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Questions about TPR's Front Page - Please read!

Do you regularly look at the front page?  

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  1. 1. Do you regularly look at the front page?

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Hey everyone!


TPR needs your help! At the moment we are working on a slight re-design of the front page. Don't worry, it's not going to be a 'drastic' change, just basically cleaning it up a little.


But before we do that, I want to get some input from all of you as to what you find useful or not. First off, take the poll and let us know if you even look at the front page or not, then answer these questions:


1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?


5. How often do you look at the front page?


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


The more people who can give us input, the better we can make the site. And if you don't have answers to all the questions, just answer the ones that are most important to you.



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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

The recent update section on the right hand side.

2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

I only use it to see the most recently updated thread.

3. Is anything on the front page confusing?


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

I don't scroll down at all

5. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

Didn't know there was one

6. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

Girls??? ... Food??? ... Girls with food on rollercoasters!!!

7. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/etc?


I like the site the way it is, can't think of anything else.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


-It usually showcases the best of what's floating around TPR.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


-Maybe older updates? I don't actually visit the front page that often though, so I'm probably not one to say.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?


-Not really. It's fairly straight forward in my opinion.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?


-Usually just a tad to see if there is anything particularly recent that I might not have caught on the forums yet.


5. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?


-I'm slightly embarrassed to say that I didn't even know what exactly it consisted of until you asked this question and I clicked to find out.


6. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?


-Again, I don't actually go to the front page as much as I probably should anymore, so I don't really have complaints. I've always thought it was nice and simple though.


7. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/etc?


-The special features sections seems a little out of place. Would it be possible to do three columns on the front page? Would that make it look too cluttered?

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^ Thank you!


The more people who can give us input, the better we can make the site. And if you don't have answers to all the questions, just answer the ones that are most important to you.





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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

All the regular updates you put on there Robb


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

I hardly use the 'search' bar


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

Sometimes I find the the individual update boxes 'merge' making them looking cluttered to the view. Perhaps just a thicker border around each box. Thats the only thing.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

All depends on how long it has been since I viewed the front page & the updates posted. I look at the front page most times I visit TPR.


5. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

I was gonna say what "Whats new" link - but I did know it was there. Hardly ever Robb - Sorry !


6. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

Mainly my comment on #3


7. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/etc?

Perhaps RSS feeds ? Go straight to item of interest

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5. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?


-I'm slightly embarrassed to say that I didn't even know what exactly it consisted of until you asked this question and I clicked to find out.

The funny thing about it is that I'm finding that most people don't know it's there, but it does contain like EVERY update we've done since 2001!



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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

The recent updates section


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

It's all pretty relevant, but Id have to say "special features" because it's updated the least


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?



4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

I check the site quite often so not very far


5. How often do you look at the front page?

At least once a day because I have it bookmarked instead of the forums


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

Almost never


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

There's really nothing I can think of


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

I like how you have the column for "unofficial" updates from the forums alongside the official updates column from you guys

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


The forum news and updates


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?




3. Is anything on the front page confusing?




4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?


Not to far, most of the time something catches my eye in the forum news and updates so I don't scroll down to often.


5. How often do you look at the front page?




6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?


Today is the first time


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?


Nothing, I like it the way it is.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc



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1. The "forum updates, news, and other stuff" section lets me see wanted information quickly.

2. The "special features" section doesn't get very many updates.

3. The layout of the front page is a little confusing because it gives you a lot of info at one time

4. I hardly ever scroll down far enough to see the "special features" section.

5. Every day.

6. Never (but I probley should).

7. Make the forums more easily accessible.

8. I can't think of anything right now, but if I do, I'll be sure to post them.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

The links to updates.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?



3. Is anything on the front page confusing?



4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

All the way to the bottom.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

Multible times a day.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

Not much.


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

Show the last 5 posts in the forum sections.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


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1: Tells me some interesting stuff about TPR. Especially good PTRs that I may pass as I browse the main forums.


2: That the Special Features hasn't changed much...


3: Not really. Only on the TPR Massive PTR pages where I get a little confused as on which page I was browsing at the time.


4: Sometimes to the bottom when I haven't looked at it in a very long while. But since I'm looking at it a little more frequently I don't have to go far before seeing familliar pictures.


5: More frequently nowadays (once a week or so).


6: Not at all.


7: New Videos from Exclusive and Amatures forums.


8: So far seems ok. Just the New Videos column.



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Me thinks we should get a bag o crap if we go in depth.


1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

Forum Updates, News, and Other Stuff. I like to look around and see if anything sparks my interest, and sometimes, I spend countless minutes browsing through past threads & PTR's & such.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

The Search bar. I have always hated the search bar of this site. I type in a certain park/ride, and thousands of results show up, in threads that have nothing to do with my search task.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

Not really, again just the search bar for me.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

All the way down usually, but I don't visit the main TPR page that much.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

Once every month or so. I have the forums bookmarked, not the page.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

I honestly don't think I ever have. *I should try it now*


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

I would like to see a new look that is more modern looking. I mean I love the original TPR look, but I think it could use a "Looks" upgrade. A facelift basically. . .


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

I don't think so. I'd just like to contribute that I view this site everyday, and that you guys do such a fabulous job maintaining it & keeping it a great place!

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

How there is a picture AND summery for each item.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

I dont think I've ever used the search tab.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

Usually just a few topics since I'm here often.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

Every time


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

I have to say, never!


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

Perhaps a section just for new videos.

Both yours and some users?


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

I've always thought official and forum updates could be merged, since

most of the times they are the same.

Perhaps non forum updates could go in special features.


Good luck with the tweaks.

Change is great!

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. What do you find most useful about the front page?

Forum Updates


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

I think the first Nav Bar (what`s new, park index....) is really to small. I`ve often searched for some of the informations which are linked their.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

I only scroll down if I`ve too much time to spend - and that`s not very often


5. How often do you look at the front page?



6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

Never - it is faster to go directly to the forum


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

USA/Germany friendship flag Just kidding - the frontpage is nearly perfect


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

Don`t change to much. TPR is really simple to navigate and the frontpage is easy to handle - that`s really good!

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


The Forum Updates


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


The "Welcome to Theme Park Review" box.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?


It just seems cluttered


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?


With a 1920 x 1200 resolution, what ever is on the page.


5. How often do you look at the front page?


All the time, I have it bookmarked instead of the forums.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?




7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?


Cant think of anything off the top of my head.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


I know you like your color scheme, but it looks cluttered with that combined with some on the fonts.


I would like the navigation at the top of the page to be more profound. It is currently "squeezed" and "hidden" there. The "welcome to..." adds to that illusion.


Have you considered redoing the TPR logo (in terms of the back round and quality of the image)

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

- The forum and official update sections and just knowing what's hot on the site.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

- Some of the "special features" which don't seem to change


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

- The proximity of the search bar to the mailing list bar messes me up sometimes. It sounds stupid but there are occasions where I don't know which bar to go to.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

- Not very, to about where the official update and forum update sections reach the top of the screen.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

- Every time I visit the site because that's where my bookmark is set.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

- Rarely if ever. It's not really what's new, it's more like "what was new" or a running log of stuff.


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

- I don't know how technically it can be done, but something like a randomizer for the special features section that randomly picks some of the big updates on the site. I do think that if a big update just randomly came up, it's be a draw enough to recall bits of it and revisit the update.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

- I'd probably change the name of the special features section to something like "big updates" or "best of TPR". This really isn't really a front page thing, besides a link of it appearing on the front page, but I'd also think the addition of some sort of primer to TPR might be a welcome addition. Just a simply page for people who are new to TPR saying "Welcome. How are ya? So you're new here. Well, this is who we are. Hey, you might wanna look here, oh and check this one out too. It's awesome." and linking to what you, or the group, feel are some of the best TRs we have. Something like that. I think the current set up might be a little imposing for people just finding the site. Maybe even add a podcast...ok so that's stretching it a little bit.

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1. The most useful thing about the front page is the front page itself. It helps me stay up on all the major events and announcements.


2. Nothing.


3. Nothing.


4. Not very far unless i think I missed something important or am just looking for past updates I need to see again.


5. I have the front page bookmarked, so everytime I get on, I see it.


6. I've maybe clicked on it once or twice to see things that are no longer on the main page.


7. There's nothing more I'd really add except maybe a place to log in on the front page instead of having to go to the forums first.


8. I think the front page is pretty much fine as it is.

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I haven't posted much on the forums, but I've been looking at the main page a lot since I first saw this site.


1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

-the fact that it shows all the updates and the best photo TRs from the forum


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

-search button.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

-no, it's simple to navigate


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

-all the way down, I like rereading past updates that I liked.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

-Everytime I come to the site... (it's the page I bookmarked)


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

-I'll be honest. I've clicked on it twice, and both times were on accident.


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

-No. I like it the way it is.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

-Keep the forum updates like it is, please. I really like that feature, especially since those are always "high-quality" for trip reports.


Hope that helped.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

- I have a bookmark directly to the main page, and come on often enough that all I usually have to check is "Forum Updates, News and Other Stuff", along with "Official Updates" sometimes, and I usually just glance at them to see if anything new is happening.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

- Like a lot of other have said, I haven't really seen anything new on the "Special Features" section.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

- Not really, no, although when I first joined I didn't really understand the difference between "Announcements", "Official Updates", and "Forum Updates", although I was kind of new to the idea of forums anyway.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

- I check often, so almost none at all.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

- Every time I check the site (usually at least once a day), as I have my bookmark on that page, and not the forum.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

- I'm with the group that didn't really know it existed.


8. Anything else you would like to mention?

- Not much, but I don't want to see any changes in color scheme.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


Not having pop-up ads! Also, just the basic layout works really well.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


Can't really think of anything.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?




4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?


Depends on how long it has been since my last trip to the site. Most days I check the site several times a day so I just see if there is anything new and then click on the forum link. I will very rarely scroll down to the bottom of the page.


5. How often do you look at the front page?


Just about every time I visit the site. My bookmark is linked to the front page.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?


I'm in the crowd that didn't know it existed.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


I combined this with Question 7 because my answer is the same. I like everything the way it is.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

- Its not cluttered with crap and banner ads



2. What do you find least useful about the front page?

- Nothing, really. Its very space-efficient



3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

- Not really


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

- Don't you know that most people won't scroll?


5. How often do you look at the front page?

- Probably daily if not more


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

- Pretty often, BUT, its usually to look up a past update ironically enough. Like just in the past few days I used it to look up Derek's Oktoberfest trip and Scott/Beemerboy's Cedar Point TR from last year... if I know when it was posted to the front page thats usually the quickest way to find it


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

- porn.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

- there should be an email dan button on the front page

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

I enjoy that the news worthy forum topics are easily available.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

getting to the rest of the forum pages. link is a tad bit too small


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

I'm normally regularly viewing the page, so rarely, because i know what's going on.... for the most part


5. How often do you look at the front page?



6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

i too didn't know this existed.


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

color! bigger pictures. nothing so 'boxy'.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

maybe it's just me... but an option to always attach the signature. i've tried figuring if there was a way to do it.. maybe i'm just that computer illiterate. new smilies! just a few. not too many new ones! i love the site other wise. good job guys!

edit: maybe new profile options?! i don't know what you can and can't do.. but thought i'd throw my ideas out anyway.

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