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Kennywood (KW) Discussion Thread

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Well, technically the dates where CoasterCon is at Kennywood are June 20-23, but with the park now saying Sky Rocket is slated to open June 25, I'd be willing to bet there might be an ERT session on it (perhaps Thursday night?). It just makes me laugh, because he was so adamant that it had no chance of being open in time for the Con. Not saying there will be any chances for people to ride before the 25th, but it's not as preposterous of an idea as he made it sound.


I'm just stoked that the opening is now just a little over a week away! WOOT!!!

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Because parks have NEVER done a soft opening of a ride not open to the public yet for a large enthusiast event. Not saying it will happen, but it is within the realm of possibility. I'm just glad it's finally opening so when I get back from Jamaica maybe I can plan a trip out there...

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According to Kennywood's Facebook-
Finally, the news you've been waiting for! As long as we don't have any unexpected delays, Sky Rocket will open to the public on Friday, June 25!


I like how it says will open to the GP on the 25th so that means it could be open for us on the 23rd for ERT!!!

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Im at coaster con and it is suppose to open on the 25th but they announced that it might be part of ert before we leave on wednesday. I also watched it testing and i can say it has to be one of the quietest coasters i have heard. The launch was fast quiet and smooth. I hope they have it ready for atleast one ride.

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^^Agreed....the brakes before the second drop are behaving exactly as I pictured they would now. Looks like they've been doing some work to adjust it just right.


After seeing that POV, I am even more ecstatic with this addition to Kennywood! The ride looks awesome in action, and I absolutely cannot wait to ride this bad boy next week!! The pacing and variety of elements look fantastic, and the 2 drops look sweet as well.


Bring on the 29th!

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^ Yeah I noticed that too. Oh well, some people only know how to complain or speculate...


So there are no drive tires on this coaster? I mean obviously it's LSM driven through the launch, but I would have expected a rudimentary form of transport for the brake run and station. I'm just curious if it's just gravity bringing the train back to the station or if LSMs are doing it.

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^ Yeah I noticed that too. Oh well, some people only know how to complain or speculate...


So there are no drive tires on this coaster? I mean obviously it's LSM driven through the launch, but I would have expected a rudimentary form of transport for the brake run and station. I'm just curious if it's just gravity bringing the train back to the station or if LSMs are doing it.


There are drive tires in the station (I think there might also be one just before it), but the brake run is all gravity.

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You mean to say that they finished the queue in time to open Sky Rocket for Coaster Con! I'm in shock! I thought it would take at least another six months.


They gave ACErs 1 lap each, the ride still won't open for another week, so obviously something's not ready.

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I was on the first train out and i sat in the last row. The ride is so smooth and quiet. I didnt feel any air time but thats not what it was built for. I like the way it goes out of the station and right into the launch. The holding brake at the top of the hill doesnt hold it as long as it looks when your watching it. It is a really short ride though only about a min long. All in all think it is a perfect fit for KW.

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^^ It's probably aesthetic related because anything major would have prohibit the ACErs from riding. At least that's my theory.


I am looking forward to riding this come Julyish, but I am still wanting to see how the Phantom rides with the modified track on the second hill and I; of course, need my Pitt Fall fix.

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