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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Not sure what everyone is so upset about it looks like they are just getting rid of the River rapids ride which in my opinon is not really that great of a rapids ride. As for the wooden coasters bordering the boardwalk area as annoying as the whole thing is I doubt greatly they will get rid of the coasters already there. Considering the way they advertise faranhieght as there 11th coaster I doubt they will change that just for a water park ride.


Personally I love the addition since the water park takes alot of traffic away from the coasters. Lightning racers almost never has a line(atleast when I go) because it's right behind the boardwalk and farthest away. There's a good chance this new attraction may take the heat off faranhieght next year(though since it's new it may only help a little). Having gone to hershey on a crowded saturday once in about 90 degree heat, after awhile all you want is to take a dip in a pool of some kind, Canyon river rapids offered that but it was a rather quick ride and had a huge line on hot days. This wave pool may offer a much quicker, easier relief from the heat.

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Well thats sucks that the rapids ride is coming out (i knew it was coming). I have so many memories of that ride as a kid expecially when it first opened since I had never been on one before. Luckily I have the videos that they used to sell of you on the rapids. I just love getting on it with people and how you just interact so much with the waterfalls....oh well nothing can be done about it. My daughter is also really upset so we will heading there this year for one final ride.

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So lets tinker with are thinkers. Haha, so what do you think there going to do with the old wave pool? Lightning Racer is right there and they might half to do some stuff to get slides threw there. The good thing is that its in the middle of the turn around that goes into the tunnel and the turn around that goes to the should I call flag. They might be able to make a water coaster back there you never know hershey sticks 5 foot wide things in places that are 4 foot and make us wonder how they did it. Well that the best I could say it.


With the indoor water park that might go in at the Hotel Hershey, you think since this is Hershey Entertainment they could be trying it at the park first and seeing how it is at the park before they go to the hotel? I just was thinking maybe they might be, but then again I thought I hear more about that with the "amazing amount of people to go to the boardwalk."


First off Hershey already has a water coaster. They wouldn't need another. Also, I'm pretty sure this is Herhsey's first wave pool. I don't think they've ever had one before. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Also, I personally think this Wave Pool is a good addition to the Boardwalk. If anyone has ever been in the Boardwalk in late July - August, that place IS PACKED. There is barely room to walk. So hopefully this is a place where the huge Boardwalk crowds can filter into.



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Rodeo was installed in 1978 and simply was known as Trabant. It was located in Music Box where the Tiny Timbers are now, I believe. When Balloon Flite was relocated to that location from Carrousel Circle, in what I believe was 1988, this sent the Trabant out to Pioneer Frontier where it was re-named as Rodeo, replacing the Timber Rattler ride.


If you listen to it, the motor does seem a bit loud. I don't know if this has to do with the ride aging or if these types of rides all sound the same. I'm surprised it survived over other rides like the Cyclops and Conestoga, which were newer when they debuted. Even when I was at the park on a Sat in June of last year, even with the heavier crowds, that overflow queue alongside the ride was still empty. In fact, it's been some while since I saw a majority of its line full, so this comes to no surprise.


They really need to stop removing their flats and not putting any more in. Flats aren't that much of space killers, if you find the perfect place to fit them in. Hershey really needs to gun down and buy some more flats in the next season or two. We have enough coasters to make all the roller coaster enthusiasts happy (like myself). I'd say they need to devote next year to a couple of flats, similar to what they did with the Flyers and Claw in 2003. That would help round out their ride collection quite a bit.

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I agree. It seems flats are out of vogue everywhere now. It's easy to see why though, as they don't bring in people. However, I will never get why when building a coaster, a park can't also buy a relatively cheap flat ride as well to round things out. Hersheypark has a lot of little nooks and crannies for flats. In fact, those spaces are about all Hersheypark has left in its current configuration.

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I thought I had read somewhere the date the Rapids is closing but now I can't find it. Does anyone know so that I can get there before it closes forever.


^If I remember correctly, I think it's closing on the 17th of August, and the Rodeo is closing on September 1st.

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I agree. It seems flats are out of vogue everywhere now. It's easy to see why though, as they don't bring in people. However, I will never get why when building a coaster, a park can't also buy a relatively cheap flat ride as well to round things out.


And that is exactly what Hershey did this year...

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Last time I was at Hershey was before the Boardwalk was put in, and I quite frankly loved it the way it was. It just seems to not make much sense to me why they needed to cram this waterpark in that area of the actual park. Couldn't they have put it in its own separate area, or even across the road? I don't have anything against waterparks, as I know many folks enjoy them (myself not included however). However, this one just doesn't seem like it was well thought out. But I could be wrong, as it sounds like the attendance there is pretty strong. I just hate to see rides now being sacrificed for the sake of expanding this waterpark, especially if they could've put it somewhere else and then used the land for further park expansion without removing rides. There are some flats I would think Hershey could still use, especially a drop tower of some kind.

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However, I will never get why when building a coaster, a park can't also buy a relatively cheap flat ride as well to round things out.


And that is exactly what Hershey did this year...


True, but taking out two rides the next year for simple attractions (I don't count wave pools and lazy rivers as rides) sort of negates that. I had forgotten all about Howler though.

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Here's how I see it.


Financially, Storm Runner, Fahrenheit, and Lightning Racer will NOT be torn down. I hope Sidewinder goes, so we can look at the park this way.


I also think that the entire park from Fahrenheit on will be turned into a beach theme. There's two woodies and a Wild Mouse, a Ferris Wheel and the Whip along with a few kiddie rides. That sounds a lot like a seaside park to me, and i think it would be a sweet idea.


My Photoshop-job.

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I just gotta laugh at how everyone is using Matt's drawing to show examples.

I think the next plan is to expand out in front of Wildcat.



Ha it's ten times better then the maps they provide and clearer then google earth



I think expansion is possible and likely out in the lot in front of Wildcat, but that picture i put up is my idea of what the waterpark will look like in say 10 years. The park won't go and get rid of Lightning Racer, Fahrenheit, or Storm Runner, so we know the whole park can't be swallowed by the Boardwalk (they surround it minus sidewinder).

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  • 1 month later...

In less than 1 hour, Canyon River Rapids will enter the list of Removed Rides and joining Western Chute Out, Chaos, Conestoga and a bunch of others.


I guess it's almost time to look forward to some construction photos and keeping track of the progress.

I wonder how they are going to level out the land for this one because there is about a 15 to 20 foot elevation change from the canyon section and loading and unloading dock. My guess is that the whole area is going to be level with the canyon section and there will be a tall wall behind the new refreshment stand.



R.I.P. Canyon River Rapids


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I. Am. Pissed!


As stated in my recent PTR, I can't believe that they're taking out the wettest (and best, right after Popeye's) rapids I've been on for a lazy river. What happened to the Boardwalk being temporary? I think it's completely ridiculous to cram a waterpark into the middle of a good-as-it-is park, then start to remove existing rides to expand on their stupid, stupid idea.


I love Hershey, and I love going there, I'm just not planning on going into this new area. I'm not trying to overreact, but I completely hate what they're doing here.

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Yeah you are right, I'm just glad I was able to ride it twice on Friday. I just hope it helps make coaster lines shorter with even more people in the Boardwalk but it won't help if Hershey keeps up the horrible operations on Friday. 1 train on Storm Runner and SDL?!

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Yeah you are right, I'm just glad I was able to ride it twice on Friday. I just hope it helps make coaster lines shorter with even more people in the Boardwalk but it won't help if Hershey keeps up the horrible operations on Friday. 1 train on Storm Runner and SDL?!


The one train operation on Friday was because of low staffing levels. The month of August is when kids get burned out from working the whole summer and quit their job and/or have to go back to college/high school.


So weekends would probably have more staffing than on a weekday from now until September.

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I took one for the team and went to the park today all because of the River Rapids. I usually don't eagerly go for them but since this was going I braved the choking Sunday crowd that only let me get on Fahrenheit, Rodeo, Hershey Extreme Cup and Wildcat from 1-5 before I got on the rapids. It's pretty good. The waterfalls dump heavy water on you. A wall of water you can't ignore. I thought the Intamin raft rides with the smaller boats are newer. I'm sad that this has to go. I took plenty of pics. A wavepool and lazy river are totally not me. This park is now the most distant to me in the Northeast. Dorney is small enough for me to understand. SFGADV is my beloved homepark. Knoebels jumped up major points in my book. I've never had time in my visits to take Hershey and make it my own charmed place. I was too busy driving the 2 hours to get there and just getting on the rides. I don't dig Wildcat either when I have Roar!

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I'm glad I got to the park on the 10th to take my final ride on Canyon River Rapids...My daughter can't beleive it's not going to be there next year. It's a fun ride to laugh with the people you are riding with. They are taking out a great ride.

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