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Six Flags Magic Mountain Tatsu Flying Coaster

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^ I agree, the new ride won't probably be opened til May 06. Look at Scream, it was not opened til April and it's located on the parking lot. Since this ride is on a terrain, it would take longer to complete, plus Six Flags might need to work out any problems.

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I'm pretty sure I saw a crane over in the direction of X yesterday, but not sure.


Went to an employee party where Batman, Goliath, Scream, and the backwards side of Colossus were open, as well as my favorite kind of food: free! I forgot how cool Batman is, go for the front to get a view and still have a good ride, hit the back and hang on for an absolute BOMB around the track! Goliath in the back rocked too, but a bad road wheel in the middle of the train made for a bit of vibration......still worth hitting the 3 times though. We were happy to be walking away (my brother wanted to hit it one more time) and see it get stuck at the bottom of the lift.........that was funny. Colossus was fast and out of control for once, just lean forward before it hits the second big turn and you'll be fine. Never did hit Scream, started walking up the queue, and people walking out told us it broke down too.....also glad we didn't hit that.

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Welp...I am going tomorrow for a Photo Update. If I see one of you guys, then I'll eat you, so I can beat you to the update .

Hey man, at least stop by and say hi to me, you never know what kind of good could come from it!

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Ok...now the photo gallery that I normally use for these photo updates is currently down for the weekend, so excuse my return to the middle-ages, but I am just gonna do a "Construction Highlights" update here. Excuse there being two posts--I believe I am limited to no more than 10 pics, so I am splitting it up.




Ok, lets start with the parts today. There is a butt-load of stuff here now. A ton of track. BTW...look how far the spine is from the rails here! Crazy.


These are definitely walkways...


Here is the infamous switch track! Also, directly in front of it to the right is one of the track pieces that will take the train from the switch track to the station. I believe its our first bendy track!


More supports that connect to the track. The front one has a connector that is parallel with the beam, but the one behind it is angeled...but then, I am just stating the obvious!


I thought you guys would like this! Read the label. I believe that this is the first written evidence that this is actually a flying coaster!


...Inside the park highlights to come in the following post.

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...Ok, I'm back.


Still outside the park, you can see that they are using the bus pen to weld and store the rebar for the footers. For those who didn't know, they assemble the footers on site.


Up to a shot that no SFMM Photo Update would be complete without, the former path the Samuri Summit Shot! There are strange wooden posts sticking out of the ground.


More markers are showing up, as well as land markings (and in prettier colors, mind you!). I am assuming that this will be one freakin-huge footer!


The former Oriental Garden's progress is symbolic of the build as a whole. So much is getting done, yet so little progress is seen.


On closer inspection, you see that there are more wooden beams and a big stack of plywood...let the rumors begin!




On a different topic, Log Jammer (currently Blood Falls) has reopened.


Perhaps I came at a bad time, but I was EXTREMELY disappointed by Blood falls. All the lights were on, there was no fog, and NOBODY jumped out! There was a bit of scattered Camp Omagosh corpses and stuff, but other than that and the name, nothing to sugguest that it was a halloween attraction. Perhaps they just fixed the ride, and havn't finished setting up for the halloween attraction.


BTW...I saw Mr. X sitting at (Uh, I mean op'ping!) Log Jammer when I was there. We had a three second conversation as I drifted on by!

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Alright, here's the story with log jammer.


About two weels ago, one of the two main pumps blew up (yes, they went boom). They airlifted a new one in last week and last night was the first time it was running. Because we were having so many problems (the pumps kept failing on us), we only had it open for guests an hour before the park closed. Entertainment thought it would be closed for the night, so they didn't send any lumber jacks and didn't have the fog machines going. To top it off, the pumps went out at 10:00 just after the last boat was loaded and about 5 minutes after arrowfanman was on, so we had to do a full evacuation of the guests still on the ride.


Hopefully tonight it will be scary!

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^^ haha duh, wow, stupid question, now that i think about it... when i first saw it i thought it was for the station anyway.


well i hope the station, at the very least, has an oriental style to it, and that it is more of an 'enclosed' styled station.


then again, a cave would be cool too! (like that's gonna happen)

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That wood's probably for forms for concrete such as walkways, ramps and stairs


Footer forms is a guess. If they are bending and welding rebar, they should be about ready to start planting the footers.

Plywood and (usually) 2X4's are used to 'box in' square foundations for the station and other stuff.


Not that I work in construction and concrete, or anything!


Chris B

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