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Photo TR: A TPR Christmas - Well, Early Christmas!


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Chris you are still a WUSS......Dude the Hoffman girl was more manly then you.......hahahaha...We still love you Chris.


But the wings love the wings....


I need to come up there again, remember you can come visit me too:)


Casey"Ya know I never looked to see if the ceiling was high enough when I put Joey on my shoulders"Childers

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I had such an amazing time! I just want to thank everyone who could make it, and To the Alvey's who not only produce one of the cutest kids I've ever met, but to being such awesome hosts and just amazing friends!


Enough ass kissing, who wants to try my bondage kit?

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Funny thing is, I actualy won tickets to see the Kings play the Tteenneessee whachamacallems tomorrow. So I'm still gonna get to see the Kings game for free.


Ha Ha! Jokes on you! Wait a minute! I didn't get to go to the party. Well F^@K! Hang on... ...well... ...uhhhh... ...I still get to see the Kings play! Blah!

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I enjoyed your update. I get a little sentimental when I look at your pictures of the Southern California parks. Kidtums gets cuter everyday!

To answer your question about which roller coaster at Magic Mountain goes under water twice that would be The Gold Rusher. The oldest, still operating, coaster in the park. I remember riding it back in 1974. It's still one of my favorites!

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  robbalvey said:
  orangecats2 said:
I love Jahan...thanks for the pics...if only I was 10 years younger...and not engaged!

There's nothing wrong with having Jahan on the side!


Really--what's a bacon cheeseburger without the French fries?

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  Guy T. Koepp said:

Funny thing is, I actualy won tickets to see the Kings play the Tteenneessee whachamacallems tomorrow. So I'm still gonna get to see the Kings game for free.


Nashville Predators.


The team that should have been bought and relocated back to Canada.

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"...is six flags taking out riddlesrs revenge and/or freefall and/or deja vu?" (californiascreamer1)


Riddler's Revenge isn't going anywhere, Deja Vu may not, but Freefall is definitely on Death Row. In fact, I read one place that it's already gone, but can't confirm it.



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  californiascreamer1 said:
Cool TR


I wasent paying attention, is six flags taking out riddlesrs revenge and/or freefall and/or deja vu? I think it would be a waste to get rid of riddler because its one of the best rides there.


Just wondering

Here's a tip...


Next time *READ* the trip report...


(Right under the Free Fall photo)

"Hey Joey...I'm on Death Row"


So yeah, you were right...you weren't paying attention.



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  Benjamin LOVES ROLLER COA said:


I was looking at a used ride website and free fall was for sale. so is de ja vu

I thought i might let you in on that....

Yes, we are all well aware. There was a thread about this exact thing not too long ago.


Just because a ride is listed for sale on an independant used rides website doesn't mean it's safe from demolition.


For example, Flashback was also listed for sale on that exact same website along with Deja Vu and Freefall and it is currently being demolished for scrap metal.


BTW - It was SFOG and SFGam's Deja Vus that were for sale.



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