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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I heard SDL will be removed. It should

Considering that it just got two brand new trains and a new magnetic braking system for the 2012 season, I think it's going to be around for a while.


I think you should find the person who you "heard" that from and fart in their general direction.

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So there is a rumor going around on the Keystone Thrills Facebook page that there are new footers being poured for Skyrush currently. I was wandering if anyone else has heard anything about it? I really loved Skyrush when I rode it and leg pain wasn't too much of an issue so hopefully they don't change the ride too much.

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They could be for more theming, and not necessarily for ride modifications, but we'll have to wait and see. I would personally love to see the coaster go through a massive Reese's Peanut Butter Cup!

Edited by jray21
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I think the most likely candidate for getting taken out would be Tidal Force, it essentially splits the boardwalk in half and I have never seen it with more than a 5-10 min. wait. Also, wouldnt be surprised to see Roller Soaker go because of its hideous capacity.


This summer Tidal Force had a 30 minute wait both times I was there and they were both none weekend days. I wouldn't mind if both Tidal Force and Roller Soaker came out. I would love for them to get some really thrilling water slides. The ones they have are kinda tame in my book. I will admit they have one of the best water play houses I have ever seen. Too bad even them slides in the summer can have a 30 minute wait.

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The trains sustain the forces fine, its the restraints that seem to give people an issue more than anything else. Given how intense the layout is, I can't see any major modifications helping to relieve the issue with the restraints apart from some major trim brakes being installed. I'm also pretty sure I read somewhere that Hershey wasn't looking to trim Skyrush at all, correct me if I'm wrong here.

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They aren't putting any new footers in! Gotta love rumors. As far as i know they are fixing the trains and station along with the cable. The cable has streched out over the course of the year which is actually normal. All they do is sort of re-tighten it around the motor. Im wondering if they have decided to re-paint Storm Runer at all? Or are they supporting breast cancer now by letting it be pink?!

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I hope that whatever they decide to put in Roller Soaker's place is of high capacity (for a waterslide, that is). I'm personally pulling for a mat racer or an uphill slide.

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I like the fact that they said "attractions."


RS had quite a footprint, so it seems like they might be able to put in a couple good attractions there. Kinda bummed as it was a unique and fun attraction...but I agree that the capacity was horrible and so were the long lines.


Maybe they could sell it to Darien Lake. With the climate here in Western NY, we would be able to drop buckets of ice on people's heads!

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