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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I think the fact that it's at a lower point in the park doesn't help the height perception, either. I definitely need to either see it in person or ride it to determine if it's really 85 degrees, because in most of the pictures, it doesn't look like it is. But once again, it's all about the angle and perception. Either way, that first drop still looks nuts!

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I've driven by it and it's def 200 ft. Thing dives right down into a river bed, which they have drained right now. It looks absolutely massive when you are close to it. The new track style is probably one of the key things as to why it doesn't look so big, but don't let the photos fool you.

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Honestly, after reading half the complaints in this thread over the restraints, layouts, turns, drops, hills, colors, angle of the footers, and so on, I think that those people who are complaining up the wazoo about things should do us all a favor:


Don't ride it. Don't go to HP because you've complained so much about it. Go to your park, and stay there.


I hate to say this, but there is some point where it gets beyond silly to bitch and moan about the restraints, etc. If it isn't comfortable for you, don't ride it. Go find another attraction in the park. There are 11 other coasters at HP, and within four hours you have nearly 100. Leave SkyRush, and it's lap bar restraints, to those of us who aren't whining about how the potential lap bars are going to fit.


Those of us who ARENT complaining about the ride will be HAPPY to take your places in line.



I could say the same thing about everyone who thinks Skyrush is going to be the greatest ride to ever touch US soil and is bitching about B&M's being forceless and how Leviathan is going to suck ass....personally I am excited about all the new coasters debuting this year (I just happen to think that Skyrush is not the ZOMG holy grail of coasters.)

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Crews are moving very fast now. In just this last week, we've seen the whole twisty section, the whole second airtime hill, and most of the first airtime hill come up. And this is just the visible track progress. They are almost done with the footer for the high speed turn near the lift that the crane was sitting on, so soon that whole turn will be completed. I love progress and I'm very anxious to see the trains come in soon!


And there's also more track sitting in the bottom of that picture so it looks like they still aren't done for today!

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^^I haven't seen too many people actually whine about this ride, it's more like neutral observations. I think if you read through the thread, the prevailing thought is that this will be a fantastic ride. The HP people are just taking things a weeee bit too personally.



Exactly. Really, the only thing that was mentioned since yesterday was that a few people weren't a fan of the Intamin OTSRs. So what, it's their opinion and they're entitled to it. It's really no different than someone disliking a certain ride or park. If anything, the only annoying posts I've read in the last few pages were the people complaining about the complainers.




BTW, the ride looks great!!!

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Yeah, pretty much. They can't have a T-bar because of the winged seats, so the overhead system is the next best thing. Add a padded "clamshell"-like lap portion, and we'll have ourselves a comfortable ride.


Artwork, courtesy of RCDB -

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I'm with the other people who have said this looks a LOT better in real life as opposed to the animation. In the animation I felt this looked really short with transitions that didn't seemed too intense. However, now that it is nearing completetion, seeing the proportions, tight transitions and sharp turns, this thing looks like it is going to be quite intense with some great laterals. The newly completed camelback also looks like it is going to provide a very strong pop of airtime, although I don't think this ride is gonna have a ton of ejector air like a lot of people are expecting. I do feel, however, it will provide some amazing laterals, consistent speed and some sharp turns that come very close to the ground.


Also, besides the lift, this thing is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!


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I'm really interested to see why it's going to take until Memorial Day weekend to get this thing open - I know that there's plenty left to be done, including the non-visible work like power and the like, but it just seems like with two and a half months left until the park's opening (not including STITP) there's plenty of time to get the trains shipped and testing and the surrounding area gardened and paved simultaneously.


Speaking of the trains, do we have any idea when they might be arriving? That could be the reason for such a late opening date - Intamin has to fabricate parts for a brand new train design, which involves new factory machines and materials and such.

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I could say the same thing about everyone who thinks Skyrush is going to be the greatest ride to ever touch US soil and is bitching about B&M's being forceless and how Leviathan is going to suck A$$....personally I am excited about all the new coasters debuting this year (I just happen to think that Skyrush is not the ZOMG holy grail of coasters.)


+1. And I agree wholeheartedly.


The over-the-head lapbars are certainly going to be interesting to see. I'm assuming the connecting bars will be shaped along the seats so they aren't in the way of the upper body.

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The over-the-head lapbars are certainly going to be interesting to see. I'm assuming the connecting bars will be shaped along the seats so they aren't in the way of the upper body.


If they're anything like the previous Intamin pull-down lapbars, the metal bar connects to the side of the seat, runs down that side, then comes out and around your body with the padded lapbar portion.

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Im pretty sure the guys at NoLimits got actual data files or at least renderings of the trains because I know the guys personally at NL. Tom who does the modeling is pretty detailed and when I stopped the video of the ride they look exactly like the standard OTSR minus the actual shoulder parts. The picture above minus the straps (as said) should be exactly what they are. Basically, stronger versions of the one on Pilgrims plunge. So basically it has lap bars.

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