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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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I don't know about manta making kraken the stepchild. I think Manta will be fantastic but I totally agree with Electerik in that flying coasters aren't where they need to be as far as a thrill factor. Manta & Tatsu are definitely steps in the right direction compared to S:Ultimate Flights but flying coasters seem to drag along. I hope they're not making up for this lack of thrill by throwing in the extra in-line-twists. The rest of Manta looks great but 3 of these zero G rolls in a coaster this short? I think we could do with just 1 or 2 of them and some other elements mixed in.

This is totally off the wall but do you think we'll ever see outside looping flying coasters instead of pretzel and the inside vekoma flying dutchman loops?

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This is totally off the wall but do you think we'll ever see outside looping flying coasters instead of pretzel and the inside vekoma flying dutchman loops?

That should look great for the people watching the rollercoaster, but no that will be impossible for the people riding the rollercoaster, because of the high g-forces.

That's the reason why B&M choose for the pretzel en Vekoma choose the inside looping.

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I have never understood that and I have heard it before. No matter how many times I think about it, I can't see anything wrong with your average outside loop on a flyer. What is the difference between the forces experienced on a pull-out that the ones on a loop. I just don't get it.

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Isn't that the same on a pull out of a drop though. Instead of being vertically forced into your seat, you are forced onto your stomach because of the flying position. If you can handle that on a drop pull out, surely you can have a weak outside loop? Or, am I missing a key element to this?

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Isn't that the same on a pull out of a drop though. Instead of being vertically forced into your seat, you are forced onto your stomach because of the flying position. If you can handle that on a drop pull out, surely you can have a weak outside loop? Or, am I missing a key element to this?


It's the same thing as a pull out from a drop, except that loops have to be tighter so that it can be short enough for the train to make it through. A loop is a high G-force element, even the more tame ones that I've experienced would be too strong for a flyer. I just don't think they could build a loop that is forceless enough for a flying coaster without making it so huge that the train wouldn't even make it through. Even if they did make it work, I just don't think it would be a very enjoyable element to have that many sustained G's in that position.

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^ I think I hear PETA marching ever so closer. Not that I care what PETA thinks, stupid tree huggers


Just for the record, I don't hate treehuggers, in fact I quite agree with their ideals, but I totally agree with HatetoFLY when it comes to PETA. Not to long ago they wanted to buy SeaWorld from Inbev and free the captive animals. A funny quote from the press release

This could be the end of the injustice at SeaWorld, where orcas and other dolphins are imprisoned in tiny tanks and forced to do silly tricks," says PETA Director Debbie Leahy. "We have no objection to InBev keeping the Budweiser flowing, but we'd love to see the company can the 'whale jails.'


By the way...

That BBQ stingray looks really good. I quite want to try it now.

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Yeah, I don't see it happening anytime soon if even at all. I think it would be much more uncomfortable than inverted loops because you'd be pushing against the harness instead the bottom of a seat like in inverted loops. Also it would be a sudden push against the harness not a gradual one like on a giant inverted boomerang. We can hope though...

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Just a quick update. Some of the footers in the splashdown area are receiving the same rockwork treatment that the pretzel loop received. Also, there are thematic elements that appear to be for the exterior sides of the aquarium area that are being staged on the employee path that leads from Security Gate 1 to the park. I walked by them today on my way in. Looking GREAT. Noticed a few sections that are sculpted and painted to resemble the beach, with various colorful shells sticking out of the sand and footprints embedded in the sand also. The other sections could possibly be for INSIDE the aquarium, I'm not totally sure. Either way, they looked great and were quite colorful with a lot of teal accents in them.

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Regarding the theming that is currently backstage, there is no way it can be seen from Sky Tower. Its nestled up next to the trees that line the hill and construction road. Like I said, I'm sure it'll be making its way onto the site very soon! Also, heard a rumor that by the end of next week the first train will be cycled through! Definitely getting more exciting each day at construction site!

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