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'Cloverfield' movie thread


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I know this was a while ago, but before the movie Transformers, there was a very peculiar preview for a movie without a title. The trailer can be seen here:


Now titled 'Cloverfield', producer J. J. Abrams has released minimal information about the film. Only a release date, and a second trailer have been released.

Trailer 2


This is a thread to discuss the movie, what we think it is, etc.


To begin, what do you guys think the creature is?

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Does anyone read Chinese symbols? If so, find the picture with the guy holding the platter and shake it. If you can read the first line, you're awesome. I'm assuming it's a recipe, but I don't know.


And judging by the clip in the Theatrical (#2) trailer, the monster doesn't look as big as I though it was going to be. I was picturing it King Kong-big, not Sasquatch-big.

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I hate when people think the guy says "it's a lion!" in the trailer. No he didn't say its a lion you fudging d****bag he said "it's alive", maybe you just need a hearing check. The monster is going to be something original, not Godzilla or Cthulhu or Gamera or a lion or Hilary Clinton.


But anyway, I saw a poster for it at my local movie theatre when I went to see "I Am Legend" the other day, I got fairly excited. Can't wait!

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Possible spoilers ahead:







Dark Horizons


Reports yesterday of there being small raptor-like monsters appearing in the big J.J. Abrams-produced monster movie opening in January are correct it seems. Two agency sources today have sent along the following confirmed MAJOR SPOILER tidbits from the highly anticipated release:

- All the monsters are carnivores and eat people throughout.

- The smaller monsters grow from scales shed by the big monster.

- There is no back story as such like for "Godzilla" or "The Host", the big one simply emerges and the present script draft has it ultimately vanishing back into the sea.

- Also don't expect much in the way of survivors at the end, literally anyone can be killed at any time, including the leads.


Real Cloverfield monster video:


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It’s Voltron vs. Godzilla.

(Better then nipples on the bat suit)


Minus the shaky cam pov (which is how the whole movie is shot) it might have been fun if they could have tossed some level camera video also. I thought the Blair witch sucked and most likely with this whole movie being in that concept I have to expect the same unless somehow the guys pov who is recording it happens to have a tripod as he’s running around town trying to get away from Godzilla.


Seems cheesy, and I’m tired of poor NY always getting the boot. Time to lay out LA or something.


And yes with the parasite idea, raptor like not exactly. In one of the previews you can see the shadow of one of the smaller creatures attacking someone behind a white sheet. (I won't give it away tho.)


“It’s a lion” Was the Voltron joke going around for a while, long time back. Now they just say it to screw with the die hard people who can’t get girl friends, or take a joke. (Just letting you know how it started)


** "The Happening" with Marky Mark. Looks to be another of this type of movie minus the hand cam.. (Shyamalan)


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(Better then nipples on the bat suit)


Minus the shaky cam pov (which is how the whole movie is shot) it might have been fun if they could have tossed some level camera video also.


Ain't nothing better than bat suit nipples!


I agree with the documentary shaky camera style, absolutely hate it! Bad enough when they do it on TV, on a movie screen, makes me want to hurl. Love me a good giant lizard flick, but I'll probably pass on this one just because I know the extreme shaky cam work will ruin any fun for me.

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^I thought the shakiness was only for the trailer?


Ah, I was exited about this movie for awhile but now it just looks like those huge buildups that is just going to be a letdown. I am curious to see what the monster is going to look like though........

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Spoiler.. Heres the first image release of the monster.

Don't scroll down if you don't want to see it.


And yes the whole movie is shot like the trailer, pov. The only good thing I could think of is this.

Unknown cast, check.

Cheap way to film, check.

Apply money in the special fx, maybe "But doubt it, studios are so cheap"


I'm just looking forward to Indy, Batman, and Iron Man right now.


















NY is screwed..


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  • 3 weeks later...
And yes with the parasite idea, raptor like not exactly. In one of the previews you can see the shadow of one of the smaller creatures attacking someone behind a white sheet. (I won't give it away tho.)


I originally thought that too, until one of the TV spots show that the things behind the sheet are 2 guys in Haz-Mat suits escorting a women away. Right before you see the sheet, you can hear someone say "she was bitten," or something like that, and there is a quick shot of a woman and her face is blue.


This movie is going to be awesome, whoever said the monster isn't going to be that big, look closely at any of the previews when they show and empty street and it looks like part of the building if falling. If you pause it at the right time, you can see the back of the monster, and its as big as the buidling.

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Yay! Cloverfield is coming to theaters this Friday! Too bad that's the day that I leave for my church's Winter Camp. Maybe I'll have a little party and go to it with my friends or something.


Oh, and I have absolutely no information on the movie, besides the commercials with the Slusho (You can't drink just six!), they have SOME connection to the movie. And I think I already said this.

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Seeing it tonight!


The monster is rumored to be tentacled. And the small monsters are supposedly spider-like; the bite from them causes you to inflate until you explode.


Some of this is kinda true and some is not, but I won't say which. ...don't want to give anything away.

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Of if you're interested just go to themoviespoiler.com and read the full description as well as see pix of the monster!


Looks good, but I'm really concerned if I see the movie I'll get nauseous from the damn blair witch style crap!

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