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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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My guess would be that it has to be somewhat unique. My reasoning is that they have not shown off the train and are keeping it in hiding until a specific date. Now if they did this and it turns out to be a regular flying car train; whats the point in hiding it then? It would be a disappointment.


I don't know if this means anything but SeaWorld has said that the train has a "wing span of 12 feet." Does anyone know if this is bigger than the usual or is it around the size of a regular flying coaster train.

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But who says they're hiding the trains? Just because they're not on show does not mean they're hiding them. Assuming they're even on site, If you were project manager, and your nice new trains arrived before they were needed, would you leave them out in the open where they could get damaged by all the construction work, or keep them safe until they're needed?


As for 12' - that certainly sounds similar to Air - perhaps a little wider. I expect the trains will have 'wings', to make it look like a ray, but nothing spectacular, and don't see them touching the water during the 'dip'.

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The trains are on site but the management feel it is best to keep them behind closed doors at the moment.



If they didn't pull of a true wing dip then may my desperation hope they at least use those pipes to jet water up to the trains, which in turn move that water already airborne onto the crowd.


In the many tours with Q&A session has anyone actually asked about how the effect will be produced?

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But who says they're hiding the trains? Just because they're not on show does not mean they're hiding them. Assuming they're even on site, If you were project manager, and your nice new trains arrived before they were needed, would you leave them out in the open where they could get damaged by all the construction work, or keep them safe until they're needed?


"Hide" may not have been the best choice of words but the reason why I said it was because a few days ago, Johnnyupsidedown had an update where he was invited to attend an press event and this was what he said when responding to someone asking him from another board why he didn't get a picture of the train:


Well, it wasnt for lack of effort, in fact the reason that this hard hat tour was arranged was for the people to see the trains. This tour was done by the PR department in Europe. Everybody at the tour were British, Ireland and UK media types. Sea World decided at the last moment not to let us see the trains. If I could have gotten a photo I would have. The trains are in an enclosed building and no way to see in, believe me I looked.. We even offered to leave cameras behind just to look. But as I said the park just is not ready to release that info... I was hoping and looking forward to seeing the trains and thought we would but oh well...


My question is why aren't they ready to release that info? If they are standard trains, why can't we see them. I'm not saying I'm right about this but hey I can dream can't I?


A link to his update was posted on the last page.

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^ Now I see where you're coming from - I didn't read his full report.


I guess the only other explanation may be that they're just not ready yet. Perhaps they still require some assembly / modelling / artwork (I'd guess that this is all done prior to delivery, but I don't know how these things work )

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Hey everyone!


We have some exciting photos to share with all of you! Today we were allowed to get backstage and up close with Manta to check out the progress on the rides theming, station, and get some new angles that haven't been seen before.


I'm sure by now you all know that Manta is Sea World Orlando's new B&M flying coaster that is scheduled to open on May 22nd, 2009. Got it? Good! Check out the photos...


For today's Manta construction tour Theme Park Review would be considered "Authorized personnel!"


Here we are looking up at the first drop. This is an important part of the ride therefore it comes first.


Today we bring you some never before seen angles of Manta.


Here's a good shot of the "pretzel loop" which is guaranteed to make you hungry for some German yum-yums.


Zero-Gees...through the trees!


The mid course brake has a giant "A" for "Alvey." That large building you see will house a brand new aquarium that will feature Manta Rays and other sea life.


This is the "Wing Dip" part of the ride where the train will close to the water and a simulated splash will be created towards the crowd.


This little guys simulates the "reach envelope" the riders and the train has before smacking into something. As you can see there is plenty of room!


Another look at this because...well, just because!


There has been a ton of work on the theming and the station this past week.


This lone island of palm trees kind of looks like something out of Seuss Landing for the moment!


Behold the mighty "Pretzel Loop!"


No, these are not alien artifacts they will eventually grow into rocks that will be part of the rides theming!


Once again more reach envelope testing to make sure your pretty arms and legs will be nice and safe!


Aha! Something every ride needs...that's right...a LADDER!!!


No, silly! It needs an entrance sign!


Robb: "Why do I have a flag growing out of my helmet?"


Bryan: "Do I look like an arm rest?"


Reed: "I don't know these two people."


The front section of the ride still has a long ways to go but it's looking GREAT! I'm assuming most of what you're looking at will be filled in with water.


More work being done on the rides entrance area.


Manta is really going to change the front of the park and it should be spectacular to see when you walk in!


Someday guys, you will be underwater!


Now just imagine this...but the ride is open!


Wow! This is going to be quite the impressive station.


I'm assuming this will be the exit area with the onride photo and other Manta-like goodies to buy.


Close up station shot!!!


Lots of criss-cross is good!


Looks like some speakers being installed on the lift...maybe for the rides theming?


Lots of blue track everywhere!


Rocks and other like substances are being added.


Check out our sexy hard hat crew...wait, what is going on here?




Once again, Mr. First Drop makes an appearance.


And the pretzel loop is looking very pretzely!


More track closeups!


Wow! Thems are some sexy curves!


Mega super happy Zero Gee's!


For you weld enthusiasts...here you go!


This area here I'm pretty sure will be filled in with water...and get ready for your onride photo!


Hmm...do you notice anything on those rocks?




Another cool shot of the pretzel loop.


It's like looking at the Los Angeles freeway system!


Here again is a good look at the station. It's going to be massive!


When you're at the top you'll be looking 14 stories straight down!


Hey sexy rebar rock...wanna spend the night in a cheap motel?


Let's have another look at this wing dip area. The train is going to fly through this part and it will look like the Manta Ray is scooping up water towards the crowd.




Here you can see some of the infrastructure. Soon this will all be hidden away!


Another look at the reach envelope testing for the wing dip.


These guys are laying the pipes for what I am assuming will pump water into this area and create the huge splash!


Just in case you needed another view of the pretzel loop...


This S-curve/zero g combo should be fantastic!


Seriously, can you ever have too many pretzel loop photos?


Here you can see the entrance into the mid-course brake.


"Original Pig Sock"....I just thought this thing was awesome!


There should be NO QUESTION as to what kind of food you'll get here!


From the Sky Tower, you can see the entire layout of Manta!


Birds eye view of the pretzel loop.


Overview of the wing dip.


"...yes we wore our hard hats on the Sky Tower to be extra safe!"


Thank you to Sea World for allowing us to get backstage and share these photos with the world! See you in May 2009 for Manta's opening!



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I don't know why, but for some reason the track didn't look nice and smooth or anything at all! It looks kinda... rough...er I don't know the right word for it, but just kinda sudden. It reminds me of an RCT3 ride. I can't wait to see it testing, then I'll see if the train just glides on the track smooth or shakes on it roughly. I'm sure it'll be smooth though.


But the layout looks good. It's definately unique which is great. I'm still a little mad that there's a MCBR but whatever. The second half of the ride also looks a bit lame. And I still can't really tell how the train is going to splash or whatever in the lake.


Wow, a lot of negatives! Poor Manta I'm sorry

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I don't know why, but for some reason the track didn't look nice and smooth or anything at all! It looks kinda... rough...er


And I still can't really tell how the train is going to splash or whatever in the lake.


Wow, a lot of negatives! Poor Manta I'm sorry


Looks rough! Lots of negatives! poor manta WTF!!!:angry: I'm not even going to to get started on this one lol, It's a B&M enough said rough doesn't fit into that equation.


The splash is going to be created by those white pipes you see in the trench, the train WILL NOT! touch the water, it's just an effect.


Thanks Rob great pics/update Manta looks amazing no negatives IMO, I'll be down there to ride this beauty while using my ticket I won from the universal heros contest

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I don't know why, but for some reason the track didn't look nice and smooth or anything at all! It looks kinda... rough...er I don't know the right word for it, but just kinda sudden. It reminds me of an RCT3 ride. I can't wait to see it testing, then I'll see if the train just glides on the track smooth or shakes on it roughly. I'm sure it'll be smooth though.


But the layout looks good. It's definately unique which is great. I'm still a little mad that there's a MCBR but whatever. The second half of the ride also looks a bit lame. And I still can't really tell how the train is going to splash or whatever in the lake.


Wow, a lot of negatives! Poor Manta I'm sorry


Hey man, don't wing dip on my parade. I was enjoying the hell outta those pictures. Reading your comment literally produced the tuba notes often associated with failing and/or losing at the price is right. Bwah Bwah.


Remember, thumper, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all!


Now perhaps you should say sorry to Manta for the RCT3 reference.


Awesome photos Robb! Going backstage with Manta is better than going backstage at a rock concert. I wonder how many people have thrown their bras at Manta?



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