headache throughout the ride and make you whish you didn't ride after you exited.


The layout isn't very inspiring and the helix is booooring in such a way that I am happy the "kadong" when exiting it wakes me up.


Germany has three wooden coasters in total and the fact that with the opening of Mammut at Tripsdrill, many people in Germany and Europe were hoping to finally get a great woodie in Germany, says it all.


Heide-Park is a very nice park, but blind Colossos (and Intamin)-adoration is about as painful as riding it).


Yeah, uhm, whatever. I loved Colossos, but that hardly makes me an Intamin fanboy. I wasn't that impressed with the following big Intamins:


Storm Runner


Kingda Ka

SROS (Darien Lake & SFA, haven't been on SFNE yet)

Goliath @ Walibi World

Millennium Force


Yeah, there was a bit of roughness at the bottom of the hills on Colossos, but I also got some GREAT rides on it. Maybe it runs worse when it's really dry. I can only judge a ride by how it runs when I ride it.

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Chrissie - to answer your q a while back about what is a zombie (answer Divv) - sorry I meant what is in a Zombie, as ever when it comes to mixed drinks, things can vary (B52's are my all time favourite BTW)


The classic as can be found in Wiki...and subsequent posts seem to hint this could be the magic mix would be the following:


1 part white rum (bacardi to make more sense of that)

1 part golden rum (try Captain Morgan's spiced rum -great substitute)

1 part dark rum (any old Navy rum will do...but mainly Navy Rum)

1 part apricot brandy (you can make this at home take 1 apricot and soak in any cheap cooking brandy for 6 weeks)

1 part pineapple juice (must be fresh from the flesh, tinned juice Meh)

1 part papaya juice (or anything that is not pineapple or Cranberry)

A dash of grenadine (cough mixture will pass muster, Night Nurse say but it must be red, blood is too thick a consistency BTW)


and the magic ingredient


1/2 part (please note only a 1/2) of 151 proof rum (best sought from Bermuda but failing that Iceland)


Mix, beld, pour over ice, add a cherry and a slice and hey presto - DEATH


Lou - if I had not already a wicked step mother - you would be her, albeit I find myself conflicted out being your uncle...go figure.


A GREAT night not remembered by ALL


Wow, That is quite a hardcore concuction.......


Divv, I actually sallute you for getting out of bed. Must be your fine tuned Scottish liver


Chrissie " Remind me never to accept drinks from Steve " Stevenson

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Colossos was fine, compared to Bandit's immediate OUCH (even going up the lift hill hurt, I mean c'mon!) factor from beginning to end.


Although the rainfall that was nailing most of us in the foreheads during a few rides of Colossos didn't help us (well me, IMhO) enjoy it as well as we could, it was still worth re-riding a few more times, weather aside.


Bandit? I was soooooo glad we didn't have to ride it a lot during our ERT. I really had had enough, after one turn. And it looked like a few others felt the same way.


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Right. I hardly ever comment about "favorite" coasters or any of that stuff, and I'm not even comfortable comparing, say, Troy and Colossos, because they're clearly designed with different experiences and effects in mind. And I don't bother much with polls or voting, if only because my tastes are odd and idiosyncratic (I genuinely thought Winjas--the combination of both sides--was the best coaster on the Europe trip).




Colossos is a good execution of what it is there's lots of airtime on the hills where there's supposed to be airtime, and it's fast, and it's smoother than the average woodie. I prefered Troy and Tonerre de Zeus, but that's because I like a variety of forces in my coasters, not merely airtime.


Bandit was probably the worst coaster we got on during the trip; judging my my experience, the second-worst isn't even close (but I got relatively pain-free rides on some notorious coasters like Gouderix and El Condor). Steve bought a DVD of him and Lou riding, and it's quite funny, in a schadenfreude kind of way, but the best comment on the ride is at the end, where you can hear someone say, "We don't have to ride it again," and the entire train breaks into cheers.


It may seem at times as though there's love for Intamin, but there's love for all the coaster builders, if you look (well, maybe not for RCCA), and when someone--anyone--gets something really right, you find out about it. If someone gets something really really wrong (and Bandit needs approximately thirty more really[/]'s), you find out about that, too.


It's really a shame about Bandit--and to a lesser extent MP Express--the park is really nice, and treated us very well; but those two coasters are pretty much teh suck.

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It may seem at times as though there's love for Intamin, but there's love for all the coaster builders, if you look


Yeah, I got to ride my first GREAT Vekoma coaster on this trip. Michael Jackson, of course. Such an insane ride in the back seat.

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^ It's A Small World should be way above Bandit... C'mon Steve, think of the video!! Did we pull those faces on Small World?! I think not!


we don't know ...we don't have video


EDIT -OMG - thanks Jeff for posting the pic and thanks Larry for expressing (not milk that is....but on reflection)


Patrick is totally correct in his summary, we all have different takes and it would sure make for a boring site if we did not.


I think though that analysis of wooden coasters is often much more contentious than steel - it's the whole laterall/rough/rattle thing going on whereas with steel - it is all about the crappy arrow trains destroying an otherwise perfetly good Vekoma! (take that from someone who has advised us...repeatedly!!!)


Colossus has major airtime but I found (for me) after the turnaround until after the helix the track was dull. Was that about expectations in advance?? - who kmows??!! but I cannot deny the major ejector airtime this coaster provides, nor can I forget the 'boring' 1/3rd yet with Troy I enjoyed every single element.


Who cares when you are having fun and on a tour like this there is plenty of everything to satisfy all tastes!

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We haven't got to Walygator's Anaconda yet. Bandit hurt but I didn't fear for my life until that thing.




I found Anaconda to be boring, but painless. Bandit was interesting--in a Chinese curse sort of way; every turn and hill and twist and piece of flysh!t on the track felt like a kick in the ribs.


Different experiences is all, probably.

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...IMO you could have also visited the neighbor park: Schloß Beck.


Umm... We did. We had so much fun there, I would imagine it will be in a separate update.


Actually, we did it right after Movie Park Germany! Same day, too!


Be patient, and this TR should continue with the little "Ride-It-Yourself" Park, LOL!



Good to hear It would have been a shame if you missed out that little awesome park Can't wait to see that update!

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I'm going to put in my two cents about Colossos


It's a good ride, not quite as good as Balder or El Toro, but still fun. I did notice the square wheel syndrome, but for me it's nowhere near painful (they've got the SLC for that). I also found the helix to be a little boring, but then again that's just my opinion.

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I am still experiencing pain from the "nutcracker". It did something to my tailbone that should not happen.


Although my pain was only temporary, I'm still wondering who the heck thought that would be a good idea? Yeah, let's have the rider stop their weight on a very small part of their crotch. GREAT IDEA!!@#$@#!$

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Thanks Robb for the great laugh at work today over the Bandit photos! I think we all were in severe pain. I do hope to see Steve and Lou's onride dvd again. It's priceless! Oh and thanks Divv for not hurling your Zombie on Bandit as I was sitting right behind you!

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So everybody rode Michael Jackson? No wonder he's in a wheelchair now.


And I must confess.


At Phantasialand, they gave us each a couple of VIP Passes, which essentially gave us FastPasses to jump the lines of two rides...


And I used one for riding Michael - by entering through the ..... exit.



And thrillerman1 can verify this, as I became his ride chum for quite the bustin'bronc of a ride that Michael....gave, LOLOL!

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