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Questions about TPR's Front Page - Please read!

Do you regularly look at the front page?  

460 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you regularly look at the front page?

    • Yes
    • No

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

The updates of course! I love reading about your adventures around the world.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?



3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

Actually, everything is very self-explanatory but the layout could be a little different.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

Not very. I just like to see what's new.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

Every time I am on the site!


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?



7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

Maybe a direct link to your POV videos section, as you take excellent on-ride videos!


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

Not particularly fond of the color (black is a little gloomy for my taste) and the fonts but other than that, I like it.


Hope this helped and hope I wasn't too direct with some answers! Honestly, if it stayed the same, I wouldn't mind as the content is what's important!

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

1a-mostly everthing,u add the the intresting stuff and much more


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

2a-nothing really


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?



4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

4a-most of the time i never scroll down because all the new uptades are usually on the topbut when i really want 2 see something old i do scroll down.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

5a-mostly all the time i visit this site......which is all the time.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

6a-i dont remeber???


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

7a-nothing,most of the stuff u add on a daily(or more) basis is enough for


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

8a-nothing icould i could think of!???

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One more thing: I'm not too fond of how the video download section is set up. It's kind of scattered and unorganized.


I'd like to see them organized by the type of video (POV, TR, Random, ect.) or by park. It's hard to find the coaster you want to see if it's mixed in randomly with all other kinds of videos.


Even arranging it by alphabetical order would be great!


Everything else is fine with me though...

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page? It keeps me updated as to everything that is new and exciting at TPR.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


3. Is anything on the front page confusing? No.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates? Not too far.

5. How often do you look at the front page? Every time I come to the site.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link? There's a whatsnew link?

7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better? Strippers!


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc? I think I have mentioned this several times to you before. The reason I love this site is because of it's simplicity and ease of navigation. It's not cluttered or has too much going on on the home page. That makes it very inviting to a simpleton like myself. Did I mention strippers though? You can never go wrong with strippers. Oh! Crushed Velvet! It feels great as underwear. Imagine what it would do for a website? So yeah, strippers and crushed velvet. Oh! and lava lamps! They make me horny. Nothin' sells sex like strippers, crushed velvet and lava lamps. I'd buy twice as many sex toys from you all if you could find a way to fit those things into your home page.

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Hi, how are you?


Ok well let's see.


1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


-Forums updates, news and other stuff.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?




3. Is anything on the front page confusing?




4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?


-I guess, that is too far because I've seen everythings before.


5. How often do you look at the front page?


-Everyday daily but I am intersting to read.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?




7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?


-There's nothing but I can think of anything but I like it the way that is.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


-I love your sites that look much better with the color scheme and everything else is fine.


Hope that helped, Good Luck TPR and see you around.



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Just a little addition to my answers. Robb, have you considered Joomla/Mambo? It seems a CMS (Content Management System) would be a huge help in what you're trying to do in the long term. (From all these bits and pieces in your responses to this survey) And with bridging phpBB into it, user management would be seamless, all content and info is MySQL, and new features are installed on the fly. Maintenance is a breeze too.


And contrary to what a lot of people think, CMS's can be made to look like any other web site. A lot of people think they look too nerdy, but that's only because those are the ones you recognize.


Just some thoughts.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

-Quick links to the new threads, pictures, and updates.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

-There should be a bigger attraction or "Look Here!!!" to the TPR store.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?




4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

-Usually just the days I've missed.



5. How often do you look at the front page?

-Well, I have the Theme Parks forum as my home page, so I check it every now and then.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

-Very seldom.


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

-Nothing, really. Just a bigger pull to the store would be better for the site in my opinion.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

-Just what I mentioned about the store.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

The Forum Updates section.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

Not much really.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?



4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

Until I start to see updates I have already looked at.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

Every visit.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

I don't.


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

Its pretty good the way it is.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


The links to readworthy TR's.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


The special features.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?




4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?


Note at all.


5. How often do you look at the front page?


Once of twice a month.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?




7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?


Amusement park and coaster news.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


I'm not saying I can do better and I am not trying to offend you guys, but the frontpage looks kinda cheap.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

Forum Updates, New, and Other Stuff section


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

The fact that there is a column for Forum Updates, New, and Other Stuff section & then a second column for the ones that were previous. Seems a little redundant.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

My response above should answer this question....


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

I never scroll down


5. How often do you look at the front page?

Every day


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

Where is this?


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

It would be great to see the most recent updates listed in a line across (rather than down) the page and underneath where the announcements are now. Any past official updates or special features can just be a link to those. This will de-crowd the front page. Maybe a little more color? Just a thought.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

Read my response above. Keep up the amazing work on updating everyone on trips! I love to see these as they crack me up and make me want to come along with you all!!!!

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

The forum updates, news, and other stuff.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

The mailing list sign-up.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

It's kind of busy and the eye has trouble landing on one spot, however TPR has lots of content so it's understandable.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

Just far enough to check the forum updates.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

About once a week.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

I'm not sure I ever have.


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

Nothing I can think of.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

I'd like a somewhat more streamlined look to the front page. Not that it's cluttered, it's just a lot to take in at one time and seems like it could be simplified just a little somehow.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?everything


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?nothing


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?no


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?all the way down but everything is very useful


5. How often do you look at the front page?2xs a day


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?all the time


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?theme parks websites links


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc? more games and contests for prizes

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What do you find most useful about the front page?

I usually visit everyday and check for more updates in the right-hand column.


What do you find least useful about the front page?

Well, I don't really look at the "Special Features" too much anymore, because they really don't change much. I also have never used the "Search" bar. The site is easy enough to use without it.


Is anything about the front page confusing?

Not really, I have never had a problem finding anything so, no.


How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

Not very far. Since I check everyday, I just look at the new stuff at the top.


How often do you look at the front page?

Once a day, sometimes more if I really like what was posted.


How often do you click the "whats new" link?

Actually, to be honest, I don't even know where that is.


What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

More color. The black is kinda boring to me. Also, more updates with some more mounted camera POVs. I like those.


Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

I, personally, would like to see more about Six Flags parks. I haven't seen many updates from Great Adventure in a while. I see a lot of pictures from parks like Cedar Point and I don't think there's anything even going on there. Great Adventure is getting "The Dark Knight" so I'd like to see some coverage of that. As for changing anything, just colors. Everything else is perfect.




Talon at Dorney Park, PA. Just a photo I took. Can you add it to the Dorney Park gallery?

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

Easy to read and navigate, very user friendly.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

Absolutely nothing.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

Not at all.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

I scroll down far enough to see all of the sections so I can see if there's been any updates.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

Every time I come onto the site.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

There's a What's New button? I have never clicked on it.


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

Hmm, perhaps a 'Log In' section.



8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

I really dig the color scheme, I hope that stays. Everything looks great.

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I find the frontpage useful and very user friendly

but's in what's new looks the same in my opinion. (ok,it's not)


video downloads

It's very handy but also in, members only....

I visit the site almost every day, read update's enz.

I don't use park index, because i live in europe.

events i also not use.

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Just a little addition to my answers. Robb, have you considered Joomla/Mambo? It seems a CMS (Content Management System) would be a huge help in what you're trying to do in the long term. (From all these bits and pieces in your responses to this survey) And with bridging phpBB into it, user management would be seamless, all content and info is MySQL, and new features are installed on the fly. Maintenance is a breeze too.

When the new front page goes live it will be a SQL based version and at some point will integrate with the photo index pages and our updates.


The forum will most likely stay the same and mostly a seperate entity, but I would like to somehow add a user photo/video gallery, the ability to log in from the from page, and have the search include the entire site.


But that's a ways off...but yeah, I think what you're getting at is what we are working towards. It was fine to do hard coded html pages 2 to 3 years ago when the site wasn't as big as is it today, but now we need something that we can manage a bit better.


And for those of you who want some "cosmetic" changes, I have a feeling that will happen, although they will be minor, but they will 'sexy up' the site a bit more (Yes, Guy that means strippers and crushed velvet!)


At the moment the focus will be on functionality and then when we get all the pieces in place working together, we'll look into cosmetics.


Thanks again everyone!



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Ok, here's a question for all of you - What should the two columns on the front page be called? I realize they are confusing. Help us fix that!


The first column will be for TPR Updates, like when we do an update from a trip, West Coast Bash, something "major". I envision we would add to this column 2 or 3 times a month, and these are the updates that we would like to "feature" on the front page, thus we don't want them to be integrated with the 2nd column because we want them to be in position longer.


The second column is for stuff on the forum. News, trip reports, etc, etc. I see this section being updated at least every day, sometimes twice a day, occasionally 3 times a day.


Please give us your thoughts!



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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


The 'forum updates, news and other stuff' and 'official updates' sections.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


I don't tend to use much else on the front page.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?




4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?


I don't usually, unless there are a lot of new updates so I cant see them all in one go.


5. How often do you look at the front page?


Most visits, although the bookmark I have is directly to the forum.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?




7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?


Naked chicks. Ok ok nothing that I can think of at the moment.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


Leave the groovy colour scheme alone!



What should the two columns on the front page be called?


'TPR Official updates and news', and maybe the other one could be something along the lines of 'Featured Threads' since they are usually just user submitted photos etc that people might normally skip over, but choose to read as its highlighted on the front page.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

For me it is two things: To see the "big" topics being discussed, and to see any announcements that have been added


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

The only thing I guess applies for me is I usually do not scroll down past maybe 5 or so stories, so I dont find stories after that "useful"


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

Not really


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

5 or so


5. How often do you look at the front page?

I have it bookmarked, so pretty much every time I visit the site.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

Rarely. Like maybe once a month, if that.


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

Honestly, I really do not know.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

Its all good


As for the last question, maybe something like "Site Updates" and "Forum Discussions." Although honestly, if you left them as is I think it would be ok.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


The forum updates and the navigation at the top


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


Nothing really - the Special Features doesn't get updated enough Oh and I don't use the Search button


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?




4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?


All the way to the bottom


5. How often do you look at the front page?


Whenever I come onto the website - I always check for new updates on the front page if I have nothing to do at work!


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?


I've never used it before - but I would now that I know what it is and does


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?


Um... maybe the new upcoming TPR trips that are available


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


I like the layout of the front page at the moment so hopefully that will stay - apart from that no

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Well first of all, sorry if this is a bit too in depth in some places.


1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

I like that fact that the front page links you to all the main sute updates and videos that you guys have posted. It offers a great way for us to see all the new PhotoTrip Reports that have been posted by the members, and keeps us upto date with all the ThemeParkReview farting about (if thats what you call it).


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


The least useful feature of the front page is the random search bar at the top of the main page. It is a feature that i personallyhave never used, nor ever will use. As i prefer just floating around the Forums looking for stuff, rather than searching. I'm not sure how many others use it.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?


I think the Nav bar was confusing for me when i first joined. Purely because it was too small and did not stand out from the rest of the page as much as i should.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?


When ever i notice that the page looks slightly different, i know theres been an update, so i scroll down the entire page looking to see whats new. So i check the frontpage for udpates regularily.


5. How often do you look at the front page?


I look at the front page every time i log on to the site, to look at all the updates and TRs.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?


I did not even know that, that link was there until i saw this question.


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?


I would like to see a nicer and more light colour scheme and no search bar.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


I like the layout of it. But in my opinion, you need to work on the Navigation Bar and the overall colour scheme of the site.

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1. Past trips, to be able to get ideas.

2. No idea.

3. Not too bad.

4. Japan 2004 trip.

5. Almost never.

6. I clicked it for the first time just now, to see what it does

7. Since I always goes to the forum, then changing the front page wouldn't do anything for me.

8. ...

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

ANSWER : The updates are very useful and of course the link to the forums main page.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

ANSWER : Nothing.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

ANSWER : Maybe the announcments MAY be confusing sometimes but I am pretty used to it and as fas as I see it is just part of the site language.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

ANSWER : As I visit the site daily (more than once a day actually) I just look for the updates since my last visit as I know the updates I orginized from the newest (up) to the oldest.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

ANSWER : Daily, actaully every visit.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

ANSWER : Actually never did.


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

ANSWER : I would like to feel more as a community, maybe upcoming birthdays of other members may give me the sense of "family".

Also a news ticker might be nice.



8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

ANSWER : I really appreciate what you do !!!!!!!!!

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


- I like how the its always updated with the latest news. It seems to me that everytime something major happens within the themepark/coaster comunity, TPR has it on the front page that day. I also like how if someone puts effort into a really good photo TR that also gets recognised on the front page


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

- I don't really use the search function unless I want to show someone something and can't find it. Apart from that, I like the front page!


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

- Nothing at all


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

- It depnds how long I have been away for. I tend to look at all the updates I haven't seen


5. How often do you look at the front page?

- Everytime I log on.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

- I've never looked at it, I always just use the 2 columns on the front page


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

- Hmmmmm, Nothing at all!

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