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The Official "TPR Europe Trip 2008" Thread!

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This is too good not to post.


While we were waiting for the group lunch at Walibi World, we were amusing ourselves watching the water fountain goad or trick people into coming closer before hosing them with water. Mike (Coastinmiller) talks Cameron into taking a picture of him in front of the fountain, I get him into postition, and then . . .

Cam Gets Wet.mpg

Cameron gets it. Twice.

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Day 6 - Heide Park


Some photos by Robb, others by random people, there are even a few by that crazy bear guy....oh and maybe a couple (if not more) by Hanno.


Whore! Credit whore, that is! ;)


Yay! More TPR guest stars!!!


Dave would you like one?

(side note - this is NOT the most disturbing photo of the trip!)


Chris would you like my insides?


Would anyone like some Jelly Bellys?


Indian guy has a Robb tumor.




You used to be an observation tower, but you're much more sexy after the operation!


Mmm....more Intamin goodness!


Loop De Loop!!!!


Don't worry guys, it's a Vekoma, but it's actually pretty decent!


Where's that's INXS guy to show us how it's done?




You're doing it wrong!


"Anal Fahrt"


Yay! A KidTums sized ride!


"We feel like we just witnessed a birth."


"Ok, I made it to the middle...now what?"


Big Mike vs. Monorail....FIGHT!!!


"I'm stuck!!!"


"It's not a TPR slide take over until someone gets hurt!"


"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea!"


They are called the "fast cars" but they really don't go that fast!


Today's TPR guest star...ROBIN!!!


I'll just hang out with my alternate personality while everyone else rides the SLC.


Yeesh...good thing some of us already had the credit! =)


Desert Race is a lot of fun, but when you have Colossos right next door, it's hard to beat that!


The ride's control panel is in the helicopter. That's pretty cool!


More Intamin blur.


Oh, yeah, they also have Desert Race!


Yup! I love it! It's my #3 woode right behind Balder and El Toro (see a pattern here?) =)

Thank you Heide Park for the amazing Colossos ERT!


Intamin blur


You know a coaster is awesome when you see a photo of everyone hands up having a great time!


Xtreme G-Forces or Stomach Flu - You decide.


That's a lot of wood.


It really is awesome.




What is that I see?


I spot TPR members!


That's more like it!


Is it just me or when Dave gets happy he looks like a cartoon character?


Not quite as steep as El Toro, but OMG is it awesome!


Wait a second...why are we talking about hotels when we have an AWESOME Intamin woodie right next door???


The whole group was very happy!


The park had a "snack" for us upon arrival which turned out to be a generous spread of amazing appetizers!


Yes, I even took a picture of the crapper.


The shower was kind of like a barrel.


"Can I be on top?"


The hotel had an awesome pirate theme to the whole place.


Our visit to Heide Park would start with arguabley the best hotel of the trip! (While I personally prefered Hotel Colesseo at Europa, Hotel Port Royal was the favorite with many trip members)

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"I'm a dog and my head came off...how did that happen?"


This is where Colossos ends and this is where the update ends.

Heide is probably my 2nd favorite park in Europe behind Europa. I just love everything about it. The selection of rides, the landscaping, and now with the addition of an awesome resort hotel and an Intamin launched coaster it's even that much better! The park does need a decent dark ride though, but personally I still love the place even without one.


Love the hair!


Mmm...Intamin airtime that makes the "Intamin Fart" noise (If you know what that is, post about it!)


We will leave you with a few more photos of awesomeness...


This park just got so much cooler.


Random Moose!!!


"When I'm not taking pictures, I'm playing the banjo!"


"I wish I could go to the grocery store dressed like this!"


"It's the shades that make me cool"


"No, really, I AM a cartoon character!!!"


"Do you like my new ears?"

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I loved this park. I know I'm probably the only one who thinks this, but I liked Heide more than Europa.

I can totally respect that. There are just things about Heide that I absolutely LOVE. Like the fact that there are rides EVERYWHERE you look. I don't even care that it's two of the same ride (they have 2 pirate ships, 2 monorails, 2 log flumes, 2 gondola boat rides, etc) but it's like a park I would make in RCT where you put rides everywhere guests walk.


I personally think the landscaping is the best that Europe parks have to offer when it comes to that "park setting."


I feel I may be in the minority but Heide is one of those parks that I've been to three times now and I've felt "I can easily spend more time here" every time I visit.



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Man, this trip looks awesome. Each day you guys seem to have more and more fun.


About Collosus, does Intamin have a generic train modelt aht they modify for all their coasters? It looks like they put some fiberglass around a Millenium Force train and stuck it on the track. I'll look up my other question. Just a peek: Prefab?

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While amazing I actually ranked it outside my top 5 on the trip, which is no knock on Heide, more a statement on how much I liked some of the other parks. It was the home of my favorite woodie on the trip, and I also had this resort tied with Europa. Europa had the cooler grounds, but this was my second favorite room of all my tpr room experiences.


You guys will just never beat the room at Terra Mitica.

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I personally think the landscaping is the best that Europe parks have to offer when it comes to that "park setting."


Yeah, Heide is exactly what I think of when I think of a European park. The buildings, the landscaping, the brick walkways, the random slides stuffed everywhere.


I feel I may be in the minority but Heide is one of those parks that I've been to three times now and I've felt "I can easily spend more time here" every time I visit.


Without our ERT it would have been a 1-day park. I could have easily spent 2 days there, but I like to try to do everything in a given park if I really like the place. I didn't mind the duplicates because they usually themed the variations quite differently.


Another thing I liked about Heide is they actually have some really great rides (Colossos & Scream) mixed in with all the random rides stuffed everywhere. Europa just didn't have that for me. They had good, but not great rides.


Oh, and Heide got major brownie points for keeping Hussland going. I wasn't really in the mood for flat rides that day (low tolerance for spinning), but the mere fact that they keep all those old flat rides running makes me happy.

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Heide Park is great--but I would put it after Europa and Phantasialand. The spread at the hotel buffet that night and breakfast the following day were excellent.


Wildwasserbahn was my favorite flume ride of the trip--and the closest the park comes to a "dark ride."

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Heide Park is great--but I would put it after Europa and Phantasialand.


Yeah, I'll have to agree about Phantasialand. So many high quality attractions: Winjas, a good B&M invert, a shockingly good mine train, a really good themed indoor drop ride, the best rapids ride I've been on, etc. All in a well-themed park with an excellent hotel attached to it.


Does Colossus have a louder fart than El Toro?


I don't think so, but who knows. It was a rainy day when we went to Heide. Maybe it's louder on dryer days.

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but it's like a park I would make in RCT where you put rides everywhere guests walk.


I think Heide Park appeared in the European version of one of the Rollercoaster Tycoon addons along with Blackpool and Alton Towers?


Heide a park that knows what its doing in terms of controlling guests' happiness. By having 2 of certain rides it means the queue times are split in half, also if you only do (i.e) one log flume, you have something to go back for next time. It has a fantastic drop tower, its Vekoma rides weren't the worst and the Bobsled was fun, it had rides, shops and attractions all over the place, lots of different foods.


Colossos was brilliant, nothing beats a good out and back woodie (except Troy), and Desert Race is a Rita: QOS close but is still amazing. Heide don't shut rides because of rain and it's incredibly well gardened and themed.


Definitley my #1 of the trip when you're looking at the total package. I found it way better than Europa, which dont get me wrong I thought was awesome, Heide was just that bit special.

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"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea!"

"We feel like we just witnessed a birth."

"Anal Fahrt"

You're doing it wrong!


Awesome captions for this update. About fell out of my chair laughing at the birth and I'll never look at those ball fountains the same way again.


And thank you too, for the rapids shot.

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I'm in love with Heide Park. Without doubt, it's the best European park right beside Europa Park. Collosos is the greatest wooden coaster I've ever been on. (When you hear the farting noise, you know your in for a great ride.)

Desert Race's launch is amazing, and it has some hardcore airtime.


I wasn't to much of a fan of Scream. It was worth riding and I would ride it over and over. But there was so much hype about it. I got no free fall, and the stop was so hard it hurt me. I love the music and theming of Scream though.


The landscaping is stunning. Limit is horrible, but it takes lines away from the other coasters. The Bobbahn's in the dark helix really was fun. (The whole ride was really fun too)


The whole park is amazing. I'm glad you all add a great time there.


--James "In love with Heide Park" Flint

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^ Morgan! I'm so bummed we missed you during this tour! Hopefully we'll meet again at some point soon....




That's nice


You know what's funny? I actually ended up getting most of the time off as a last minute vacation for a week I had to cancel earlier in the month, so technically, I could have hitch-hiked around with you guys for a week again. But, call me a softy, I decided to go home and spend time with my family and brand new niece instead.


By the way, (and you know that I am especially not one to complain about lack of this or that in trip udpates.... teetle), but was the bobsled coaster at Heide Park down, or why doesn't anyone talk about it? I've always thought it's a lot of fun and seems endless.


Anyhoo, greetings on all the panthers I saw in the pics, and I hope you had a blast here on my side of the pond!

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