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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

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A PETA spokesman called the death "a tragedy that didn't have to happen." Jaime Zalac said the organization had called on SeaWorld "to stop confining oceangoing mammals to an area that to them is like the size of a bathtub, and we have also been asking the park to stop forcing the animals to perform silly tricks over and over again. It's not surprising when these huge, smart animals lash out."

Ofcourse PETA would have something to say about this after what happened a year or two ago when the park was looking for new ownership. From the way it sounds, the whale just wanted to play and took it accidentally too far.


I think to prevent this problem, maybe trainers should now be required to wear swimcaps.

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I havent seen it yet, but the story states Shamu shows will resume on Sat. and Tili will be apart of them.


GOOD FOR THEM! I'll take the advice and word of people who seem to be the REAL experts in this field!


It just amazes me that based on some of the posts I've read in the past two days that I had no idea that so many high schools and online Wiki pages offered:


- MBA programs

- Animal Psychology & Care programs

- Law degrees


As it seems like many of our members claim to be "experts" in these fields. It's one thing to have an opinion, sure, but it's another to come off like you know more than the people who do this as their career.


--Robb "Sometimes I think sharks and killer whales really, really need to eat more people..." Alvey


Robb - I agree with you. Though, personally, I don't want me expressing my opinions to come off as me trying to sound like a total expert. I can really only go off of what I know and have researched, as well as my personal beliefs. Sure, the "real experts" are at the parks - if you want to call them that. However, I do not agree with the way these parks are managed. The same goes for any circus, or performance that involves animals. This is why I do not, and will never frequent a SeaWorld, Animal Kingdom, the safari at Great Adventure etc. And if I do happen to go to a park with a dolphin show or the like, I do not attend. That is just me.


Jay "Just because I went to school for business doesn't mean I don't have knowledge of other things." Willis

Take my comments for what they are worth. I'm just sick of people (not directed at you) coming out of the word work and pretending to all of a sudden be experts in the field. And many of them being 15 year old high school students.


I trust the people who have been doing this for a living for decades over anyone else.


--Robb "Opinions are welcome. Make believe know-it-alls are not." Alvey

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I havent seen it yet, but the story states Shamu shows will resume on Sat. and Tili will be apart of them.


GOOD FOR THEM! I'll take the advice and word of people who seem to be the REAL experts in this field!


It just amazes me that based on some of the posts I've read in the past two days that I had no idea that so many high schools and online Wiki pages offered:


- MBA programs

- Animal Psychology & Care programs

- Law degrees


As it seems like many of our members claim to be "experts" in these fields. It's one thing to have an opinion, sure, but it's another to come off like you know more than the people who do this as their career.


--Robb "Sometimes I think sharks and killer whales really, really need to eat more people..." Alvey


I 100% support and agree with this statement!



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Ok, so let me get this right...the shows will start again tomorrow, but the trainers will no longer be in the water with them?


Are they not going to interact or be near them in the shallow area either? Cause isn't THAT where the 'accident' happened!?!?


Looks like I'll have to take KT back to Loro Parque in the future for a Killer Whale interaction as I'm guessing the days of pulling a kid out of the audience to go touch the whale are long over.


I don't think this will really make a big difference in the show anyway. It had gone soooo down hill lately with the chanting and sappy fake story, etc.

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I don't think this will really make a big difference in the show anyway. It had gone soooo down hill lately with the chanting and sappy fake story, etc.


I agree 100%. The show isn't very good. The guest relations girl at Särkänniemi was surprised when I told her their show was better than SeaWorld's, but I really think it is.

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^^ Yeah, let's face it. The Shamu show has sucked for about 10 years now. And WTF was with all the "ritual chanting" at the San Diego version???


If I have to sit through a show at any of the Sea World's I'd rather it be something entertaining like the Sea Lion show.


We will never get to see a show in the USA as awesome as the one at Loro Parque where they send a kid out, unattended into the water by any trainers, in a small boat to play with giant fish....


Nope! Never in the USA would you ever see this happen!

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The accident happened in the Dine with Shamu tank, not the show tank so I am not sure what they are going to accomplish by not allowing the human interaction in the Believe show. Isn't that what the whole show's theme is about???

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A Message from Jim Atchison

President and Chief Executive Officer, SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment


Earlier today, we held a press conference at SeaWorld Orlando to discuss several things related to Wednesday’s killer whale incident and the death of our trainer, Dawn Brancheau.


We are in the process of creating, with Dawn’s family, the Dawn Brancheau Memorial Fund – a trust that will support the children’s charities she was so passionate about. We will provide additional details, over the coming weeks, but those who would like to contribute can send donations to:


Dawn Brancheau Memorial Fund

c/o U.S. Bank

P.O. Box 809231

Chicago, IL 60680-9231


To update the status of the killer whale presentations at our SeaWorld parks: As you know, all direct interactions with these animals were suspended immediately after the incident in all three SeaWorld parks. This includes all show and most husbandry interactions, as well as our dining programs. We will resume performances of our killer whale show “Believe” on Saturday, Feb. 27, at SeaWorld Orlando, San Diego and San Antonio, but our trainers will not enter the water. Our dining programs will likely resume next week.


Regarding our preliminary findings in the investigation of Wednesday’s incident, we have initiated a thorough review of all of the procedures that guide our interactions with killer whales, and we have invited several colleagues from other marine mammal facilities to be part of that review. The findings of this group and the changes to our interaction procedures that result will be shared in due course. We will only resume in-water interactions with our killer whales after that review is complete and we have implemented any changes in procedure we feel will assure the safety of our training staff.


In light of some of the speculation we’ve seen in the media coverage over the past two days, it is important that I again stress that we provide the highest standard of care, and no animal is ever subjected to punishment in any form. Tilikum is no exception.

Once again, and on behalf of everyone in our company, I would like to express our deepest sympathies to Dawn’s family. This has been an extraordinarily difficult time for all of us at SeaWorld, but the grief we’re experiencing cannot compare to that of Dawn’s family. Our thoughts and prayers remain with her husband Scott and all of those closest to her.


Jim Atchison

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I feel sorry for the other whales. If the trainers stop spending as much time with them, they will think that they did something wrong. Its like with my dog Millie (picture on the left)- usually she comes when I call her name. I usually only have to use the "Come" command if she is bad. If I use "Come" when she is not being bad she thinks that she is and will drop her ears and lower her head.

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Its common practice in many industries to suspend operations while undergoing forensic tests and reevaluating procedures. It looks like that's happening here - plus they're spinning the clock and putting some distance on it.


From my ignorant perspective, I think we'll see Sea World trainers back in the water with the whales eventually. Sea World did say that guests would no longer be allowed to touch the whales. It seems the days of that one special audience member getting all goo-goo with Shamu could be over for good. Lawyers... They got Disneyland to lame the Teacups, so here I expect the worst.

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I don't like how it's called an "attack". It's not like the whale could easily free the trainer, if anyone gets stuck to the whale and the whale starts swimming, your pretty much screwed.


From the idea that hair getting caught in mouth was the reason this happened, I think a full body-comdom with no areas to "stick" is going to be the trainer outfit.

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SeaWorld Orlando whale trainer Dawn Brancheau, who died after an incident with a killer whale at the theme park Wednesday, will be receive a video tribute before the whale show “Believe” returns Saturday.


The tribute will precede the 11 a.m. showing of the show at Shamu Stadium, Jim Atchison, president of SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, announced during a news conference Friday afternoon. SeaWorld, in conjunction with Brancheau’s family, is establishing a charitable trust in her honor, Atchison said.


In the wake of the incident, “Believe” will have a major change — there will be no trainers in the water with the whales. This status will continue will SeaWorld reviews its practices and protocols in regards to trainer interaction with the whales.


Funeral services for Brancheau will be in Chicago next week, with a memorial service in Orlando at a later date, Atchison said.

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See I feel there making a bigger deal out of this. I mean now the waters less safe? Just in the past 4 years theres been 2 "incidents" 1 being fatal. But with 3 parks 3 shows a day at least well say thats like 12,000 shows. So in 12,000 shows you have 1 death, and one other incident. The trainers know the risks,they are no different now then before. Hopefully after a few months they will return to the water ,cause I believe its the best part of the show and the biggest wow factor probably.


Also though my heart goes out to her family and friends.



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Just in the past 4 years theres been 2 "incidents" 1 being fatal. But with 3 parks 3 shows a day at least well say thats like 12,000 shows. So in 12,000 shows you have 1 death, and one other incident.

Geez man, when you put it like that the odds don't sound THAT great. It's like, you might as well gather together all the Orca trainers from all the Sea Worlds, have a staff meeting and tell them "If all of you stay working at this park for the next four years...one of you will die. And one of you will have serious injuries."


I mean, I've had better odds driving on the Los Angeles freeways for the past 20 years! Who would've thought!



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Humans, unlike animals, are not born with an instinct to kill.


While murder was definitely a wrong word choice, I still don't see how this justifies an animal not being punished for performing an act that would be punishable by death if it were done by a human.


I mean, the whale apparently jumped out of the water, attacked the trainer, and slung her around in the water until she had drowned...how can you simply mark that up as an, "oops, that wasn't lucky..." and continue on about your day as if the animal hadn't done anything significant?

The animal is being held against its will and is a wild animal by nature. It is inhumane to expect a certain behavior from a wild animal being held against its will and arbitrarily decide to "punish" that animal.

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Just in the past 4 years theres been 2 "incidents" 1 being fatal. But with 3 parks 3 shows a day at least well say thats like 12,000 shows. So in 12,000 shows you have 1 death, and one other incident.

Geez man, when you put it like that the odds don't sound THAT great. It's like, you might as well gather together all the Orca trainers from all the Sea Worlds, have a staff meeting and tell them "If all of you stay working at this park for the next four years...one of you will die. And one of you will have serious injuries."


I mean, I've had better odds driving on the Los Angeles freeways for the past 20 years! Who would've thought!




Well what i was saying is that every time the trainers are in the water they know what there doing and know the animals power. They know how dangerous it can be. But this was Seaworlds first Death in 42 years i believe they said. Thats good odds. I also get exactly where you're coming from though.



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Wow.... This thread made me laugh. I never realised that there were so many whale experts in the world... Anyway...


My thoughts go out to the trainers family. It was such a tragic accident. I personally don't agree with animals performing and have never felt comfortable watching them perform. I think that there is always a risk of this sort of thing occurring in that sort of environment. Seaworld have done the right thing by reviewing their practices but I don't think that this sort of think won't happen again.

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I hope the video tribute to the trainer is just before the first show - otherwise that could be a little awkward if you are still sitting through that 6 months from now. Believe already tries to push that fake "emotional response"... I can't even imagine this on top of the rest of the show.

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Today in memory of Dawn we are doing a tribute to her before the first Believe show at each of our three SeaWorld parks. This has been an extremely difficult time for the entire Shamu family. We believe that Dawn would want our work with these whales, that she loved so much, to continue. So with that in mind, we dedicate our shows this weekend to our dear friend.



Tribute to SeaWorld killer whale trainer, Dawn Brancheau, prior to Believe Show in Orlando, Florida.


Killer whale trainers enter stadium


Believe Show


SeaWorld trainer, Brian McFadden with killer whale


SeaWorld trainer, Jenny Mairot with killer whale in Believe Show


SeaWorld trainers performing with killer whales in Believe


Believe Show in Orlando, Florida

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The whale does not seem healthy to me. Do you see how his fin is curved? That is a classic sign that a whale is malnourished.


This is why I just think it is a fair ending for humane euthanasia.


The curved fin is not a sign of malnutrition or sickness. It has to do with them not being in deep ocean waters. So, I can agree that a tank at Sea World is not the ideal environment for an Orca, but ending it's life when it can still live many years, well-fed and be used for breeding and conservation purposes hardly seems fair.


I work in a veterinarian's office and deal with euthanasia all the time. No euthanasia is ever fair unless the animal is suffering, and this whale was agitated, not sick and dying. I think euthanasia is an easy way out for the trainers and Sea World parks. It was Sea World's decision to bring these animals into captivity. That doesn't give them the right to euthanize the whale due to aggression.

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^^ Yeah, let's face it. The Shamu show has sucked for about 10 years now. And WTF was with all the "ritual chanting" at the San Diego version???

I'm not sure if you ever got to see the night time Christmas show they had at SWO (I saw it Christmas '08, don't know if they still had it last year), but it was WAYYYYY better than the Believe show.


And I agree with you about the sea lion show, that's been their best show for years, and it's basically never changed.

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^^ Yeah, let's face it. The Shamu show has sucked for about 10 years now. And WTF was with all the "ritual chanting" at the San Diego version???


I disagree, I have seen some really awesome Believe shows. I think you just have to get it on a day when the whales are up to performing well. They have minds of their own and may or may not decide to perform the behaviors properly. The chanting is the funnest part!


[i'm not sure if you ever got to see the night time Christmas show they had at SWO (I saw it Christmas '08, don't know if they still had it last year), but it was WAYYYYY better than the Believe show.


And I agree with you about the sea lion show, that's been their best show for years, and it's basically never changed.


I saw the Shamu's Holiday Night in San Diego last December. It was the WORST show I have ever seen! It must have been different from what you saw in Orlando in 2008.


The Sea Lion show is cute, always funny and consistent, but seriously needs something new added to it.

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